My mother had been fishers/pirates when I was a baby. I don't remember her really. But even though I was small. I never forgot the day she died. Pirates had started approching the lagoon me and my family, along with some other mermaids, were playing, and we had to swim back underwater. But it was at a moment when my father was going to give my mother her aniverssery gift. It was supposed to be a music box. When the pirates showed up and we tried to mother had stayed behind to try and get the music box. But the rock it sat on....was ufotinatly the one the prirates had crashed on. Causing my mother to be crushed to death.
When my father went back to find her. The Pirates had drowned and died from the wreak. And my mother.....was gone.....all that was left...was the music box. It was shaped like a star. And when you opened it my mother and father would appear as tiny golden statues and dance around in a circle. But it had the song or the lullaby that my mother always used to put us to sleep...sometimes it played hers and my fathers song. Each time he heard the song it filled him with pain to think about it....and her. So he thrust the music box far away into the ocean. It was never seen....or found again. It even caused music to be banned from the kingdom at one point. Until I mangaed to find the music box and teach my father to love and enjoy music again. After that he finally realized without music in the kingdom....Alantica just wans't home.
It was now 10 years sense the accident...and I still missed her. I still had the music box. I had it with me at all times. It was all I had left of my mother. I placed the ocarina in my pants, and took out the star shapd locket. A tear fell from the corner of my eye. I held the box close to my heart. "I wish you were here." I said. "I miss you so much." "I take it that it belonged to someone special." I heard Jordan's voice say. I turned to face him. I explained to him about my mother. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother." He said. "It doesn't matter. I'm not even sure why I miss her. I didn't even know her that well." I said. "How can you miss someone you never knew?" "Because. Somewhere deep truely did know her." Jordan said, holding me close to him.

To be continued in Chapter 17...