Somebody comment, or I won't post anymore journals. Wow, what a horrible threat, I know.
Right, like anyone cares anyway...
Anyway, here goes:
We met the first day of school. He was in a number of my classes, including homeroom. All the girls said he was to die for. So this is fate, right? No. The complete opposite. It was a case of horrible, horrible luck.
"I'd like everyone to stand and introduce themselves to the class. Starting" The teacher pointed to me. "And, please, tell us a little something about yourself. Something interesting." I stood from the desk I sat at.
"My name is Nami. My last name is unimportant, as are my interests," I stated, and sat back down. Some of the kids stared at me, confused. Others, mainly the guys, stared at me lustfully. I looked ahead, trying to ignore them. The teacher frowned.
"Ms. Nami, would you kindly tell us one thing about you?" he asked. I sighed, annoyed, and stood again.
"If you must know something, my name means 'wave' or 'sea' in Japanese." I sat again.
"Okay, uhm, good! Next, please?" The boy sitting behind me stood. I turned to look at him. He had a mop of messy brown-blonde hair on his head and excited brown eyes.
"I'm Alek. And unlike Ms. Nami, my last name is Peterson. Uhm...something about me...I have three younger sisters," he said. He sat and grinned at me. My response was to face away from him. The rest of the class introduced themselves, while I hardly paid attention. Afterward, our teacher, Mr. Forrester, began his 'first day' lecture.
After the bell, I hurried to my next class, art, without trying to be stopped in the hallway. I made it, but there were plenty of stares.
The teacher was late to class. Fortunately, she didn't go over any school rules. Ms. Roper was already my favorite teacher, and it was only the first day. She told us to call her Rayne. She was sarcastic, sassy, and a little bit on the off side. With her short red-brown hair and big green eyes, she bounced around the room the entire period.
"Okay, my little Leonardos, pick a partner. You'll work with them the entire year, so choose veery wisely!" Rayne grinned at us, while to her, we returned blank stares. "What are you waiting for? Choose!" Some of the kids immediately attached to each other. I went to the back of the classroom, hoping no one would notice me. I prefer to work alone. But, unfortunately, I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see none other than Alek Peterson.
"Be my partner?" he asked, grinning widely.
"Why?" I retorted.
"Because you're the only face I recognize here. You're in my first period, right?" I nodded. I could already see there was no way to try and talk myself out of this one. He seemed to be persistent.
"So again: Be my partner?" I sighed, defeated.
"Fine. I can see you aren't going away," I said, waving Alek to pull up a stool. He did, and sat next to me. He continued to grin like a Chesire cat.
"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked, annoyed by the look on his face.
"I smile whenI make friends," Alek answered. How is he already considering us friends?
"Do you even know my name?"
"It's Nami, right?" At least he knew that much. Well, then again, I didn't really tell anyone much about myself outside of my name. It pisses me off when people start talking to me and don't even know my name. "I like you, Nami. You're different."
"I get that a lot. Aren't you going to hit on me?" Alek looked surprised, then he shook his head.
"I believe in establishing friendships first," he said. To me, it meant that one day, he would start. I still smiled a little. It was my first the entire day.
"I made you smile." I quickly let it fall from my face.
"What of it?"
"You're kinda hostile, Nami." I rolled my eyes. It was true.
Alek and I continued totalk for the rest of the period. Rayne didn't care, because she was letting everyone talk.I tried a few times to get Alek to go away, but he's persistent. He wouldn't leave. As soon as the bell rang, I scurried out of class to my locker. Again, I got stares as I walked by. This time, I could hear the whispers, too. 'Whoa, look at the new girl.' 'Gosh, she's beautiful.' 'I'd tap that in a second.' And I hated them. All of them. I never asked to look like this. Gray-blue eyes set on a slender face. Long, black hair, that almost touched mid-back. Long, slim legs. Curves right where they need to be. I never asked for any of it. I'm supposed to be every mans' dream, and all the girls' envy. But I'm not interested. I've had one boyfriend, and I don't plan on having another one. Yes, I'm strange. What girl doesn't want a boyfriend? That would be me. Boys take too much time out of my life. I see what's it's done to my sister, and what my brothers will one day do to some girl. And, no. I am not gay. I simply find the male species...uninteresting...
Sorry if it was a little hard to read. Next chapters will be better, okay?
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Necchan has a Blurb~
I don't actually know. Stuff. I'm pretty random, and sometimes moody, so you never know what you're gonna get. Lots of my writing, that's for sure.
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[i:5954274804]You know what you should do? Give me random comments. c:
It will make my day.
Also, let me know what you think of my signature.
It will also make my day.
Unless you say terrible things. Then I will have to kick you in the jugular.[/i:5954274804][/color:5954274804][/size:5954274804][/align:5954274804]
[i:5954274804]You know what you should do? Give me random comments. c:
It will make my day.
Also, let me know what you think of my signature.
It will also make my day.
Unless you say terrible things. Then I will have to kick you in the jugular.[/i:5954274804][/color:5954274804][/size:5954274804][/align:5954274804]
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