I could see the preacer was very old as he couldn't see the chous that was going on. Everyone was running around in a panic. Wow! Skuttell really knew how to crash a party. I could see the sea creatures and all the air born creatures were taking care of the so called "vanessa" YES! Though personaly i wanted to be the one to kick her a**. ( twisted ) I could see Jordan as well! He was standing in front of the precher.... Like a zombie. God Ursula! She brainwashed him good! "JORDAN!" I yelled. He didn't move. He didn't seem to even notice my presense. URSULA! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!
Ursula grabbed hold of Skuttel by the neck as some dolphins sprayed her with water. "Why you little...." She said. She did sound like me....but only because of the....SHELL! The shell around her neck was the only reason! Break the shell and it breaks the spell on Jordan! "STOP RIGHT THERE URSULA!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. Urusula stopped trying to strangle Skuttel and looked at me! "YOU!" She yelled. "Didn't think I'd figure it out did you!" I yelled. "Guess you underestamated me!" "Well...rest asore...I won't make that mistake again!" She said.
Skuttel flew over to my shoulder. "What's the plan?" He whispered in my ear. "Go for the shell around her neck...destroy it...me....I'll work on getting ride of her." I whispered back. "Got it." He said taking flight again. "You know Ursula.....you are very sneeky....but your not going to win!" I said. "We'll see about that." She said. She snapped her fingurs and suddenly Jordan was coming at me with a sword! DAMN YOU URSULA!!!!! "Sorry Jordan! Don't want to have to do this...but..." I took my foot and knocked Jordon onto the ground hard knocking him out....."Oh...sorry." I said... Now for Ursula.

to be continued in chapter 15...