So...I realised I have a bit of an addiction to watching videos on my phone at night. Tonight I'm going to put it down much earlier and then try to sleep earlier, so I can reset my sleep schedule.
I am planning to clean the birdbath when it cools down a bit outside, because it's another hot day. I ran out of energy to do it a few days ago. I also still need to vacuum so I will do that too. Got to keep on top of the housework so it doesn't get too much for me.
I am not feeling that well atm. So I made a doctors appointment for Friday morning, finally remembering to do a morning one so I can get an Uber home more easily after the visit is over. I want to see if dr can diagnose what's going on with something that's happening to me and hopefully he can prescribe a medicine that will clear it up.
I am so looking forward to doing my grocery order tomorrow. I'm very sick of only having super bland, safe foods. It can't be good to not have fruit and vegetables as well. So I might get multivitamin gummies from the chemist after I see the dr. I am planning to look at the FODMAPS guide when shopping online for my groceries so that I can try some of the supposedly safe to have fruit and veg on the safe side. And I'll be trying to steer away from processed foods a bit.
I want to do rp posts but I don't have much energy and feel tired/sleepy. I only have a few to reply to now that are overdue. But I won't push myself and will take it easy so I don't overdo it. Because I feel a little ill and I have slightly sore insides too.
I didn't get up till around 1pm today, which is bad. Chi was as patient as she could be. She knocked some things off my side table and hung off the curtain behind my bed with her claws (naughty!), and then curled up to sleep near my stomach, which was like having a cuddle with her, so that was nice. Then she started meowing so I got up.
My mental health was bad a few days ago. I don't always think rationally or clearly when that happens. I have to not message people when I feel very emotional and out of order. It's often embarrassing and I feel bad for making them read weird stuff. I think it's a bit better today. I still had some depression yesterday but it's been lifting. There's nothing to really be depressed about so I think it's just a chemical imbalance in my brain at times. My body is all haywire right now, after all. It does crazy stuff.
I am doing a big load of laundry to hang out. Laundry is my favourite house chore. It's kind of relaxing. And it smells nice once it's dry.
![]() Kasumi Roseglimmer Community Member ![]() |