The Arcadian's:

Arcadian's are a naturally proud race, yet they have never been boastful. They love their families, and take great pride in the love they share for each other. When an Arcadian is killed by a Daemon, they are given the choice of life or death by the Goddess Artemis. If it is for revenge they become a Were Hunter. A Were Hunter is a Dark Hunter who can change his or her form into that of one animal. These Were Hunter's are rare. One can only be a Were Hunter if the feral need to kill is awaken inside of them just before death. It is a will to live. A Dark Hunter, or Were Hunter, can not step foot into the natural sunlight. If they do, their skin will burn, and turn to ash. They not only are under the control of Artemis, but they are bound to listen to Archerion, Artemis's forever lover. Archerion, not only a God, is the name of the most feared Dark Hunter, and was the first ever created.
Dark Hunters have two powers granted to them by Artemis. Being able to go back into the past, and jumping. Jumping is the act of thinking of one place intently, and being there within seconds. (*Much like Dragon Ball Z's Goku's ability to preform Instant Transmission.*)

Dark Hunter's are not allowed to fall in love, but the Fates sometimes overrule Artemis, and allow them to mate. The symbol above is the symbol that appears on the palms of the fated lovers hands. Once it appears, and begins to glow, the fated lovers must preform the mating ritual with in two weeks, or else they will never be mated, and will never be allowed to be together. When preforming the mating ritual, it is preformed from behind, instead of the normal missionary style of mortal humans. Mates have the option to mate for life or death. If this is done, they will be mated until one dies, and then the other will follow with in moments. In the afterlife, they will find each other again, and continue to love one another with all the passion they had in their living years.
The Daemon's:
Daemon's are similar to vampires, with the only difference being that they can not grant immortal life. They take your soul, and by doing so are able to live another day. They can not go out into the sun light, like vampires, and must wait for dusk to settle in before they can go out to hunt. They can create portals from their own realm into the realm of human's and Dark Hunters.
Squires are the companions of Dark Hunters/ Were Hunters. They do not fight, but call for back up, and protect their own as well as Dark Hunters when needed. They follow the Code of the Squires, which was written in a book to preserve it's power for all time.
The Gods and Goddesses:
The Gods watch over the world with a careful eye. When something is wrong they are quick to fix it, or let the Fates work their magic. Artemis is our main Goddess in the story of the Dark Hunters. She creates them, and only she can take their life unless other wise decreed by the Fates. Living, so to say, under the pretense that she is forever a virgin, Artemis calls upon the Dark Hunters to be her sexual slaves for all eternity in exchange for their lives to be restored.
Humans are the average life forms. They live their lives, and can become Squires if they fumble upon the Dark Hunters and their ways.