Name: Zillah Marie Knight
Age: 19
Race: Human, Squire

Bio:When Zillah was young she knew her father would run off at all times of the day and night never to tell her what was going on. Having lost her mother at the age of nine, Zillah spent most of her time alone at home with no friends, and few books to read. Then, at the age of fifteen, her father ran into their house at the dead of night, waking her roughly. He told his daughter that she had to run, and to never look back. To go to 23rd, and 66th street, and only there would she be safe. In an instant, several men and woman appeared in her room, as her father pushed her out of her very own window. And so Zillah ran to the place her father ordered her to go. The meeting house of the Dark Hunters and their Squires. A few hours later, a Were Hunter, Ravyn Kontis, informed her that he father had died. Immediately with out question, Zillah was inducted into the Order of Squires as her father's replacement. After four years, she had still not been assigned to a Dark Hunter.
Username: Raven Rae Knight
Name: Amara Tarishimo
Age: appears 19, but is immortally not sure.
Race: Arcadian Dark-Hunter

Bio: Amara was born in Germany in the late 18th century. Even she does not exactly remember her own birthday, only that it is on June 4th. Her parents died early in her life, and so she was sent to live in the country of Sweden with her older sister, Juliana. Amara quickly noticed her sisters nightly habits. Soon she she stumbled upon the fact that her sister was a Damion (Like a vampire, but they can not grant immortal life.) Amara became feral, and found that she had the powers to turn into a cat. In a dream, a man appeared to her named Ravyn Kontis. He told her that she had been chosen by the Goddess Artemis to protect human life by killing the Damions. Realizing this ment her only sister, she attempted to refuse, but was soon killed by her sister, and was brought back to life by Acheron, also a fellow Dark-Hunter. Realizing her true calling, she accepted the charge, and for centurys now has protected human life. This led to the death of her sister. Since then, Amara has learned that she is not able to mate/marry, but has secretly been in love with the man who appeared to her in her dream all those years ago. If the Fates decide she can mate, she will find out when a marking appears on her hand as well as the one she has sex with that was predestened as her mate.
Username: Raven Rae Knight
Name: Ravyn Kontis
Age: appears 20, but is immortally age 500 years old.
Race: Arcadian Dark-Hunter

Bio: 300 years ago, Raven took a mate. She was human, and when she was told the truth by him about what he was she freaked out and told her village. When he and the other men of his race were out protecting the women and children from an evil force, the humans in his mate's village attacked the weaker people in his race. Men began to drop down dead around him, and they all suddenly knew that They were bein attacked at home. Upon returning they found everyone dead, women and children alike. He turned to his brother's and father, who in turn beat him, spat on him, and his oldest brother, Pheonix killed him. Upon his return from the dead by the hands of the Goddess Artemis, he became a Dark-Hunter. He then sought vengance on his mate and her family. Over the years, he has taken to going cat form in order to hide from the Damions.
Username: Raven Rae Knight
Name: Stephanie Hoshimota
Age: 17
Race: Emotion Vampire

Bio: Stephanie was born a pure Emotional Vampire, and as such is the current Princess in the royal pure line.
*more to be done on Stephanie*
Username: Raven Rae Knight

Username: Raven Rae Knight
Name:Valerie Edwards
Age: 21
Bio: Valerie remembers almost nothing of her life before waking up in a hospital bed with dozens of her family and friends surrounding her. When they mentioned him, she declined knowing him, but admitting the name sounded familiar. Yet, sh was able to know her mother, father, and all her brothers on sight and directly from her memory. She had no idea where she lived, and couldn't tell you her own phone number. Feeling that something was missing inside, she set out late one night to find what it was her heart was longing for. Flashes of memories, like blinding white reflections as if from the side of a vehicle would hit her mind suddenly making her close her eyes for the brightness. Headaches became frequent, but still she carried on as far as the out ring of asteroids just beyond the planet Vulcan. Now back on Earth, she feels something calling to her. She's compelled to continue her search.
Name:Valerie Edwards
Age: 21
Bio: Valerie remembers almost nothing of her life before waking up in a hospital bed with dozens of her family and friends surrounding her. When they mentioned him, she declined knowing him, but admitting the name sounded familiar. Yet, sh was able to know her mother, father, and all her brothers on sight and directly from her memory. She had no idea where she lived, and couldn't tell you her own phone number. Feeling that something was missing inside, she set out late one night to find what it was her heart was longing for. Flashes of memories, like blinding white reflections as if from the side of a vehicle would hit her mind suddenly making her close her eyes for the brightness. Headaches became frequent, but still she carried on as far as the out ring of asteroids just beyond the planet Vulcan. Now back on Earth, she feels something calling to her. She's compelled to continue her search.

