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Please read at own risk - and perhaps bring a pair of plant clippers.

Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
Dietitian Visit Today
I had my appointment with Loretta the dietitian at Green Apple Wellness and we are going to put me on a low FODMAPS diet for 6 weeks to see if it will settle down my GI tract.

If that doesn't work, there are other options to try. She sent me a quick reference list to help check safe foods and what portion to have them in, as well as a symptoms and foods journal to track my 6 week diet. She also mentioned getting some things checked, such as my pancreas, and referred to digestive enzymes named Creon. Multivitamins and checking calcium intake as well.

She gave me the link to the Monash website about FODMAPS too. And there's an app for mobile phone as well.

I am going to refer to the list when putting my online grocery order in on Thursday this week. She said that during the first week, there might be more reactions but that it should taper down after a week or two.

So for these 6 weeks, I might be sore and tired more, and having more IBS attacks to start with, or even the entire time, but will find out. I want to reply on my rps but they might have to wait until I have the energy and health to do so.

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