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Please read at own risk - and perhaps bring a pair of plant clippers.

Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
Home Safety Hotline Game
Everything I eat is making me sick, just about. I decided that as soon as I get paid next week, I'm going to the doctor for some allergy and food sensitivity tests because I need to know exactly and specifically what to avoid. So I can stop setting off IBS attacks. Just had a bad one earlier. Seems to be in a flare up right now, which means super sensitive to things I otherwise can tolerate.

I'm gonna just stick to the things that I know don't cause grief, such as potato, gluten free items, rice, oats etc. The La Zuppa soup which is gluten, garlic and onion free.

I have no energy so I'm watching Gab Smolders' lets play of Home Safety Hotline and loving it. There's a new DLC she got for it too, which I'm excited to see. I'm rewatching the main game 'cause it's so good. I recommend it to anyone who love fae or faeries, their lore and so on.

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