Today I experienced the worst pain I have in a very long time. I went for a walk out in the heavy snow to our mailbox which is maybe a 10 or 15 minute walk. I went out with an ache in my mouth and shortly when I got back the pain started to slowly and very painfully spread to the entire left side of my head.
At first I thought it was dental issues but then realized that's not what it was since the pain was moving and spreading to other parts of my head rather than just my mouth. I took 3 Ibprophen and got in a hot bath which helped a little bit. I was freaked out the entire time till a short moment ago so Andy was with me the whole time.
I then took a strong migraine med that Andy usually uses and it started to help a little bit more. Plus the hot mug trick helps a little bit too for a short while. It's where you heat up a mug in the microwave for a minute and gently and carefully rub the heat to the area that hurts. Most of the time it melts the pain away but this time it wasn't as easy but it helped a little bit.
Andy did some research for me and it def sounds like this was all just one nasty ******** migraine induced by being out in the cold. I still have it a bit but it's not to the point it was before. For a while I was so freaked out of the pain that I felt like I might have to go to the hospital.
It's been effecting all different areas of the left side of my head. Cheekbone, eye area, jaw and even the top of my head at one point. I'm seriously never going out in the cold with any aches ever again. Clearly the cold makes pain spread.
Trying to take it as easy as possible rn. I'm in my room with it dimly lit and am in my pjs and am comfy in bed. I hope this goes away completely soon. If it gets bad again out of no where then I will be worried and may think I need medical attention or something.
It finally went away maybe a couple hours later and I felt so much better after I had dinner. I hope to all ******** I never get one this bad again.