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Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
Recovery Day
Okay so I was up late with bowel issues and it was not fun. It carried on a long time. I am going to the chemist on Monday to restock imodium and Pantoprazole, among other things.

I slept in late and I'm sore and tired, as though my insides fought a long battle. But I'm sure my energy levels will start to come up again so long as I don't eat anything to set my IBS off again. Goodbye cheese. I loved you and I will miss you. But it's not worth being sick for a whole day.

I might try goat cheese. Maybe. I'm a bit wary of my body not liking that either. I haven't been able to hand in a certain sample that the QML lab is waiting on because I haven't been able to leave my house the past 2 weeks. But next week, I hope to so I can get the ball rolling on two referrals the GP gave me, one being the dietitian. I am clearly not managing my diet too well on my own. It is a big, confusing puzzle. Sometimes I can eat some things and be fine and the next time I eat them again, boom, reaction. It's unpredictable and confusing. Enough trying to figure out this puzzle on my own. I gotta get some help from an expert. And hopefully she'll help me look a FODMAPS again. Since some things that seem to be safe on there, I actually can't handle.

It sucks being sick and tired all the time so I'm going to complain a bit just to indulge in self pity right here in my journal. I really like fruit but it seems all fruit messes up my tummy due to the amounts of fibre and fructose in it atm.

Hmm, what else? Well, I hope I can start posting on rps again really soon. I have some energy drinks in the fridge but sometimes they set off my IBS, again, so...not gonna risk it right now. Wait till I have a few good days and build up my stamina again. Sometimes I have a Dr Pepper instead. Gives a good 2-3 hours of energy.

I'm trying to be more active on Gaia but today I'm just too sleepy. I think I'll listen to the new episode of Kowabana while doing a jigsaw puzzle on Jigsaw Planet, online. That's relaxing. Idk, I might hop off here and go rest in my room and listen to it while I play Animal Crossing on silent.

It's been cooler the past 2-3 days and today. Lots of storms and rain, which I am loving. So nice. And this afternoon, while I was resting in bed, Chi came and cuddled up against my stomach on top of the covers. It was so nice, I got to 'cuddle' with her for quite a while and it was a special moment that I cherished. She doesn't normally cuddle. We have forced cuddles where I pick her up and put her on my chest and then pet her and coo at her. But she only tolerates them for like, maybe 5 minutes, lol. I can sometimes cuddle Possy if I can catch her off guard enough to be able to pick her up, but she doesn't like them either. She is a squirmy worm until I put her back down. They all love to be petted and get scritchies at the base of their tails, under their chins and along their backs, though. Possy has been getting bolder and bolder these days, actually hopping up onto the bed to poke me and meow at me and receive pets and scratches under her chin. She used to always run away if I reached out to pet her while she was on the bed. She still does sometimes. She has to be in the mood for attention. I'm not sure why she was poking me earlier today. I think they worry about me when I sleep late. They all wait for me to wake up, or else poke me awake with their claws, attack my feet, jump on me etc.

Anyway, here's hoping that this recovery day and the following days will restore my health and energy to where I can actually function, and do the things I love, which is rping.

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