I could see a women walking along the beach near Jordan's place. Him on his balcony stopping as he heard the voice of the women. She had a necklace shaped like a shell around her neck. Much like the one Ursuala wore around her's. Her eyes were brown, and her hair black. She wore a purple and black dress. I didn't know her. But she had some sort of aura around her that made her seem familer. The voice she had sounded like mine. And Jordan was attracted to the voice.
I woke up the next morning to the sound of Skuttel yelling something at my open window as a breeze blew in through it. I opened my eyes. "CONGRADULATIONS!" Skuttel yelled coming up to me and messing up my hair with his wings. "For what?" I asked. "Don't you know. there's a buzz going around saying that your lover is getting married to you." He said. "WHAT!" I exclaimed. I jumped out of the bed and quickly got dressed, and straightend up my hair. When did all this happen. He never praposed or anything. Whatever the reason me and Jordan were going to be together.

I watched as the wedding boat departed. I sunk to my feet and weep some more. I felt so lost. Confussed. I didn't understand what happened. Flounder and Subastion came out of the water. "Oh, Melissa. I wish I could help." Subastion said. "But hey...there are other men out there." "Not like him." I cried. Flounder splashed some water out at me knowing I would probably react with pleasure. I didn't. I was to heartbroken right now.
I had lost. Jordan never cared about me. He was just trying to make me feel special so he could rip my heart out. My father had always been right. Humans...WERE cruel. "Is that Skuttel coming this way?" I heard Flounder ask. "It is. Oh what does he want!" Subastion said. "You gotta hurry!" Skuttel said. "What are you talking about!" Subastion yelled. "Can't you see this isn't a good time!?" "But that's what this is about!" Skuttel said.
"What are you trying to say?" I asked lifting my head up a little. "Ok well I was flying. Well of course I was flying." Skuttel said. Subastion rolled his eyes. "And I came to the boat where the wedding was going to take place. I looked in the window when I heard a voice that sounded like Melissa's." Skuttel said. "Yes" I said. "And in the mirror reflection of the WRONG bride...was the sea witch!" Skuttel said. "DO YOU HEAR WHAT I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU! THE BRIDE VANESSA IS THE SEA WITCH IN DISQUESE!"
I got to my feet! So it was Ursula! I should have seen it. Her sounding like me was the only way she could have got to Jordan. She used a fragmant of my voice to hypnotize Jordan into thinking it was me! She was planning to marry Jordan herself to keep me from winning! "We have to stop that wedding!" I said. "No!" Subastion said. "We need to CRASH that wedding!" I nodded my head. "Ok here's the plan!" Subastion said. "Skuttel you go and get some other sea creatures and go and stop that wedding! Flounder.." Subastion said cutting some rope holding some barrels together. He therew the rope around Flounder. "You and Melissa swim as fast as you can to that boat." "But I can't swim as a human!" I said. "that's why your going to hold onto that barral taht's attached to the rope around Flounder." Subastion said. I nodded my head. Subastion got on my shoulder and we jumped in the water. "Swim as fast as you can Flounder!" I pleeded.

To be continued in Chapter 14....