One night I drank way too much vodka. I went way over my limit and became super ******** up. 100% would never recommend. It was what it was though, a poor choice that lead to regrets but the point of this is the horrible hangover. I woke up at 5am puking up foam and I was puking for about an hour.
My whole body ached and I felt like total s**t like I haven't in such a long time I can't even remember. What helped me was the advice of a wise friend at the time. He told me to drink a gallon of water and to piss my brains out. It was to basically flush out my system. I did so and it made me feel all better.
For those that are unaware, hangovers are caused from being dehydrated which is what happens when you consume alcohol. Depending on how much you drank, drink some water to get back the hydration you need and thus the hangover will be cured.