since the current one (which i'm still questing for!) is like off the wall expensive... sweatdrop
here's like a sub-quest one confused if i never make it to the current one or if i'm dying for a new look or something like that... sweatdrop so yea. jus want to show it cus it look cute, simple and cooooozy whee

Item List:
Brownie Ribbon Skirt
Emo Glasses
Gold PomPom Scarf
Light Tanbark Leg Warmers
Red Sketchbook
Tan Peasant Gloves
Warm Dress Starter Shirt
Warm Dress Starter Shoes
Estimated Total: 7,019 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 03 November 2006)
minus the things i already have is
Estimated Total: 5,626 Gold