"Get some more water," nurse laya said.
The family waited around the door to the king's chamber. The king's wife Anexia was giving birth to their new baby, she was always wanting to have a child. Anexia was a lovely lady, a elven woman at that. Her long blond hair glistened in the light, her nails cut perfectly, white teeth, blue eyes, a beautiful smile, and her long pointed ears of hearing.
"It's a boy!" The nurse yelled.
Anexia rested her head back and held her child. The king, a human who's name was Aegeus Hal, walked in to see his new son.
"The new heir to the throne," he said as he examined the child.
"Elven," he mumbled.
He looked at the child's Blue eyes and pointed ears. The king then left the room and whispered to the guard on the way out.
"Yes sire", the guard said an saluted as the king left.
"Madam," the guard called.
"Yes?" replied Anexia curious.
"We must take him to the nursery now," the guard said.
"Right," said Anexia handing him the new born.
"What is his name My lady?" the nurse asked.
"Aero. His name will be Aero." She replied.
The guard carried him to the nursery an positioned him in a wooden vanish crib with soft blankets all around it and inside, fit for a king of course. The king walked in again and looked at the child one more time before walking away silently. Time flew as he was raised. When he turned 5 he showed passion in working with the dwarfs and helping make swords. One day he made his own bow but he was too little to use it. His mother laughed when she first saw it. Aero and his mother always got along. They spent most of there time together in the gardens, his mother loved her garden. It was huge and filled with mystery. One time Aero fell into a pond and thought he was going to be attacked by the small "fisheses" (so Aero called them) in the pond. Aero never really spent much time with his father. His father was getting old and his time was coming to an end.
"Bale," said Aero.
"Yes?" he replied.
"Why do humans die before elves?" Aero asked.
"Humans fall much earlier than elves," the guard told Aero.
"But why?" Aero asked.
"That just how we elves are," the guard said smiling.
On Aero's 16th birthday he awoke and ran to a room where a bunch of people were gathered. He looked around the room curious.
"What's going on?" Aero said.
Aero's mother looked at him with tears in her eyes. Aero pushed his way through the crowd of people and saw his father laying there, there on his bed.
"I'm sorry Aero," the guard said putting his hand on Aero's shoulder.
"Bale," Aero said.
"Yes?" Bale replied.
"Thank you for being with us all these years. I'm not sure what we would of done without you, truly."
"I'm always here for you guys," Bale smiled.
"Aero," his mother called.
Aero ran into her arms and hugged her tight before leaving to his father's room. Searching his fathers room for things he could use that his father no longer needed, he stumbled across a piece of paper with writing on it. Aero read, " Three days after I fall, the new king will be crowned, My son Aero, a elven child. Do not let this happen. I know he is my son, but a elf must not be crowned king. Too many problems will erupt on the town. Rid of him." Aero's eyes widened as he read the note.
"Aero?" Bale called.
Aero jumped and threw the note on the desk.
"What are you doing here?"
"Nothing," Aero replied.
"Ok stay out of trouble now," Bale said walking off.
"How could my father do this," Aero said shocked.
Aero ran out the door without any other words said.