Full Name: Anubus Saiyuri
Alias: The Gatekeeper
Age: Unknown
Race: Celestial (Humans with the ability to use Spiritual Energy to lengthen their life cycles)
Gender: Male
Mythril Armor-
A Cuirass of silver and gold armor with the power to convert a living thing or magical artifact into a concentration of spiritual energy and absorb it in the wearer, thus transfiguring the armor and the body of the wearer. The power of the armor can only be used when both the wearer and the subject are both willing to fuse their powers together. The effect of the armor, however, can only be used for as long as the wearer can endure it or for as long as the fused subject can keep a steady flow of energy throughout the wearer's body. Once either the wearer or the subject fused cannot contain the power flow the wearer and subject seperated and are returned to their original forms.
Gate Blade-
A weapon used by the Saiyuri family to seal away Demons beyond The Gate (or The Door of Aibelle). It takes the shape of a key that reflects the user's personality and when stabbed into an opponent’s torso (preferably a demon's) and turned it will conjure the door, convert stabbee into a dust-like form and hurtle them through the door into a dimension known simply as The Unknown Lands. If the blade is reversed then the subject stabbed will be instantly killed and vaporized.
A katana forged by Lazarus, The Cursed Blacksmith of the Shadow Realm. Yozora is unique among weapons in that it was forged using a living soul rather than conventional metal. Thus it withholds a personality and can only be wielded by those it (or rather, she) finds worthy enough to. Anubus has been the only one she has found worthy and professes to be in love with him. When commanded by the wielder Yozora transforms into a Zanbatou with seven sectioned blades, each about seven inches in length. Yozora also has the ability to take the wielder’s spiritual energy and throw it from her blade when swung in the form of an arch or surge.
Yozora’s final ability is thus far the most interesting. Yozora is naturally a jealous woman and this quirk is shown in her ability to copy the magical abilities of other weapons in possession of her wielder, thus making her the obvious choice for Anubus to wield into battle.
Eye of Towlin-
A naturally occurring ability in members of the Towlin Family (of which Anubus was once part of) that occurs in both eyes, turning them ggld in color. This magic gives the holder many abilities, most sight based. The user can see over large distances, gauge the amount of spiritual energy flowing out of a person, see their surroundings in complete detail, and even look into the future. This last ability, however, is very difficult to control and requires many years to master. As the user uses the eye more it begins to change, usually beginning by transforming into a cat-like eye and then, in Anubus’s case, transforming into a four-pointed star.
Transcendent Blades-
A magical enchantment created as a tattoo on the left hand in the form of a sword with two wings sprouting from the hilt. The enchantment gives the user the ability to control light as both a form of energy and concentrate it into matter. Anubus uses this enchantment sparingly as it uses a great amount of spiritual energy to use.
Anubus’s version is unique in that the left wing is burnt and withered to blackened bone and the other wing is a pure white-feathered angel’s wing. This is symbolic of when he and Astarael wer seperated and became seperate beings as Anubus aquired the enchantment when they were togeter.
A grey ring with a ruby stone worn on Anubus’s left middle finger. It has the ability to take Anubus to anywhere he has previously been to. Unlike most enchanted objects that lose their power over time, Rendiant actually increases in power over its time of use, thus increasing its range of teleportation and even developing somewhat of a personality.
A Compass with the power to point the user in the direction of any location, as long as the person can visualize an image of what the place looks like.
Soul Gems-
During Anubus’s travels he gathered the essences of the four lords of Water, Fire, Air, and Earth. Anubus uses these gems to fuse with using his Mythrill Armor, thus acquiring a watered down version of a god’s power.
Anubus Saiyuri is the governing head of the Saiyuri Family, one of the 14 Royal Families and the Royal Family in charge of slaying and sealing away demons.
As a boy Anubus was what could be classified as the insubordinate type, never the kind of person to follow orders. As he grew older Anubus grew out of that and became a successful soldier. However, all of that was bound to change.
One day while Anubus and his squad were returning from a mission they discovered their comrades were fighting for their lives… and losing. Anubus and his squad fought bravely but in the end they were all killed. Anubus’s soul, which was supposed to pass on, was sealed in an orb and sealed away until the right time.
As the centuries past it was thought that his soul would stay there forever, but a man by the name of Osiris Towlin came and took his soul so as to use it. As it turned out Anubus’s soul was to be used to imprison the soul of Osiris’s newborn child. Once Anubus’s soul overlapped the newborn’s he was transformed into a lycan and taken to a clan in the far west. There he spent his life, ignorant of his past life or his new heritage of his current one.
One day, while he was out hunting a mercenary came to kill the pups. During the fight, the mercenary made a remark about Anubus’s eyes, thus making him doubt his heritage. After that he decided to travel the outside world and find his true family.
After years of searching he finally found the mansion of the Towlin Family and met his Father, Osiris, his brother, Horus, and his twin sister, Isis. After being accepted by his family he began to train and get stronger. It was then he met his teacher and future nemesis, Lazarus, and acquired his most trusted sword, Yozora.
Years later he isolated himself from his family and hid away Yozora to become a mercenary. It was then he encountered Aaron and Kareen Asguard. He took on the job of helping slay the demon Ezrael and teach Aaron Asguard, the young master of the Asguard family. After which he began to wander again.
Years later he again rejoined his family and was immediately thrown into a battle with a giant that forced him to transform into the deadly Chimaera, of which he had no control over. After defeating the giant the soul inside of Anubus was released and Astarael was unleashed.
After Astarael gathered followers and attacked the Towlin Family Mansion Astarael fused with Osiris to gain his power. When Osiris entered into Astarael’s mind he gathered up Anubus’s soul and released him into the real world. When that happened, Anubus gained a new body and a set of his own Mythrill Armor (since Astarael had acquired one as well). During the fight between the two Anubus broke Astarael’s mask and unleashed Chimaera’s essence. Anubus killed the beast and went off with his friends, Ammut and Kelbek.
(There’s a whole lot more, but this is so long already I’m just gonna reserve the rest for those who ask me for it)
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