Username: ll Paisley ll

Basically me as i am in a really cool pose biggrin
Style: Action SD, similar to the blue shaded one. [could be a purple-ish theme tho.]
Note: Whats the link to your profile pic? I could code you a basic profile using that if you want.
total: 8k
-ask if still wants ll Paisley ll OR Jumps The Rope-
Username: Sennari

Style: SD
Note: You can exclude the egg if you wanna :3 and can my username be in it like in your samples? ^^
total: 8k
Username: sai sai sainara
his name is hachi~
this is the outfit i'd like him in~ just a t-shirt and ripped jeans/sneakers w/ the strawberry hair-clip. he also has 2 belts, one is just black and the other one is a studded one~
and could you have him be smoking from a long-drag like item? and he also wears a studded collar and lots of silver bracelets
here are some more samples of him
Style: Realistc Full Body
Note: i have been lurking in this place since it first opened >.>
i'm excited slots are open again >w</
total: 15k+tip
Username: [.TwilightRain.]

Style: SD
Note: Feel free to simplify or interpret items however you please :3.
total: 8k + tip
Username: II Bluebell Rose II
