Name - Cry
Gender - Male
Age - 18
Sexuality - Straight
Species - Kitsune
Eye Color - Faded Green
Height - 5'8
Body Build - Thin
Hair Color/Length/Style - Sandy brow his ears lying flat on his head
Other Appearances(Tail/Ears/Tattoos) - Bushy tail that is constantly moving
Personality - Playful, and does what he's told but loves to please his mistress. He's very gifted in that field.
Bio - He's been brought from mistress to mistress since he was young but he always ran away after around a month none of them ever kind to him
Collar - Pink, Velvet
Charms - Heart, Ruby
Master -
Position (uke[submissive], seme[dominant], seke[both]) - seke
Other -
Picture -

Name - Howl
Gender - Male
Age - 16
Sexuality - Straight
Species - Neko
Eye Color - Indigo
Height - 5'8
Body Build - Thin
Hair Color/Length/Style - Short, slightly spiking with a soft red streak in them
Other Appearances(Tail/Ears/Tattoos) - Ears poking through his hair and and a tail mainly wrapped around his waist
Personality - Aloof, does what he's told but likes to have fun with his mistress
Bio - Taken into slavery as a young boy he grew up afraid mainly then became a loner. He'll open up to his mistress but not at first
Collar - Pink, Velvet, Blue
Charms - Heart, Hands Holding One Another, Fnags
Master -
Position (uke[submissive], seme[dominant], seke[both]) - seke
Other -
Picture -

Name - Zero Ryusei
Gender - Male
Age - 23
Sexuality - Straight
Species - Fallen Angel
Eye Color - Dark Yellow
Height - 5'10
Body Build - Lean, verying degrees of strenth
Hair Color/Length/Style - Spikey, white streaks
Other Appearances(Tail/Ears/Tattoos) - A tatoo like magic pattern on his stomach
Personality - Cold, cruel at times, protective, violent,
Bio - Being a fallen angel he holds very little favor for those he considers beneath him. Therefore he began to take slaves to serve the purposes he desired. However if he is crossed he will punish and kill if nessary.
Collar - Black, Metal
Charms - Fangs, Ruby, Heart
Slave -
Position (uke[submissive], seme[dominant], seke[both]) - Seme
Other - .....
Picture -

Name - Lyn Sakiboshi
Gender - Male
Age - 19
Sexuality - Straight
Species - Arc Angel
Eye Color - Pure White
Height - 5'10
Body Build - Lean, verying degrees of strenth
Hair Color/Length/Style - Spikey but still falls into his face.
Other Appearances(Tail/Ears/Tattoos) - look at pic.
Personality - Warm, caring and protective.
Bio - He descended from the heavens in a need for compaionship. He hopes to find that someone soon.
Collar - Pink, Red
Charms - Sword and Shield, Hands Hold on Another, Heart
Slave -
Position (uke[submissive], seme[dominant], seke[both]) - Seke
Other - He loves the sky and is willing to give rides to his slaves at a request.
Picture -

Name - Saru Midori
Gender - Male
Age - 17
Sexuality - Straight
Species - Ookami
Eye Color - Red
Height - around 5'10
Body Build - Lean but muscualar
Hair Color/Length/Style - Spikey, meduim lenght and silver grey
Other Appearances(Tail/Ears/Tattoos) - Wolf ears on his head and a bushy silver tail.
Personality - Fun loving but loyal. Willing to serve without question but still have fun with it.
Bio - He was orginnally raised to be a butlar and body guard when the family we served was wiped out by a rival. Now jobless and homeless he was captured by slavers. He didn't fight back but rather wanted to coninue his purpose in life to serve.
Collar - Red and pink.
Charms - Tea Cup, Ruby, Hands Holding one another
Master - Elle
Position (uke[submissive], seme[dominant], seke[both]) - Seke.
Other - He is very efficent when it comes to intelligance.
Name of your character: Yomi Kuro
Username: Trickster696
Position: (Pet, or Master) Master
Age: 19
Sex: Guy
Species: Half Demon, Half vampire
Orientation: Straight
Fears: None
Dislikes: Being annoyed
Likes: Dominating, hard rough sex, being pleased by his slaves, pleasing his slaves
Strength: Cam stimulate the nerves of those he is in physical contact with and can make them feel virtually anything.
Picture of your character:

Name: Trickster696
Name: Waya Shiraka
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Who their like or not at all: A mix betwean Train from Black Cat and Dante from Devil May Cry
Sexual preference: Straight
Discription and or pic: