This is something that pisses me off to no end. When someone just says or posts s**t that's known to be controversial like it's just 'harmless fun.' Like posting religious s**t acting as if it didn't ******** the world and like it isn't a huge source of trauma. I don't understand how anyone can take such a serious thing like this, think it's okay and that it wont piss off most everyone.
There is no excuse as everyone knows damn well that people are going to have issues with it and do. What's even worse is when they deliberately feign ignorance about it. No one is ignorant towards this and when they put on that pathetic charade, they're only making themself look even stupider, more ******** up and is practically mocking those who have common sense.
I use to know someone who was straight out dumb and did this while he himself has been put through that very same trauma. He came into our community, saw that we have a rule against religious speak and stupidly questioned it saying, 'what about Taoism and Paganism?' It should be obvious that this kind of rule in communities is mainly aimed at Western religion, Abrahamic religion or how the ******** ever else it's to be considered.
No one in their right mind would have any major issues with Paganism, Taoism, Buddhism etc as those aren't known to be extreme to the point where they ******** over entire communities and civilizations. It's a huge red flag when someone acts straight stupid like this and I'm glad that individual is long gone from the community as we don't tolerate any of this kinda crap.
Individuals like this just seriously get me fuming. When it comes to religious posts or other controversial takes, people seriously need to keep it out of regular spaces because they're only going to look like a tool and are just showing their red flags to everyone. In a way, it's kind of a good thing that people do this so they out themselves so we know who to look out for and keep out of our spaces.
I just hate these ignorant and straight ******** mentalities and I will always call it out and keep that s**t out of my personal spaces. Ignorance is never an excuse.