In here I will be posting some decent goth servers as well as speaking about how challenging it can be to find decent goth communities, especially on Discord.
☕ Decent Goth Discord Servers 💀
The Mortals Club
✦ Welcome to The Mortals Club ✦
This server is a community of Jayne Goth's viewers, alternative people and just any people that want to be here. Goths and non-goths are all welcome!
While this server is goth(ic) themed, we love to talk about all sorts of different things. This server is safe and friendly to any and all people, as long as they follow the rules.
⚰ Vampires Coffin 18+
We are a 18+ Goth subculture server! You don’t need to be “goth” to join, but need to appreciate the culture. Baby bats are welcome! Gatekeeping, bigots, toxic behavior, etc is not allowed. We are for adults only, but still sfw.
🦇 Ralodosmovo Square 🟥
My personal community server. Wholesome with an active community, where I post my art and channel content. We have several sections for various interests including Gaia and goth. It's 18+ only but also sfw.
Note: I haven't openly given out my server invite before because 1, I don't want the activity in the thread to die out and 2, because I don't want anyone joining who isn't someone I know I can trust from here. Lastly, this is not the thread's official server as there's not going to be one.
If you would like an invite to any listed server, PM me. If you are under 18 you will not be getting any invites as I only care to join 18+ servers. If by chance someone under 18 is reading, I encourage you to continue reading past the spoiler so you can learn of some of the red flags there are when searching servers.
Also keep in mind that I only invite those who seem legit. Noobish accounts with no effort to avatars, profiles and that have little to no real post history won't be accepted. It's a precaution due to stalkers and trolls using mule accounts.

More servers will be added when I come across them. If you have or know of one you'd like to share, reach out via PM.
Goth vs "goth" servers
tldr: What I avoid when looking for 'goth' servers:
- If they don't have 18+ in the description or name.
- Those that allow nsfw or have "dating," "eboys/girls," "n***s" or anything else creepy and sexual.
- Those that allow "semi toxic." It just seems juvenile and are prob those full of edgy teens.
- If they say they are "the only real goth server" or anything else pretentious like that.
Every so often I get the urge to look up 'goth' on YouTube or even for Discord communities. There's a reason I rarely do this and tend to stick to my own. That reason being because so many things are wrongfully labeled as "goth". Now this isn't going to be me being a**l about goth and being all "elitist" or anything as personally, I don't mind minor, harmless misconceptions.
What does upset me however is when the goth label is put on inappropriate and actually harmful things. Drama Kween is someone who talks a bit about some of this. Checking out her channel shows some of the more harmful examples of how some individuals want to twist the meaning of goth into something sexual and perverted.
A great example of this is when you look up goth Discord servers on the various server finding sites. It's extremely upsetting and is harmful as it leads even more creeps to perving on us, expecting us all to be hyper sexual and them treating us like we're into goth due to some "fetish." I do not recommend anyone to try to find goth Discord servers unless you are very mindful and wise to all the usual bs we tend to run into online outside of our own safe communities.
This is even worse for the younger goths out there who are just looking to connect with like minded people as a lot of these communities are disguised as such but are just full of creeps who want to use and abuse. Some of said communities are far more obvious than others. By that I mean, sometimes they have such things in their server names or descriptions. One of the worst ones I saw was literally called "Sexual Grooming HQ." I can't even fathom just how ******** up that is. Needless to say, I reported it as did hopefully others.
Other things you commonly see that are obvious red flags for such servers are "dating, e boys/girls, the only goth server, and selling n***s." Some are just so blatant and these creepy servers keep popping up. And they do have GOTH as one of four or more tags.
Clearly this is a huge problem with these sites such as disboard.org, discordservers.com, discord.me and even Discord's OWN server look up site which DOESN'T even have a report option. Discordservers.com's report option is also very wonky as attempting to file a report only takes you to their "help center" with no option for server reporting. This is all a huge s**t show and sites like these should be avoided unless you absolutely know what you're doing and looking for. If you are browsing these sites and find such servers, report them when possible!
My experience in some of the servers I found
I found a couple servers that seemed legit on the outside but upon joining I learned quickly that they were only ran by degenerates and one of which I had to report as well as its owner. The one I had reported was because they were spamming NSFW images in the main chat with no warning and no separate channel for it. The owner also said something ***** which is why I reported him and the server. They also didn't have an indicator that the server was 18+ only while posting NSFW content.
The next server wasn't as severe but it was ran by a degenerate nonetheless. The entry channel was very elitist and not welcoming. The owner attacked new members, trying to make them look stupid for not knowing a certain goth band. I eventually called him out on it for acting like a child and for claiming that his server was "the only real goth server." He claimed that he'd been in every other goth server which was how he knew which was asinine. I got banned shortly after for calling him out on his childish bullshit. It was actually a bit comical in a way and I have screen shots from there here. [x] [x]
In the past I joined another "official goth server" that was also very elitist and upon entry they required you to tell them about goth bands and what got you into the subculture. They didn't like my response and called me "darkly inclined" so I left as I'm not having any of that bs. That was the "Reddit goth server."
Now the last two servers I just mentioned do have some cool things and people in them but overall it's absolutely not worth joining any community where they treat anyone like they are lesser. It is childish, no way to run a community and is only making them look like morons.
Finally a big channel talks about the problems with server look up sites including Discord's own built in one.
Related Topic: The Goth vs "Darkly Inclined" Debacle