I know now this working out isn't going to be an everyday thing at this point. For now at least. My legs are so messed up that I can barely walk. Once I recover though I will get back on it. I hope I will get use to this pretty soon because I really am determined to get in better shape but I also know my limits and not to over do it. I imagine and hope I will eventually get less and less debilitating pain and can eventually workout everyday.
I was miserable all day yesterday with the pain in my legs. It's a chore to even use the bathroom and to get up and down from my chair. I imagine I will feel better in another couple days. I had no idea it was going to be this rough. I kind of wish I knew someone that could give me advice on this, someone that knows their stuff and someone that wouldn't tell me to just keep going. I literally can't workout if I can't bend my knees and can barely walk. And it'd be horrible if I strained myself even more.
On a lighter note, I'm making progress with getting my medication up'd and should hopefully be able to talk to my Dr about that soon. I was very happy to find out that it's actually an option for me to meet with my Dr online rather than struggling to get a ride out there. So other than dealing with my legs being messed up I'm feeling pretty good about everything else and I have a good feeling that this will be a great year for me.