The best of Britian, in my opinion.
Alek and I got stuck babysitting again. Friday and Saturday. Friday there was no school, and Saturday our parents decided they wanted to do a group outing.
This time, though, the baby-sitting took place at the Petersons’. It was the first time we’ve been over.
“G’morning,” Alek greeted when he opened the door Saturday morning. Adam was holding onto my hand, sleepily mumbling something about a unicorn and candy. I held Yasuo on my hip with my other arm, while he soundly slept on my shoulder.
“Morning, Alek. Could you let us in?” I said, adjusting Yasuo’s weight on my body. Alek smiled and moved aside, letting us through the door. Adam tripped over his shoelaces, but caught himself before he completely toppled over.
“Nami, if you don’t mind my saying, you look like a mother,” Alek said. I glared at him, pressing my lips into a hard line.
“I am seventeen, Alek. I am in no way ready for motherhood, nor will I be ready until I am at least twenty-three years old,” I declared. He smiled, apologizing without words, and I sighed. “Is there anywhere I can lay these two?” Alek nodded, taking Adam’s hand and leading us to a spare bedroom, where my brothers were laid side-by-side.
“Where’s Caddie?” Alek suddenly asked.
“She went to a friends’ house,” I answered. He laughed.
“She always finds a way to get out of baby-sitting,” he said, taking my hand and leading me out of the room, down the hall to another bedroom.
“Is this your room?” I asked. Alek nodded.
“I want you to meet someone,” he said.
“There’s no one here.”
“Says the girl who always thinks way too logically, even in the face of a being who the rest of the world says should not exist,” Alek retorted, smiling, and I made a face at him. He laughed again, and pulled me into his closet.
“Ever been to England?” he asked, shutting the door.
“Once, when I was young,” I answered. “You should know that.” Alek laughed.
“Well, I’m going to need you to recollect the scenery for what I’m about to do.”
“We’re going to England?” Alek laughed again, and took up my other hand.
“Something similar to that. Now, think, Nami.”
And I did. I thought about the palace I took a tour of, and of the way the driving was so backwards compared to the Americans, and the accents I was so fascinated with.
Breaking my concentration, Alek said, “Open up, Nami.” I opened my eyes, and it showed that we were still in his closet. I did notice, however, that instead of a pale bluish light under the door, it was completely dark.
“Alek, I can’t see,” I said.
“Exactly.” I imagined him nodding. He opened the door and guided me out and around until he lit a candle.
“You hold this one,” he said, putting it in a candlestick and handing it to me. He then lit another candle for himself. Taking my hand again, he asked me if I was ready, and I nodded. Alek lead me through a hallway and down a narrow staircase, wound like a tight spring, to a heavy wooden door. Alek knocked twice before a faint, “Come in” was heard. He pushed the door open, and we went inside. A man appeared from around a corner, and smiled.
“Alek,” he said, “It’s so nice to see you.”
“Hello, Uncle,” Alek said.
“Ah! The princess!” Alek’s uncle raised his eyebrows in surprise. He then took my hand in both of his and kissed it. “What a pleasure!” I pulled my hand away, maybe a little too roughly, and asked, “You’re Alek’s uncle?” The man nodded, and I really looked at him. He didn’t seem very old, mid-thirties maybe. His brown hair came to his shoulders and framed his pale face nicely. He also had hazel eyes that sparkled happily.
“I’m sure Alek’s told you about me. And I’m 32,” he said. For a second I was startled, then realized that Alek’s uncle could also read minds.
“Oh, uhm, I think Alek has mentioned you before…” I trailed off, not knowing the name of the man.
“Isaac,” he said, smiling.
“Yes, Isaac, Alek’s mentioned you before, but nothing else.” Isaac’s smile never faltered as he turned to Alek.
“Why haven’t you done so?” he asked, seeming a bit hurt.
“I didn’t feel the need to. Besides, she’s standing right in front of you,” Alek said. “Oh, and we need to discuss the whereabouts of Grandfather.” It was then that Isaac frowned. He beckoned Alek and I further into the room, where there was furniture and a blazing hearth.
“Sit, sit,” Isaac invited. “May I get you anything, Princess?”
“No, thank you,” I politely refused, to make up for when I snatched my hand from him, and sat on a couch. Alek sat next to me, laced his fingers through mine, and squeezed my hand gently.
“Just to let you know, Isaac is homosexual, so you don’t have to be so mean to him. He’s not remotely interested in you,” he said quietly. Isaac pulled up a chair, and smiled at me.
“It’s true,” he said. “Anyway, let us get down to business. Princess—it is alright that I call you Princess—?” I nodded. “—The man who sent those two men after you was Alek’s grandfather.” I nodded again. Alek had told me this already. Isaac continued, “Unfortunately, he isn’t finished with his work and is trying to send out more of his men for you and your brother, the young Prince.”
“Would they be able to get into our house?” I asked. This time, Alek answered.
“I put a spell around the complex, and they don’t have the power to get past it,” he said, and I sighed in relief.
“They can, however, attack from anywhere else,” he added. “Now do you understand why I won’t let you out of my line of sight?” I nodded slowly, horrified by the thought.
“Alek, about your grandfather,” Isaac interrupted. “He’s safely locked here, in this realm. Although there is no telling when he’ll break free.” Alek sighed.
“Thank you, Uncle. That is all I needed to know,” he said. He and Isaac then both stood. I looked back and forth between them. They seemed to be having a silent conversation.
“I will,” Alek said, glancing at me. Isaac gave him a look of skepticism, smiled at me, then left.
“I’ll be listening!” he called.
“What was that about?” I asked, standing from my place on the couch. “Are we leaving now?”
“In a minute,” Alek said, answering only my first question. I gave him a quizzical look as he took my hands in his. He took a deep breath.
“Nami, I know I’ve been causing you a lot of confusion in where our relationship is going,” he started. I started to protest, and Alek pressed his forefinger to my lips.
“Don’t object, you know it’s true. I’ve been listening to your thoughts a lot in the past few days. They’ve mostly been about if I love you or not and if we’re more than friends. Isaac heard them, too, and was upset with me that I’ve been doing this to you. Anyway, the point is, I’d be confused, too. But, Nami, I really do love you, and I’d give anything to be with you. I know that you would, too, because it’s almost all you think about.”
“I would,” I whispered. Alek smiled.
“So we’re officially a couple now?” I nodded.
“Finally!” Isaac cheered, lifting the tension and making Alek and I both laugh.
“C’mon, let’s go home. We’ve got kids to baby-sit,” Alek said, grinning and lacing his fingers in mine.
HERE YOU GO, CHAPS! I HOPE THIS WAS AN ACE CHAPTER FOR YOU ALL! Comment, please! I would be honoured if you did!
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