Aero slowly awoke to the morning sun. Everything seemed so peaceful, the water was still, the plants slowly waved to the wind. Aero rubbed his eyes and stood up grabbing his sword and bow.
"Well it's time to go now," Aero said.
Aero packed his bags up and climbed upon his horse. Aero beckoned his horse to go and they started down the trail. Aero thought about home again, back to the way things were before.
"What if I had been born human?" He wondered to him self.
"I remember a port that was among these woods, but where is it?" Aero thought to him self.
Aero stopped and looked around. Suddenly a stick behind him snapped and he turned around quickly.
"Oh not this girl again!" Aero said to him self as he drew out his bow.
Aero aimed his bow with a knocked arrow ready to fire. Suddenly a silver haired wolf came out of the bush. The wolf's pelt sparkled and it's ears twitched, the wolf's white eyes were staring upon Aero. Aero slowly aimed his bow down and stared at the wolf. The wolf took off running down a path in the woods. Aero followed the wolf and the sound of water became clear to him. Aero and his horse jumped through a thick wall of leaves and twigs and the wolf was gone. The bright sunlight shone in his eyes. Suddenly Aero's head rose and his eyes became wide. He read a big sign that was posted above the entire area, "Port Bellium," the biggest port in Ardania. The main trading center of the world. There were boats constantly coming in and out of the docks, trading and selling goods. Many merchants were in the area selling their goods as well. The water was so perfectly clear they say you could see the bottom of the ocean. The only bad thing was Geins. Massive, mean, cold, shark like creatures that attack boats time to time. Since the water was so clean you could see them pretty well though. Aero rode into the port and looked at all the humans. Very few dwarfs and elves were at the port. Back then there were many different people. Aero looked around and spotted a person getting on a boat. He looked closely and recognized the clothes. It was the same woman from before. The one who is dressed like a pirate. The blond hair, the blue grayish eyes.
"That's the bandit who stole my stuff." Aero said to himself.
Aero started riding towards the boat. The huge boat's anchor was slowly raising and the boat started moving. The ramp lifted up as Aero was trying to reach it.
"NO! How am i supposed to get my things back now!" Aero shouted out-loud.
Aero sighed yet again and sat back thinking, thinking about what else could go wrong. About what he needed to do now that wouldn't lead to something else wrong.
"Maybe if I ask to borrow a boat?" Aero thought.
"Aero!" A voice from afar called.
Aero turned his head towards the sound. Aero looked around to see if he could find where the voice was coming from. A slightly visible figure was running at him. It was someone in armor, with a big spear and small helmet. A guard?
"Bale!" Aero said happily jumping off his horse.
"Thank the Gods your alright my friend," Bale said happily.
"Where have you been?" Bale asked happy to see Aero in good shape.
"I ran into the woods and well, some woman took my things," Aero said laughing a little.
Bale looked at Aero with a funny look on his face.
"What?" Aero said.
"Nothing," Bale said laughing.
"Oh so thats funny to you?" Aero said.
"You got mugged by a woman? Ha ha ha, of course that's funny!" Bale said laughing hard.
"Ya ya real funny," Aero replied.
"Here Aero, take this money, I came here to buy fish but you seem to need it more," Bale said handing Aero money smirking.
"ThanksBale," Aero replied.
"You take care now and stay out of trouble ok," Bale said smiling.
"Will do!" Aero said.
"Don't get mugged by women anymore!" Bale said as he walked away laughing out loud.
As Bale walked away laughing Aero looked in the bag. The bag was full of gold shiny coins.
"Wow, there has to be at least 500 gold in here. Well, it's time to look for a boat," Aero said to himself.
Aero set off towards the old docks searching for a merchant who would be interested in selling a boat. Aero stumbled upon a group of people who were staring at him. The old looking men had tattoos across their chest and ear piercings. They seemed rather muscular but also stupid as well, humans of course. The looks on their faces showed they were up to something. Aero kept on riding by them on his horse. They glared at Aero as soon as he walked by.
"Hey kid whats in the bag?" One of the men asked.
"Nothing much," Aero said stopping.
Aero forgot the that Port Bellium had some fights in the area.
"Well I must be going now," Aero said nodding.
"Want to give us the bag?" The man said standing.
"I don't think so," Aero said chuckling getting of his horse and drawing his sword.
Two of the men drew swords and and ran at Aero. One was aiming low and the other aiming high. As the men swung the swords at Aero, Aero dove between the swords and slashed them both on the sides. The men fell to the ground in pain. Aero stood looking at the other men. One of them jumped in the air trying to do a jump attack and the other preparing to slash at Aero. Aero slid on his knees and sliced at the man in the air as he fell to the ground in pain. Aero flipped up cutting the other man on the leg and then kicking him to the ground pointing his sword to his throat.
"Who are you?!" the man with the sword at his throat said.
Aero looked up at the beat up group running away.
"My name is Aero, and this, is my kingdom."
Suddenly Aero heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and pointed his sword in the persons direction. He studied the person, it was the woman who took his belongings.
"It's you," Aero said calmly.
The ladies eyes widened as she realized who it was. Quickly a blade was swung at the woman by the man who stayed behind instead of running. She grabbed the blade before it hit her and punched the bandit sending him 7 feet back crashing into a stall. Aero stood and watched amazed. She took Aero by the arm and started walking towards the boat. Before boarding she stopped and looked at him.
"That was pretty good sword fighting," she said.
"I had a lot of training when I was little," Aero replied.
"Come with me," she said as she took Aero by the arm and went aboard the boat.
She took Aero aboard the ship into the main hall and pointed him to a seat.
"What's your name?" Aero said curiously.
The elven pirate looked at him quietly.
"Vanya," she replied before walking away.
Vanya means beautiful in elven terms Aero remembered. Aero sighed and stood up grabbing his belongings. Aero petted his horse and walked towards the sleeping area.
"I guess we got a long way to go," Aero said to him self.
A bag landed on Aero's lap as he gasped startled.
"It's for the things I took," Anya said smiling and slowly walking away.
Aero opened the bag and pulled out a note. The note read, "Sorry for taking your stuff, I bet you were expecting your money back but, I kind of spent it! You can eat with us and everything though if you want."
Aero smiled.
"Maybe things will turn out to be good," Aero mumbled before drifting off into a deep sleep.

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