Chapter 17: Does He Really Love Me? (Pre Heartbroken)
I woke up the next morning not feeling well. The sun in my eyes as well. As I opened my eyes and turned over in the bed I nearly screamed as I saw Jordan looking down at me. I hadn't been expecting him to be there watching me sleep. I guess he figured I didn't feel well. He left the room without a word. Was it something I said? Or did?
I woke up later in the evening feeling much better. I sat up and streached. I got dressed and went downstairs. I was hoping Jordan hadn't been too lonley without me. I ran downstairs and as I ran into the living room I saw Jordan.......with....another women! I couldn't believe my eyes either. He was hugging, and kissing her. I coughed to show him I was in the room. He jurked away from her lips and they both looked at me. "I'm sorry." I said. "Am I interupting something?"
"Oh, Melissa. Feeling better." Jordan asked. "yes" I answered. "Um....was I interupting something?" "Who's she, Jordan?" The girl asked. "Ryann this is Melissa, and Melissa...this is girlfriend." Jordan said. I stared in Shock. GIRLFRIEND! No! It couldn't be. I was his girlfriend. He kissed me! He showed all the sighs of liking me! How....HOW COULD IT BE!!!
How? How was it possible? All that love he showed me! All that compassion he showed me! How could it lead to this! "Melissa? Is something the matter?" Jordan asked. "No." I choked. "Meli-" Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore and ran for it! I had to get away. I couldn't stay there! Not now! He had lied to me! He said he had loved me! Or so I had thought! As I ran I suddenly slamed into somebody and was sent to the ground. I looked up to see my friend Anastasia, who I had meet a few days ago while wondering around on my own. "Melissa what's wrong?" She asked, noticing the tears leaking from my eyes.

To be continued in Chapter 18...