type: commision
style:FF Logo(body)
SD Anime(Gradient)

notes: He's the Leader of the Gaian Royal Army wink
total cost: 5k
Username: Masco

Style: SD
Note: I'd like a copy with the logo and without the logo. I'd be willing to pay extra, of course.
I'd like my gradients to be between different shades of blue, as in light blues and dark blues. Blacks and grays are fine to add in too.
You can mess with the sword posing if you like, I think I'll let you control that aspect. You can do it like you did with Swift's example, if you like. If you don't think that'd work, then I'd like you to also you to make the star on my shoulder throw off an aura, sorta like you did in the Delicieuse example.
I'd also like you to draw my hair like this. I can't explain it very well xd
I'd also like you to show me what it looks like uncolored, so I make sure the posing's right.
I'll give you the base price right now, and I'll add more as I see fit.
If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me. I'll try to check the thread daily 3nodding
Username: Prince of Cats

Style: SD fullbody. 3nodding
Note: I would love if you could add a calico kitten into it to represent this: [X] Will pays extras. 3nodding
[b]Username: Cataphote
Reference: *would u draw OC? I'd like to have chibi of Whew
Look at d first row. Please draw d 5th line x< Here's d samples of d chara... [x][x]
Please go to this thread for information... X
Style: SD
Note: Please let me know if u don't do OC. I'll send trade after ur confirmation. N u could apply to draw another chara in addition smile
Username: Queeny-Chan

Style: SD, at least I think that's whut I've been ordering 3nodding
Note: Again, could I please have it in a ballet type stance? And she is wearing underwear, but you just can't see it XD
Username: Sayanee

Style: SD
-----------------------------Waiting List
Username:x Lightning Ninja x

Style: sd
Note: have fun with it xD
Username: Dark Super Sonic

Current one. And with it saying ‘DSS’ somewhere, since that’s my nickname.
Style: SD please.
Note: N/A
Username: [Q]

Collar's optional. If possible, make the angelic silver with green gem?
Style: SD
Hair is grey, eyes are green, tail is black. Red/black is kind of a hard color combo (for your gradient) so if you don't want to do that, I'd like greys or greens & greys with maybe some black.
Your choice. 3nodding
Username: Delicieuse

Style: SD~
Note: A list of items I want:
Gold/light green tiara thing
The white shirt/tunic
The bath towel skirt thing
As usual, feel free to take off/add anything you want~ x)
Community Member