I've been feeling more lately that I just don't really want to connect with most people anymore. Nothing against anyone and not that I don't love all my friends and acquaintances it's just that I don't feel much desire to try and connect so much for the time being and it's been like that for a little while now.
There are a few people I do care to talk to every so often but most everyone else just not so much. I'm not sure why either. Perhaps it's a combination of my ADHD and just being flat out burnt out on most things and people. I'm most content when I just do my own thing and don't connect with others a whole lot. I like to give advice here and there and I'm always down to listen to a friend when they want to vent but other than that I just don't feel like reaching out. I will always try to be there and to be a good friend but lately I've just been enjoying a bit of solitude.
Not counting Andy of course because he's my #1, my life partner, my best friend, and who I go to for practically everything. That being said, I don't feel the need to have besties anymore. I use to miss having my best girlfriends and such but lately I don't mind.