Race: Mystic
Age: 20

History: At twenty years old, Arian is a far wiser young adult compared to most in his generation. A musician, Arian plays at local pubs with his band in which he plays guitar, and sings. He has traveled over the Eastern portion of the United States, but secretly longs to settle down with the girl of his dreams, a Wiccan known as Song Weaver, though it seems she will forever remain out of his reach. Lovers before, Arian planned on asking her to marry him, but she left him that morning, as he slept in his bed peacefully. He searches for her to this day, and only wants to know why she left.
Powers: Empathy, Song Singing, Communication/Persuasion
Likes: Music, Cats, Showers, The only picture he has of his lover
Dislikes: Fakes, Liars, People who don't think before they speak, or act
Theme: Give Me a Sign- Breaking Benjamin
Name: Song Weaver
Age: 21
Race: Witch

History: Song Weaver, mysteriously named for her ability to catch the eye of a large crowd with her voice, grew up in a broken home. It wasn't until she was in her late teens that she discovered she had the power to manipulate men with only her voice. Not fully understanding her power, or the ones she didn't realized lay dormant, she frivolously flirted, and dated several men, before she found the one who took her breath away. Not only her breath, but her power. She could not control him. His name was Arian Lokki, a Mystic with the very same power. They fell in love, but Song Weaver, being born under the sign Gemini, was not the type of girl to be grounded for very long. The morning of the day Arian would propose, Song Weaver crept silently from his room, and journeyed far in search of something that she couldn't see, but knew she was missing in her life. But she always thinks back to those happy days with Arian, and the moments they shared under the stars.
Likes: Music, Cats, Poetry, Arian Lokki
Dislikes: Her family, Fakes, Hypocrites, Italians
Theme: Desperado- The Eagles

Hi My Name is: Glyn Byron MacDugal
But You Can Call Me: Glyn, Byron
I've Been Around For: twenty two mortal years, but total 668 years
I Am A: Human, part Warlock
HEIGHT: 6 ft 1in
WEIGHT: 185lbs
OCCUPATION: Prince of Wales, secretly under cover
ANY SPECIAL QUIRKS: Glyn has a habit for getting into trouble, and being in tight situations. He understands that he is a very attractive man, and uses that to his benifit when it comes to getting out of bad spots. Many women swoon over his every whim, and yet he knows that he is not ready to settle down. He would rather wait for the right woman than give up his entire soul to a bunch of whores.
He is the Prince of Wales, but he holds a secrete that not even his father, the King, can know about.