♥ ✿ ♥ Silvia Lewis ♥ ✿ ♥
The pain of others the sweetest sound...
...but their pain will be the sweetest of all

After a moments thought she began her movement through the trees brushing the branches out of her way with her telekinesis although her hands went through the motions of doing so a short distance from the branch, after all if she was too obvious about it then any bandits looking for an easy target to attack would most likely avoid her and she’d miss out on her fun. But now it sounded like there was a new source of entertainment for her as she walked into a clearing in which a small house, the apparent source of the screams stood.
With only a minimum of effort to be wary as she approached, rendering herself invisible with her illusions but not bothering to muffle her steps, moving towards the houses window nearest her being cautious enough to at least find out what was going on first. However, this all changed at what she heard "NO STOP PLEASE THAT'S ENOUGH STOP!!!" the cries of the young girl brought back a flash of memories and she hissed under her breath as she bypassed the window walking quickly towards the door which slammed open on its hinges as she approached.
As she stepped through the door her eyes fell on the girl first as sat there sobbing and without thinking she moved to the girl crouching next to her and placing her hand on the girls shaking shoulder. What happened next startled Silvia for a moment the girl seemed to panic letting out a shriek looking beyond her almost as if...as if she couldn’t see me Silvia realised with surprise almost laughing, or at least she would have if the memories weren’t so close to the surface. Dropping her illusion she looked once more into the girls own startled face as the eyes met hers before the shock of whatever happened to her combined with Silvia’s appearance finally pushed the girls mind beyond what it could handle causing the girl to pass out.
Silvia sighed irritably she had wanted to know what had caused this and now her source of information was out cold. Suddenly she became aware through her anger of another noise in the room she had not noticed it at first her mind too preoccupied, but now the whistling she had been unconsciously hearing finally registered and she spun around her eyes falling on the rooms other occupant as well as briefly on the nearby corpse. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the man her hands slipping amongst the folds of her skirt easily finding three of her knives and a small vial which she held in one of her hands the tips of the knives pressed against the vials seal ready for use as she glared at the man, but some curiosity stopped her.
What is he doing here sitting so calmly and why has he not yet harmed the girl? So controlling herself to the best of her ability she spoke her voice shaking with rage came out as an angry hiss “What have you done here?...Why?...” words failed her and she stopped her hate filled gaze not leaving the man who sat there.