♥ ✿ ♥ Silvia Lewis ♥ ✿ ♥
The pain of others the sweetest sound...
...but their pain will be the sweetest of all

"There we go all better." she said softly stroking the bandaged head glad to see some flicker of awareness in his eye although it did not move to focus on her instead remaining staring into space. The effects of the next dose of sedative she had just fed him kicking in.
"You know you really shouldn't have distracted me like that. I don't take well to distractions while I work." she paused looking at the smashed glass around her feet with a brief sigh, she had been working on one of her newer toys across the room when the mixture she had doped this one with had worn off causing him to yell out as he came back to the painful reality of his body. She had hoped it had been stronger, she had sedated him so that he would have time to heal before she played with him again, but clearly she had not made the sedaive strong enough. His yell had startled her and the delicate live disection she had been performing had gone wrong, she had been working around the subjects axillary artery and had jumped puncturing it. Her response had been instantaneuos throwing the conical flask in a rage as the lifeblood flowed rapidly her test subject hitting this one on the head and smashing, but now as she stood looking down at him she found herself partially regreting her actions.
Now this fool is going to take even longer to recover she thought irritably, but she wanted him alive. It's those eyes...eye she corrected herself with a grim smile as she levitated the glass shards directing them to a small metal bin before moving back towards her room so like that pathetic cryomancers. If she couldn't have Lucas this poor man would make a good substitute, the thought ammused her, mabye she would find Lucas later and show him what the man had suffered for him that could be fun. Pausing by the cooling body of her disection subject she reaced down dipping her hand briefly in the blood before carrying on to her bedroom. Shutting the door to the torture chamber she pressed her hand to it adding yet another bloody handprint to the collection there.
Then wiping her hand on her dress she went to clean herself up. She had sedated her toy with a much higher dose this time and he would probably be out until the next day at the latest. After washing herself up she threw on a clean dress before falling back on her bed with a sigh.
What to do now? she thought to herself as she looked up at her ceiling. For some reason the incident had killed her mood for playing with 'toys' and as she looked up at the cieling she decided she needed a change.
Sitting up she looked out of her rooms window towards the forest. Perhaps a little expedition I haven't been out the Citadel for far too long she thought to herself as she hopped off her bed grabbing a small coin-filled purse of her dresser and a few vials and other items of use which were stored in their appropraite places before she pushed open her room door strolling through the corridors and out into the courtyard. Offering a smile to the skeletal guard she practically skipped through the gate and into the forest not pausing as she made her way in a random direction through the trees. Eventually she was bound to hit a road or a village, perhaps if she was lucky she'd even run into some trouble. Bandits always ammused her the way their confidence was so easy to wipe away when they found themselves held by her power unable to stop her games before they died.