⁂ Lucas Clarke ⁂
How can you tell me...
...you say you fight for light and life...
...when all you bring is death?

Gah how can I help her if I can't even tell her what is happening? he thought miserably running his hand through his hair as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He made his way to his room dumping the bag he had been carrying since he had left the Citadel with Kisa on his bed, his eyes falling briefly on the clothes he had thrown there, the bloodstains from Kisa's embrace now dried on them showing up as a darker patches on the black material. Pacing his room for a moment he wondered what to do now pausing at his window which overlooked the courtyard. His mind took a moment to register Kisa before his gaze focused on her down by the fountain watching her intently at least she seems no worse for wear after her ordeal he thought, but he noted the agitated motion of her tail with a small ammount of sadness, although if he has his way this will be the least of her concerns.
His gaze then flicked to his own reflection in the mirror above his basin and he grimaced, already there was the faint hint of bruising around his neck where Lord Geth had had hold of his throat. His eyes also fell on the reflection of his lower lip where he had small smear of blood from when he had bitten it. Reaching for a cloth from beside the basin and wiping away the majority of the blood although it would take a couple of days at least for the cut to go away, it could have been far worse he tried to comfort himself. Looking back to Kisa again he caught himself before he bit his lower lip again not wanting to restart the bleeding. If I went down now would I just make it worse for both of us? he thought worriedly but there was only one explanation for her current location and he knew she must be there waiting for him.
So changing his shirt quickly for one with a high collar he made his way out of his room, making his way quickly through the Citadel corridors stopping at the door to the courtyard conciously adusting his collar and taking a few deep breaths to calm his mind before stepping out and making his way over to Kisa. Stopping a short distance infront of her he affected a light smile although there was a hint of concern in his eyes.
"Sorry I'm late Kisa, I was a little held up. Lord Geth wanted a few words with me." he said softly as he moved to sit down on the edge of the fountain next to where she sat his eyes fixed on her. Inwardly he was still worrying about what to do but he pushed that from his mind for now, there is nothing I can do here and now he thought pushing it to the back of his mind. Instead he tried to concentrate on the fact that Kisa and himself had come out of the situation far better than could have been hoped for, at least for now he thought before he let that fall back with the rest of his unnecessary thoughts as he waited patiently for Kisa's response.