Name: Buraindo (Raido for short)
Age: 21
Family: Tiger
Rank: 5
Weapon(s): Three guns. Two hand guns at his hips with blades that are under the barrels and a rifle on his back. He carries no bullets.
Power(s): Ghost Bullet (When he woke up from his sleep in the hospital he found out he could make bullets from the air itself. But as a result he lost his abbilty to see) and Zero Scope (His version of Scope Sight. After he went blind he gained this power. With it for around an hour and a half he has 20/20 perfect vision. He can aslo see infrared, X-Ray, and night vision, as well as seeing through smoke and illusions. After use he must sleep for ten hours to lessen the stress on his body. If he ends the abbilty early however the effect is the same and he must rest for the same amount of time.)
Personality: A little distant but when he trust you you'll never have to watch your back. He's very loyal but doesn't speak much.
Bio: When he was fifteen he was a master sniper and assassin. Six years later he woke up in the Tiger camp blind and confused. They took him in and raised him to be one of the best. Now he has a mission, a purpose and a something to protect. He's going to find out what happened to him in those six years.

Anything I Forgot to Add: He likes to drink when he waks up from his vision sleeps. He prefers warm sak
Username: Trickster696
Name: Kaien Shino
Age: 19
Family: The Rat
Rank: 5
Weapon(s): A katana with a black hilt with and a gold diamond pattern. The blade is long and always kept across his back. At his right hip is an identical kodachi. Both have a rat on the bottom of the pommel.
Power(s): Half Touch. Final Touch - He improved on the Half Touch techinque. With it he can end the life of one person by touching them in either their heart or neck. However using it once rebounds on his body carving up his arm badly. He can only use it four times, twice per arm, every week or else he loses the use of his arm.
Personality: When he's not on a mission he laughs and loves to have fun with people. He's a good natured. When on a mission that person goes away completely leaving behind only a ruthless assassin.
Bio: He was a regular street punk who had some skill with a knife. He challenged the wrong, the wrong gang and was beaten near death in one night. An elder of the rat family took him in and trained him to learn restraint, disiplicne and respect. Now he serves them without question and will protect them to his last breath.

Username: Trickster696
Name: Jiro Onishi Z Onishi
Age: Jiro - 20 L - 17
Family: Jiro - Rooster, Z - Boar
Rank: Both 13
Weapon(s): Jiro caries a remote control that controls a small droid that is armed with a gun and a tazer. Z has a backpack full of his explosives, extra wires, remote detonators, and an ipod made for him by his brother that let's him control his explosives his "moving" explosives.
Power(s): Jiro - None but is on the verge of gaining Smithy with Z's help. Z has Shield and also an abilty called Man Det - Turns his body into an explosive using a combination of heat, kinetic and static energy. The radius is about five feet and is as strong as C4 explosives. He can also contain it to a specific body part. Downside is that it leaves him immoblie and takes five minutes to prepare a body wide explosive while the hand and feet explosives burn his body with 2nd degree burns. He can use it as must as he likes risking his body more and more.
Personality: Jiro is a little reserved and hard to make smile but he still enjoys helping and aiding his family and brother. Z is a little crazy normally in a random silly way but in a dangerous way when on a mission. That's he got the name "Mad Bomber"
Bio: They were born into the Yin family as children and Jiro was immediatly protective of Z from day one. When he went into the Rooster family and Z left for the boar family they became a team. Jiro made robots and other machines to aid Z's explosives and keep him further out of harm's way. Z is also protective of Jiro and never let's anyone try to or thinkg they can mess with him. Almost everymission they do is together earning them the nickname "Demolition Duo"
Picture: Z


Anything I Forgot to Add:
Username: Trickster696
Name: Sirus
Age: 15
Family: Cat
Rank: Leader
Weapon(s): Anything he can get his hands on though he prefers his claws.
Power(s): Assimilation - He had cat DNA injected into his body as an embryo so he could grow up to lead the cat family. He has nautrally sharp claws the can cut through stone. He has ears and a tail. Has very good balanace and very asute senses. Using the complete power he becomes a jaguar the same size as he is.
Personality: Playful and childish normal but fierce and protective. Also territorial (no he doesn't mark it)
Bio: He was created specifcally to lead the cat family and be the perfect leader. And he is able to do that well enough though he would rather good off then work. He loves hanging out with the other members of the family forgetting formalities. Their family and thus thats how he treats them and wants to be treated.

Anything I Forgot to Add: Catnip is a weakness to him. Loves to nap too and loves climbing trees but hates getting out. Basically a cat in human form.