Aero dashed through the great halls of the castle carrying his bow and sword. As soon as Aero turned the corner he bumped into a old wizard who had a crystal ball in his hand that almost fell to the floor, and who's vision seemed to be slightly failing him.
"Who is there!" The wizard shouted.
"It''s me, Aero" he Aero replied.
The Wizard looked at him puzzled.
"Aero?" He said.
"Yes, my apologies for bumping into you sir." Aero said politely.
"Oh my dear friend, it's no problem, where are you off to at such a time of night any ways young elf?" The wizard asked puzzled.
"I was just going to the market." Aero said hoping the old wizard would believe him."
"Hmm," The wizard said with his long pointed black hat, grey robes, and glasses steadying to look at Aero.
"Do you know who I am?" The wizard asked as he laughed slightly.
Aero shook his head slowly.
"I am Gandor, the wizard of insight and power." Gandor said cunningly as if trying to sound famous.
Aero studied the wizard close. The way his white, stiff beard shone in the moonlight and his skin which was partly wrinkled. The wizards blue eyes somewhat pierced through him as if it were a sword through armor. Gandor the Wise. The look on his face showed he was friendly and kind to most.
"You are running from something, what is it?" Gandor said looking behind Aero.
"Nothing Gandor" Aero replied quickly.
"Hmm, a young elf you are. I should keep a close eye on you." Gandor said laughing partly.
Aero laughed.
"He can barely see 10 feet in front of himself," he thought to him self.
"Run along now young elf." Gandor said.
Aero took off down the halls where he stumbled upon his mothers room. The big white door sparkled in the light. Aero slowly peeked inside to see his mother sleeping.
"Quickly! Quickly!" A Guard said running down the hall towards Aero's room.
Aero Gasped and quickly hid behind his mothers door as the guards ran past him and in to his room. They opened his door and Aero heard the guard within the room.
"Blast it all! He isn't here! FIND HIM!" The guard captain shouted furiously.
Aero took off running down the hall and bumped into a guard with his big armor and a long sharpened spear and pointed helmet. The guard looked down. Aero drew his sword ready to fight. Suddenly the guard came visible in the moon light.
"Aero?" The guard said.
"Bale??" Aero said relieved.
"Thank the gods your ok Aero. This is madness! The king is trying to have you killed!" Bale said.
"What do I do Bale?" Aero replied.
"I have been loyal to you for a very long time, the Heir to the throne. Your father wanted a human to rule, but you Aero, being born a elf, made him rather lop sided. I was trying to get to you before the guards did but I thought I was going to make it. I have prepared a horse for you out side the gate. Getting there you must do alone. It has 100 gold coins, arrows, and enough food and water for a week or so. You must hurry!" Bale explained.
"What about my mother?" Aero said scared.
"She will be fine, I will explain everything to her. Now go Aero the guards will be searching. And take this with you." Bale said handing Aero a Elven dagger.
"To get out quietly,Go!" Bale said.
Aero nodded and put the dagger away.
Aero took off down the hall fast almost tripping himself.
"Be safe Aero." Bale said silently before turning to group with the rest of the guards.
"I got to get out of here," Aero said running fast.
Aero stopped to catch his breath when a tall guard came into sight. He drew his bow out and knocked a arrow. One shot, one kill, the code of the elves for shooting with a bow. He aimed the arrow down the sights. The arrow released and snapped through the air as it hit the guard in the head and ended him. The guard was falling towards edge.
"NO!" Aero shouted as he rushed towards the dead body of the guard.
Aero Grabbed the guard as fast as he could and puled him over the edge before he fell into the pit of guards below. Aero stashed the body in the big plant with spiked edges trying not to poke him self as he did.
"Man that was close." Aero said to him self
Aero turned and his elven blue eyes widened as he saw the shaft of his arrow falling of the edge on the rail. The arrow shaft fell and hit one of the guards below on the head. The guard picked it up and looked at it madly.
"Hey! who did this?" The guard said looking straight up at Aero.
"THERE HE IS! After him!" One of the guards shouted.
Aero ran down the hall and jumped over the wooden gate that was there leading to the garden. If any one knew the garden, It was Aero and his mother. Aero climbed up a big tree and a arrow went right next to his hand and stuck in the great tree. Aero gasped and started slipping. He grabbed on to the branch and swung onto the roof. He dashed down and jumped to the next roof. He slid down the flag pole leading to the main courtyard. The great metal gate leading outside the palace imprisoned him. The sound of guards were coming up behind him.
"Oh no." Aero said to himself.
Suddenly the massive metal gate shot up and with out question or thought Aero dashed through and jumped on the black horse. As Aero spurred his horse to go he looked back and saw the gate slam down completely crushing one of the guards that tried to get through. As Aero's horse carried him down the long stone pathway he took a deep breath and continued on.