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Name - Akio
Gender - Male
Age - 19
Sexuality - Straight
Species - Vampire
Eye Color - Black eyes with red pupils
Height - about 5’11
Body Build - Thin but muscled. He’s strong but doesn’t look it.
Hair Color/Length/Style - Short silver hair, covers his eyes from time to town
Other Appearances - Has dog ears under his hair, He dresses very casually and caries a sword disguised as a sword.
Personality - Kind and caring but vicious when angered.
Bio - A smooth talker by birth Akio became a master for the pleasure of the deal. He flies from slave to slave looking for one that captures not only his eye but also his heart.
Collar - Pink/Vevlet
Charms - Black Pearl, Tea Cup, Hands Holding One Another
Slave -
Position (uke[submissive], seme[dominant], seke[both]) - Seme
Other - He likes to be challenged by his slaves and welcomes an open mind but not frequent disobedience.