I do not care for most goths on social media especially YouTube. It's usually just showing off stuff most of us can't afford or the content is of creators that seem very pretentious. I can't stand individuals that act like an entitled priss showing off all their fancy things while trying to act 'the gothest' while making it seem like they're actually just a humble, average person that happens to be goth. It's incredibly off putting and I can't stand seeing it.
I use to follow many goth channels but now I can't stand pretty much any of them. One of the well known ones I use to follow, all that's on their channel now is them showing off their success as creators, all their fancy things and things like "I'm on Gothic Beauty Mag now" which just feels really shallow. In a way, I feel like all this glitz and glamor they have is not what the subculture represents.
Having fancy things, being successful and being popular is not what goth is about nor what it represents. If they get to be successful and live extravagant lives, good for them but it's not what the subculture is about nor should it be presented as such. Goth is about individuality, and standing up for what we believe in. We are humble and we struggle to fit into society. Most goths struggle in life and don't get the recondition they deserve for all their talents that often go unnoticed.
If you go through life with everything handed to you, are born into money and just buy all the 'cute gothy things' because you want to be edgy, you are not experiencing goth and you know nothing. That's being fake and is not what it means to be goth. If a goth becomes successful by actually working for it, that's one thing and good for them but they shouldn't act as show offs which is just insulting to the rest of us. It's not a good look for anyone.
If it's not pretentious show offs, it's goth Karens, if it's not that, then it's disgusting memes that are objectifying us. Needless to say, 99.9% of the time it's something cancerous or insulting when finding "goth" on social media. This is why I'm giving up on looking to find things outside of my own communities.
What I like to see are goths that act real and are relatable, like here in this community. Goths that are down to Earth and know what it is to struggle and that aren't just floating by without a care in the world. Goths that act like actual people and not like they think they're better than everyone else because of all their wealth and how they get to go to to fancy shows, clubs and getting to travel the world.
That ain't goth. Goth is loving black, the darker aspects of life, expressing ourselves in what few ways we can, connecting with our communities and standing up for what we believe in. None of this fake s**t is what we are nor will it ever be.
Lastly, before anyone says "yOu'Re jUsT jEaLoUs," I am not as that's an insult and a negative connotation. Jealous means envious which means discontented or resentful which I am neither. I'd simply like to be better off in life which is a common and normal sentiment. While having that desire, it does not mean I wish any ill towards those that have it better than me, nor do I harbor any negative feelings for them which would be toxic and unproductive. I have a mere distaste for those who act as I've described and nothing more.
Furthermore, those who tend to just write me or others off as such who feel similar are quite questionable in that way of thinking and manor of contextualizing. It shows they are being both condescending and deliberately ignorant. Two examples of this in my experience were by two separate, despicable individuals. The first of which was by an abusive parental figure who told us kids we were "just jealous of other kids" when we displayed melancholy from not being able to have normal childhoods like others which was literal insult to injury.
The second example was from my abusive ex who would just carelessly say that to me when I expressed how I was unhappy I wasn't able to live and express myself like others I admired. I was never 'jealous or envious' of anyone as I am a better person than that. This is always the case when an individual makes such accusations and it never fails. It is 100% always questionable to say to someone genuine when they are unhappy with their situation that they are "just jealous." It is petty, insulting, and is not accurate.
Related topic, Goth Suppression.