Dylan Rivers-
A 3rd Year High School student at Bedford Academy, Dylan is a tech. student with a talent for creatively made stage effects, particularly those used for the drama club's performances. He became involved in the Digimon Underground fighting circuit when he was a first year in Junior High (7th Grade) and was devoted to becoming a Tamer chosen for a Royal Knight Digimon. After losing his first digimon (A Patamon by the nickname Flappy) he changed his goals and began developing a Digivice Format that would allow him to do almost anything and a custom designed Rookie-Level Digimon; assuring that he would never lose again.
Dylan has a tactical mind and always comes prepared for a Digimon Battle. His personal favorite among his plug-ins is the Card Scan. He considers the Digimon Battles a pass time and sees Tamers who can’t digivolve their partners as weak and not worth the effort. Although he sees Digimon as data, he does recognize the fact that they are sentient beings, but only because they can introduce a variable.
His Digimon is Raidomon; a custom-designed Reptile Digimon of the Virus Attribute. Because he's a Virus Attribute, Raidomon has a brutish attitude and always loves to fight.