"Your just a cocy little brat aren't you?" She said. "Yes I am!" I said. "One that's about to kick your a**" I charged at the human Ursula and are swords clashed. I was pretty good at this...considering I was princess. But then I had to remember that I was trying to save Jordan and that was what was motavating me. I took a swing at Ursula again. I got her that time. Her scream of pain echoed through the air as I left a deep gash in her arm.
"Why you little-" Ursula yelled. I motioned for her to bring it and we were back to our fight. I saw skuttel sky diving towards Urusala and I did a flip to get out of the way, nearly triping over Jordan who was getting to his feet, now awake, but still under Urusula's control. "NOOOOO!" I heard Urusula scream. I turned back to her and saw skuttel had ripped the necklace off of her neck, and she no probably no longer sounded like me. "Catch!" Skuttel cried. He lunged the necklace at me. I caught it, and looked at Ursula. "YOUR GAME ENDS HERE!" I yelled.
Ursula looked at me, and knew what I was going to do. I thrust the necklace at the ground, with all my might, and shattered it. Suddenly a golden light floted up to me, and into my mouth. "NOOOOOO!" Ursula yelled again. "Melissa?" I heard Jordan asked. I turned to look at him. He looked confussed. "Jordan?" I said. "JORDAN DON'T LISTEN TO HER!" Ursula yelled. She sounded like herself again. "Melissa? What's going on? Why am I dressed like I'm going to a wedding? Who's she?" Jordan asked. Yep....definatly confused.
"I'll...uh...explain later." I said. "Wait...is that Ursula?" He asked. "That witch that turned you human?" "No use hiding now." Ursula said suddenly turning back into her fish form. "Are you surprised to see your aunt in her fish form again my dear?" She asked. "AUNT!" Jordan yelled looking at me again. "She's my half-aunt." I said. "She's my dad's half sister which makes my half aunt?" Jordan stepped forward. "Give her her true form back!" He yelled. Ursula laughed. "She'll never get her true form back! And she'll never get to go back home! Not until I get what I want!" She yelled diving off of the ship into the water. Her evil laugh being heard until it faded. A tear escaped my eye. Jordan turned to face at me, and smiled at me. He took my hands. Suddenly I felt a ray of hope, causing me to smile. "TRUE FORM! SEA WITCHS! WHAT IS GOING ON!" One of Jordan's servents asked. So much for a romantic moment. *sigh*

To be continued in Chapter 16.....