“Sooo?” I looked up from the book I was rea—I mean trying to read.
“So…what?” I asked boredly. Caddie groaned.
“You know! How many guys asked you to date them this week?” I sighed before answering her.
“Eleven.” Caddie stared at me, wide-eyed. The first week of school was over, and yes, eleven guys asked me to go out with them. I, of course, turned every one of them down. I guess I could say that eleven was a new record.
“Wow! Eleven? Derick would have a fit if that many guys asked me to date them!” Caddie exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. Derick was Caddie’s boyfriend. And she was overly obsessed with him. As if on cue, which somehow always happens, she said, “Speaking of Derick, I need to go call him.” Caddie rolled off my bed and went next door to her own room. I tried again to refocus on the book I was reading. Then my youngest brother, Yasuo, came in. His name means ‘peaceful one’ in Japanese. I honestly don’t know what is up with my parents giving two of their kids nice, normal names, while the other two got foreign ones. Yasuo crawled onto my bed.
“Nami. I’m bored,” he whined. I tried not to smile at him. Yasuo looked like me, with grey-blue eyes and spiky black hair.
“Sorry ‘bout that, young one. Go find something to do,” I suggested. Yasuo beat on my bed with his little four-year-old fists. Sometimes he is just the opposite of peaceful.
“Nami! I’m really, really bored!” he exclaimed. I grinned at him.
“Don’t yell. And fine. I’ll find you something to do.” Yasuo’s eyes lit up happily. He grabbed my hand and dragged me off the bed, out of my room into the hall. Where we nearly had a collision with my other brother, Adam. He’s eleven. Which, oddly, is the same number of guys that asked me out.
“Hey Nami, did you know people moved in downstairs?” he asked. I never did mention that I live in an apartment complex. But they’re so nice that I consider them to be condos. Ours happens to have four bedrooms.
“Really. That’s nice,” I replied.
“And Mom invited them over for dinner,” Adam continued. I nodded. I truly didn’t care. At all.
“Tonight,” he finished.
“Wonder—wait, what? Tonight?” Adam nodded. I sighed, and brushed by him, Yasuo still clinging to my hand. He looked up at me. I had a slightly annoyed expression written on my face.
“What is it, Nami?” he asked.
“Did you know about this?” Yasuo nodded. “How did I not?”
“Mommy and Papa told all of us. You just weren’t paying any attention.” I let out an exasperated sigh. It was probably true. I never listen to half the things my parents say. Yasuo stared up at me.
“Nami, will you read to me?” he asked. I nodded and picked him up in my arms.
“What book?” Yasuo gave me a look, and I rolled my eyes. He wanted me to read the same book I always read to him. It was about a boy who found out he was a prince and became ruler of the world. I’ve read it so much to Yasuo that I could recite it perfectly back to him, which I started to do. A frown appeared on his face as he began to protest. At the same time, my mother called me from the sitting room. With Yasuo still attached to my hip, I went to see what she wanted.
“I need you to clean you room,” she said bluntly, focusing on a spot on the coffee table that wouldn’t come out.
“It’s already clean,” I said, shifting Yasuo’s weight on my hip.
“Then help Yasuo and Adam clean theirs. Please.” I groaned and nodded. “Oh, and would you start dinner?” she added.
“Ask Caddie. All she’s doing is talking to her oh so precious boyfriend,” I retorted. With that, I went to Yasuo and Adam’s room. It was never clean. Ever. When it does get cleaned, it only lasts for up to four hours before it’s messy again. But today, it was slightly better. Maybe Dad had stopped in to start on it.
“Look Nami. My side of the room is cleaner,” Yasuo said. And it was. To some degree. All of his belongings were stuffed under his makeshift made bed. Yasuo leaned into my shoulder and closed his eyes, putting his thumb in his mouth.
“Nami, you smell like a cloud,” he whispered. I smiled. Yasuo always had a different smell for me each day. Yesterday I apparently smelled like a crab. Whether that was a good thing or not, I’m not really sure. I put Yasuo down and fished Adam from the mess on his bed. We began cleaning, which was mostly just putting clothes and toys in their places. We were done in little over an hour. By that time, Caddie has finally started on dinner. Dad was helping her, while Mother cleaned.
“Can you guys try to keep your room clean this time?” I asked Yasuo and Adam. They nodded their heads in unison, although I knew it wasn’t true. I gave them approving pats on their heads, anyway.
About an hour later, our visitors arrived. Six o’clock on the dot. I was helping Yasuo wash his face and hands in the bathroom when the door was answered. I could hear Mother squealing with delight, which she always does when we have company. She began calling our names. I ushered Yasuo into the sitting room, apathetic about the entire situation.
“Nami, these are the—” Mother started before I interrupted her.
“How are you everywhere? First it’s school, now you live under me!” I shouted. None other than Alek Peterson and his family had shown up. Mother gaped at me, shocked.
“Hey now! Is that anyway to talk to your friend?” Alek asked, smiling widely. I frowned. Whether I liked it or not, Alek and I grew on each other and had become friends. He was the first guy to actually try and be my friend, instead of hitting on me. I appreciated him for that. I still awaited the day he started, though.
“Nami. Apologize. Please,” Mother said, strain evident in her voice.
“Sorry, Alek.” He nodded his approval.
Dinner was rather uneventful. After, both sets of parents do what all parents do. Talk. Or with dad’s, watch TV. Mother and Mrs. Peterson chatted it up, while Dad and Mr. Peterson watched some game. Alek’s sisters immediately hit it off with my brothers. Tess, the same age as Adam, became friends. As did Yasuo and Annie, who was three. Their youngest sister, Emily, was only eight months, so she stuck to her mom. Alek tried to make small talk with me, but I ignored him, trying to read a book—the same one I was trying to read at three o’clock. He, after some time, gave up and went to the sitting room.
I was relieved when the Peterson’s left. I somehow became the girls’ babysitter. Apparently, Alek did a horrible job at it. I didn’t mind so much, though. Again, Adam and Yasuo’s room was dirtied, which meant that I had to clean it tomorrow. Caddie disappeared from the picture as soon as dinner ended. She was in her room, chatting her life away. I really hoped I didn’t end up like her.
I HAS A FAN!!!! *glomps Marie* heart
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Necchan has a Blurb~
I don't actually know. Stuff. I'm pretty random, and sometimes moody, so you never know what you're gonna get. Lots of my writing, that's for sure.
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[i:5954274804]You know what you should do? Give me random comments. c:
It will make my day.
Also, let me know what you think of my signature.
It will also make my day.
Unless you say terrible things. Then I will have to kick you in the jugular.[/i:5954274804][/color:5954274804][/size:5954274804][/align:5954274804]
[i:5954274804]You know what you should do? Give me random comments. c:
It will make my day.
Also, let me know what you think of my signature.
It will also make my day.
Unless you say terrible things. Then I will have to kick you in the jugular.[/i:5954274804][/color:5954274804][/size:5954274804][/align:5954274804]
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