Before I discovered that I myself am nonbinary, I never really thought much about it even though I've heard of it and have many friends and acquaintances that are. With how I am mentally, the best way for me to learn something new and for it to stick is by experience. I realize that I've always had a fancy for nonbinary and that it's what I've always been.
For those who are still learning what all these gender things mean, like my friends from other countries who's first language isn't English, I will explain as best as I can. :3
First and foremost, gender is not the same as sex. Sex is regarding the sexual organs while gender is a nonphysical construct which determines how someone is treated and how they present themself. This imo is a negative construct that shouldn't exist. Now some edgelords will say rude things like "gender is stupid" or "nonbinary (or whatever else) isn't real." Obviously, they're just being assholes but there is merit to what they're saying in that regard. Lets dissect this. xD
I just said how gender is a construct, meaning it is something people made up and isn't a natural, already existent thing. In a sense the original construct for gender is stupid. The original construct was sexist saying "men are to be the bread winners and women should stay at home" etc. That is outdated and in today's standards holds no real merit.
So in that sense, the edgelords are correct, however, that's not what they mean when they say such things. What they're doing is attempting to belittle us by telling us how we choose to identify is irrelevant or stupid. That is obviously wrong as gender is important and very relevant in terms of how individuals like myself choose to identify. That being said, gender is and isn't relevant. It just depends on which sense you are referring to it as.
The old gender construct, is irrelevant, sexist and doesn't have much logic to it.
Modern gender constructs are relevant and are very important for self identifying and showing respect to those with specific pronouns. And if one doesn't respect that, they're simply an idiot and should be avoided until they grow up if they even do.
Lastly, a person's sex is irrelevant regarding what gender they choose to identify as.

Now lets get into what exactly nonbinary means. This is when someone, like myself does not identify as male or female. It can be neither, learning towards one more than the other, or a mix of both. I myself am more masculine leaning as I prefer the look and have been fancying male pronouns.
The nonbinary look can incorporate aesthetics from any gender and mix it up however desired. Basically, it can be just about whatever it wants but solely doesn't identify as strictly one gender.

Some nonbinary terms I fancy are femboy, boi, demiboy, and androgyne. I also fancy being refereed to as a dude or a guy. I however, do not want to be refereed to as something feminine such as a girl or woman.
Unfortunate Misuses of Terms
In my recent search to find like minded individuals and fancies, I've encountered some extremely disturbing things. For one, I've found several disgusting individuals using the term 'boy, femboy' in a way that is creepy and inappropriate. Basically ***** being ***** and using our own terms for their gross interests. I've even, unfortunately come across a number of profiles here that seem to be indulging in that s**t and it's absolutely disgusting.
When we nonbinary use the term 'boy, femboy' etc, it doesn't mean adolescent, it's referring to adults who are nonbinary, genderfluid etc. It also doesn't mean adults portraying themselves as adolescents either which the aforementioned sickos seem to do as well. Those of us who are real members of LGBTQ never stand for disgusting, harmful things like that and it pisses me off to no end seeing sick individuals try to bring us into their depravity.

I've heard there's been debate over rather or not nonbinary is considered trans or not. For one, my husband says it is not as "there's no actual transition." In some cases that may be, but in my case, that's not the case lol. In my case, there will be a physical transition as I'd like to have a flat chest by means of a binder or if I get lucky, a bit of top surgery. -o-
My husband means well and is supportive but imo, it's just not looking at the bigger picture if you're not considering someone like myself as some form of trans. I consider myself as such because I'm transitioning from previously identifying as female and the physical transition I wish to under go.
That being said, I'm on the side that considers nonbinary to be trans but I don't care to argue with people about things like that. I will give my opinion and will leave it at that. So long as people are being accepting and understanding, that's all I can really ask for at the end of the day.
In closing, I'd like to ask you to feel free to leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. My transitioning has been life changing for the better. I finally feel like I know myself better and am more of my true self than I've ever been before. It also is an expression of a deep personal love that I have and have been longing for, for an incredibly long time. I only wish I would have discovered this about myself much earlier in life. I absolutely would have been happier and felt more free and connected.
Related, My Outing