MSN-04II Nightingale

General & Technical Data
Model number: MSN-04-II
Code name: Nightingale
Unit type: prototype Newtype use mobile suit
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Operator: The Azure Fleet
First deployment: Unknown
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in head
Dimensions: Overall length: 27.8 meters; head height 23.0 meters
Weight: Base weight: 48.2 tons; Full weight: 105.7 tons
Construction: gundarium alloy on movable frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, Power generator output: 6760 kW
Vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 42
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 2.0 G
Equipment and design features:
Sensor radius, 23420 meters;
psycommu system;
psycoframe cockpit frame;
2 x external propellant tank, ejectable, mounted under rear-skirt armor;
Neuro-Link System
Fixed armaments:
mega particle gun, power rated at 8.8 MW, mounted in torso;
2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use
Optional fixed armaments:
shield, mounted on either forearm, mounts 3 x small missile
Optional hand armaments:
Mega Beam Rifle
beam tomahawk, stored in recharge rack in shield, hand-carried in use
Remote weapons: 10x funnel (mounts beam gun, power rated at 10.6 MW), stored in backpack storage pods
ASF-001 Neuros Doga

Model number: ASF-001
Code name: Neuros Doga
Unit type: prototype Neuro-Link System support-type mobile suit
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Operator: The Azure Fleet
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: N/A
Dimensions: overall height 25.6 meters; head height 20.5 meters
Weight: empty 30.5 metric tons; max gross 71.2 metric tons
Construction: titanium alloy/ceramic composite on movable frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 3960 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 14000 kg, 2 x 13300 kg, 8 x 9800 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 28
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.87 G
Equipment and design features:
sensors, range 22600 meters;
psycommu system;
Neuro Link System;
Mirage Colloid
Fixed armaments: mega particle gun, power rated at 8.8 MW, mounted in torso; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use
Optional fixed armaments: shield, mounted on either forearm, mounts 3 x small missile
Optional hand armaments:
beam shotrifle, power rated at 10.2 MW, powered by rechargeable energy cap;
beam tomahawk, stored in recharge rack in shield, hand-carried in use
Remote weapons: 6 x funnel (mounts beam gun, power rated at 10.6 MW), stored in backpack storage pods
The Neuros Doga is both the stealthiest Mobile Suit ever made by Azure Fleet, but the Entourage of it's Leader's, Xaxel Rolan, Nightingale. Only four were ever made, but seeing as they're Funnels, Mirage Colloid, and being remotely controlled by Xaxel himself, there was never any need to build anymore than that.
ZGMF-X23S-2 Saviour Gundam II

Model number: ZGMF-X23S-2
Code name: Saviour Gundam II
Unit type: prototype attack use transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Operator: Azure Fleet
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 18.61 meters (mobile suit mode)
Weight: max gross weight 77.13 metric tons
Construction: unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact nuclear fission reactor, power output rated at 8826 kW
Equipment and design features:
sensors, range unknown;
Variable Phase Shift (VPS) Armor;
Neutron Jammer Canceller;
Neuro-Link System
Fixed armaments:
2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head;
MMI-RD11 aerodynamic shield, mounted on left arm;
2 x M106 "Amfortas" plasma beam cannon, mounted on backpack, can be fired in mobile suit and mobile armor mode;
2 x MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm machine gun;
2 x MA-7B "Super Fortis" beam cannon;
2 x MA-M941 "Vajra" beam saber, stored on shoulders, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments:
MA-BAR70 high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown
OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate

General & Technical Data
Model number: OZ-13MSX1
Code name: Vayeate
Unit type: mobile suit
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Operator: Azure Fleet
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 16.3 meters
Weight: empty 7.3 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Construction: gundanium alloy
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features:
sensors, range unknown;
self-destruct system;
Neuro-Link System
Fixed armaments: beam cannon, powered by external energy collector
OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius

General & Technical Data
Model number: OZ-13MSX2
Code name: Mercurius
Unit type: mobile suit
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Operator: Azure Fleet
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: N/A
Dimensions: head height 16.3 meters
Weight: empty 7.3 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Construction: gundanium alloy
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features:
sensors, range unknown;
self-destruct system;
Neuro-Link System
Fixed armaments: none
Optional hand armaments:
beam gun;
crash shield, mounts beam sword
Remote weapons: 10 x planet defenser, generates defensive energy field