{~'Bout me~}
The name is: Marissa Knight
I've counted __ notes: 18
I'm from: Jacksonville North Carolina
My past: I was born in Jacksonville North Carolina, on the sixth day of June. My mother and father were too poor to actually by me things, so they let me listen to music from some of today's best Thrash Metal bands, as well as the King of Pop aka Michael Jackson, and the BeeGee's. When I got older, all I wanted was to play the music I so desperately clung to as a child. I was then awarded my first instrument, a clarinet that was broken and worn. I fixed it, and made it shine with pride.I played it until the day my house caught on fire, and it burned up to ashes taking my clarinet with it. I eventually started playing a broken guitar that I found in the junk yard for money on the street, and eventually I bought another clarinet. I've been in several bands, and we've opened up for some amazing bands too. But now I'm taking a break, and letting my voice take a break from the long road of the tour.
People say I'm: Crazy and spontaneous.
I love: Music, Cats, Poetry
I hate: Dogs
The name is: Marissa Knight
I've counted __ notes: 18
I'm from: Jacksonville North Carolina
My past: I was born in Jacksonville North Carolina, on the sixth day of June. My mother and father were too poor to actually by me things, so they let me listen to music from some of today's best Thrash Metal bands, as well as the King of Pop aka Michael Jackson, and the BeeGee's. When I got older, all I wanted was to play the music I so desperately clung to as a child. I was then awarded my first instrument, a clarinet that was broken and worn. I fixed it, and made it shine with pride.I played it until the day my house caught on fire, and it burned up to ashes taking my clarinet with it. I eventually started playing a broken guitar that I found in the junk yard for money on the street, and eventually I bought another clarinet. I've been in several bands, and we've opened up for some amazing bands too. But now I'm taking a break, and letting my voice take a break from the long road of the tour.
People say I'm: Crazy and spontaneous.
I love: Music, Cats, Poetry
I hate: Dogs
{~My music~}
I play:Clarinet, Guitar, Vocals
I like:Classical, Thrash Metal, Opera, Classic Rock
The music: Desperado by the Eagles, The Unforgiven by Metallica, Nothing Else Matters by Metallica, One by Metallica, Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx, My Immortal by Evanescence
{~Random Stuff~}
She looks for love in all the wrong places.
I play:Clarinet, Guitar, Vocals
I like:Classical, Thrash Metal, Opera, Classic Rock
The music: Desperado by the Eagles, The Unforgiven by Metallica, Nothing Else Matters by Metallica, One by Metallica, Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx, My Immortal by Evanescence
{~Random Stuff~}
She looks for love in all the wrong places.

{~'Bout me~}
The name is: Tristan Daniel Robertson
I've counted __ notes:18
I'm from:Anchorage Alaska
My past: I was born on an Inuit Reservation in Alaska to Canadian tourists. After we returned to Canada, my parentsgave me up for adoption, and I ended up in an American home. Growing up I wasn't spoiled, and I never had too much of one thing. I made my first saxophone from scraps on a few old ones. Soon after I turned 7 My Adoptive mother and I were in a car crash. It struck me blind while it rendered her paralyzed. A piece of glass has sliced into my eye and couldn't be removed.
People say I'm: Shy and Mysterious
I love:Long walks on the beaches, and sno cones
I hate razz osers, and monekys
The name is: Tristan Daniel Robertson
I've counted __ notes:18
I'm from:Anchorage Alaska
My past: I was born on an Inuit Reservation in Alaska to Canadian tourists. After we returned to Canada, my parentsgave me up for adoption, and I ended up in an American home. Growing up I wasn't spoiled, and I never had too much of one thing. I made my first saxophone from scraps on a few old ones. Soon after I turned 7 My Adoptive mother and I were in a car crash. It struck me blind while it rendered her paralyzed. A piece of glass has sliced into my eye and couldn't be removed.
People say I'm: Shy and Mysterious
I love:Long walks on the beaches, and sno cones
I hate razz osers, and monekys
{~My music~}
I play: Saxophone, Violin, and Vocals
I like:Operas, Classical
The music biggrin ante's First Sonnet from Hannibal, My Shiny Friends from Sweeney Todd
{~Random Stuff~}
Tristan plots revenge when people do him wrong. He's also got his lip pierced and both nipples. He's also laden with tattoos.
I play: Saxophone, Violin, and Vocals
I like:Operas, Classical
The music biggrin ante's First Sonnet from Hannibal, My Shiny Friends from Sweeney Todd
{~Random Stuff~}
Tristan plots revenge when people do him wrong. He's also got his lip pierced and both nipples. He's also laden with tattoos.
Gaiausername: Raven Rae Knight
Name: Jillian Rae
age: 21
Bio: Born of two Irish mortals, Jillian was a terrible little girl growing up, but none knew why. There were times that she was possessed it seemed by a demon of entity of some sort. Oh how little mortals really know. During one of her "possessed" states, she killed her parents, and the preacher that was attempting to perform the exorcism.

Demon name:Aosoth Keiran
Demon age:3,000 years of age
Demon bio: Aosoth is the demon living inside of a mortal girl who was born on the sixth day of the sixth month. Though She is much older than the mortal girl she came to know as Jillian, the girl is her host, and Aosoth is to help this girl become so evil that Aosoth can escape her prison. She can leave the girl's body when ever she wants, but when she returns the town preacher is called in causing Aosoth to cause pain and suffering in the wake of the exorcism.
Demon state:

Abilities: Possession, and Mind Whisper *This is like your conscious*
Puppetmaster: Raven Rae Knight
Full name: Keiran Adael Knight
Nickname:Keery by her father, and Little Dark One by her mother *Keiran means literally that*
Age: 20
Birth Date: June 4th, 2247
Gender: Female
Race: Ghoul
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrows
Leaders Child?: Yes
Biography: She was born to a father who knew much of things in the world. War was one of them. Her father taught her everything she knows about war and the way it all works. Now she's her father's second in command, but she hates the war, and all that it's about. She knows that she shouldn't make a mockery of the life of another person, but if it pleases her father then it keeps her out of trouble.
Personality: Relaxed unless she's on the battle field then she's focused and angry. When she kills it's a comical moment with it's own snappy one-liner.
Crush: NA

Theme Song: One by Metallica