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Please read at own risk - and perhaps bring a pair of plant clippers.

Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
It's been a week or two since I started the low FODMAPS diet after seeing my new dietitian at Green Apple Wellness Centre. But so far, it is not going well. Even the foods that are low in FODMAPS or eaten in small enough amounts to keep them low, a lot of them are reacting badly when I try them out. Milk is a huge no no. I had 1 cup of gluten free cornflakes with 250mls of lactose free milk and I was in agony! My insides were burning and searing with pangs of pain. I also felt tired and sluggish and just sick in general so that wasn't fun. I was popping Imodium and Panadol to help get through that.

Then yesterday, I tried half of a banana and it caused an instant bad reaction with severe IBS episode. The mashed potatoes with a little salt and butter and a wee bit of BBQ sauce likewise came to get revenge at 3:40am this morning. So it's been rather rocky, to say the least. Oh and I tried making a gluten free sandwich with lettuce, tomato, slice of cheese and 2 slices of ham along with some Nuttelex buttery. But that made me sick as well.

I can't really do the diet properly if I can't even eat most of the things on the safe list. Even when I stick to the low FODMAPS amounts. So this has been a bit frustrating and disappointing. I'm low on energy from the attacks, so I've fallen behind on my rps again.

Today, I went to the chemist once I'd slept in (since I was feeling awful inside and out after the 3am nasty wake up call), and I got some more Estelle 35 (for PCOS), some more packs of Imodium, glasses wipes. Then went next door to Woolworths to grab some more food that I know I can eat without ibs attacks. I got a loaf of Tip Top gluten free smooth wholegrain (they're always sold out of white sandwich, it's popular), and some chocolate, green grapes that taste like cotton candy (fairy floss) and some other small things. I had 6 of the grapes when I got home and they really did taste similar to cotton candy! I want to eat more but the guide says any more than 6 at a time is going over the limit.

I started to feel better sipping water this afternoon, was dehydrated. And then when I had some toast and the grapes, my nausea, pain etc subsided a lot. But unfortunately, I'm still pretty zonked from it all. I'm thinking I might have to take photos of my food log and show them to the dietitian to say 'this is how it's going'. She did say that the diet doesn't work for everyone.

If things don't improve by the end of the next 5 weeks, I hope that the hypnotherapy option is good. I really want my health and freedom back. I made an appointment with my new GP for Monday morning, to follow up on some of the dietitian's reccommendations. She told me about these digestive enzymes called Creon that might help. And some other stuff I can't remember right now. Oh yeah, check my pancreas because I have a fat malabsorption issue and it could be signs of pancreatitis. And I haven't tried Inner Health Plus Gastro yet. Worth a shot to try those probiotics. I did have some from Amway but I ran out a while back. They seemed to help.

Anyway, all my rps are due replies and I haven't been able to post even on the easy ones. But I should be able to tomorrow. Since I got more 'safe food' until my groceries arrive tomorrow afternoon or most likely Friday.

I want my life and health back so I can do more of what I love. And eventually make that GMFC inspired breedables rp shop I've wanted to for so long now. My friend Kurai is rping with me again with my Curio baby but she is also very slow, slower than me, so it's gonna take its sweet time to grow her lol. I love her so much. She's very special to me.

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