That's right. Lucifer's not all bad.))
((After several hours of research and pondering, here is my profile for Lucifer. There is a second Profile which I will send you soon regarding an Exorcist, but for now this will have to do.
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
Human Disguise:

Demon form:
His figure is beyond mortal comprehension, the description of words or art. Should you see him in this form, you will know terror.
Animal Appearance:
A great serpent. A black cat. A goat. A bat. A raven. He can become a great many things, if it is his wish.
Name: To the Arabs, he is known as "Shaitan." Satan. Mephistopheles, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Satanael. The First Grigori. The Dark Angel. Devil. Murder. Hate. Genocide. Iblis. The Accuser. Meririm, the prince of power and the air. He is a man of many names, but he is known first and foremost as Lucifer, "The Morning Star"
Age: He appears in his mid to late thirties. He is as old as the God who forged him from fire.
Alignment: He is the bane of all things human. The scourge of life, light, and love.
Demon Type: Lord of Hell, the greatest of the Archangels now a Grigori. He is beyond what is considered "Demonic."
He was the first Son of God, above all of the Seven Archangels. God's chosen light, "The Morning Star." He watched over the world of Man and brought justice to those who sinned. Lucifer, forged from fire, the brightest of all the Seraphim. He loved Yaweh with ever iota of his being, and held in his heart the greatest pride for his place beside him.
When God created man and asked the Angels to bow and worship them, all but Lucifer did so. He could not. So great was his love and pride for God that he could not bring himself to bow before a creature that was inferior to both his master and himself. For this God shunned Lucifer and dealt his love a death blow. Enraged he rallied those angels that were like him, strong, beautiful, and free minded. They marched upon God's eternal throne, and their master cast them aside like leaves on the wind. They fell into the void, their wings shattered and lifeless. Only Lucifer's wings remained.
From that day forward they were The Grigori, the fallen angels of God. Betrayed by their father, lover, teacher and mentor they swore an oath of undying hatred and revenge on humanity. The filthy vermin who took from them the love of God. Lucifer became Satan, and from Adam and Eve to the present day he has set in motion every chain of murder and treason and disaster the world has known, all the while torturing those poor souls that he misled with sweet words and whispers.
Now the gates to Earth have opened. Finally, he has a chance to show God his power and prove to him that he is worthy of his almighty love.
By exterminating the race of Humanity.
He is a creature of conviction. A being of great passions and great beliefs. He regards all Demons as his dysfunctional family, forced to live their infernal lives because Humanity has taken the world which was theirs. There is no greater feeling of betrayal and hatred than those that Lucifer feels for God. It is his sole purpose to reveal to Him that humanity is a flawed and wicked race, unworthy of the life they were given and the love that they stole. He wants God to crawl before his feet and beg for Lucifer's forgiveness.
He surrounds himself in the vices of humanity. Wealth, drugs, alcohol and adultery. There is no greater tempter than the being who invented temptation, and he uses these vices and his appearance to trick Humans into falling from God's grace. He is debonair, witty and suave. When he speaks, it is with great enunciation and inflection. He has the voice of the most profound philosopher, and the body of Adonis, and uses both in perfect harmony.
Fighting style: No mortal is worthy of fighting Lucifer, and so he does not. Only the greatest of Humans are worthy to be pulled apart by his hands.
Height/weight: Seven feet tall. Moderate.
Melee weapon: The Earth about him. His hands. He carries with him a sword. Whether or not it is ornamental is uncertain. It's name is Luciendar, and it looks like this.
Ranged weapon: He carries with him a firearm of his own design. A six shot magnum revolver with a 9 inch barrel. The gun is made of pure platinum, and it does not fire bullets. Across the barrel is engraved the name Lucifer in gold. The grip is made of ivory and studded with diamonds.
Magical weapon: Guilt. Greed. Envy. Sloth. Gluttony. Lust. Wrath. He has the power to evoke each of The Deadly Seven, manifesting them into the human world as beasts and poisons to the human mind.
Likes: Watching Humanity corrupt and destroy itself. Squishing puppies. Red Wine. Cigarettes. Murder. Pornography. All things that are capable of turning a brother against another.
Dislikes: Humanity.
Relations: Reficul, Rashiel, Cedric Delacroiux
Other: Lucifer is unable to be bound or banished by Humanity. There is no spell or cantrip that has been discovered with the might to do such a thing. It would take nothing short of dropping The Vatican on his head to immobilize him.
Theme Song: Sympathy for The Devil, by The Rolling Stones.
Username: Bayne Tarrok
I'm a man of wealth and taste
Human Disguise:

Demon form:
His figure is beyond mortal comprehension, the description of words or art. Should you see him in this form, you will know terror.
Animal Appearance:
A great serpent. A black cat. A goat. A bat. A raven. He can become a great many things, if it is his wish.
Name: To the Arabs, he is known as "Shaitan." Satan. Mephistopheles, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Satanael. The First Grigori. The Dark Angel. Devil. Murder. Hate. Genocide. Iblis. The Accuser. Meririm, the prince of power and the air. He is a man of many names, but he is known first and foremost as Lucifer, "The Morning Star"
Age: He appears in his mid to late thirties. He is as old as the God who forged him from fire.
Alignment: He is the bane of all things human. The scourge of life, light, and love.
Demon Type: Lord of Hell, the greatest of the Archangels now a Grigori. He is beyond what is considered "Demonic."
He was the first Son of God, above all of the Seven Archangels. God's chosen light, "The Morning Star." He watched over the world of Man and brought justice to those who sinned. Lucifer, forged from fire, the brightest of all the Seraphim. He loved Yaweh with ever iota of his being, and held in his heart the greatest pride for his place beside him.
When God created man and asked the Angels to bow and worship them, all but Lucifer did so. He could not. So great was his love and pride for God that he could not bring himself to bow before a creature that was inferior to both his master and himself. For this God shunned Lucifer and dealt his love a death blow. Enraged he rallied those angels that were like him, strong, beautiful, and free minded. They marched upon God's eternal throne, and their master cast them aside like leaves on the wind. They fell into the void, their wings shattered and lifeless. Only Lucifer's wings remained.
From that day forward they were The Grigori, the fallen angels of God. Betrayed by their father, lover, teacher and mentor they swore an oath of undying hatred and revenge on humanity. The filthy vermin who took from them the love of God. Lucifer became Satan, and from Adam and Eve to the present day he has set in motion every chain of murder and treason and disaster the world has known, all the while torturing those poor souls that he misled with sweet words and whispers.
Now the gates to Earth have opened. Finally, he has a chance to show God his power and prove to him that he is worthy of his almighty love.
By exterminating the race of Humanity.
He is a creature of conviction. A being of great passions and great beliefs. He regards all Demons as his dysfunctional family, forced to live their infernal lives because Humanity has taken the world which was theirs. There is no greater feeling of betrayal and hatred than those that Lucifer feels for God. It is his sole purpose to reveal to Him that humanity is a flawed and wicked race, unworthy of the life they were given and the love that they stole. He wants God to crawl before his feet and beg for Lucifer's forgiveness.
He surrounds himself in the vices of humanity. Wealth, drugs, alcohol and adultery. There is no greater tempter than the being who invented temptation, and he uses these vices and his appearance to trick Humans into falling from God's grace. He is debonair, witty and suave. When he speaks, it is with great enunciation and inflection. He has the voice of the most profound philosopher, and the body of Adonis, and uses both in perfect harmony.
Fighting style: No mortal is worthy of fighting Lucifer, and so he does not. Only the greatest of Humans are worthy to be pulled apart by his hands.
Height/weight: Seven feet tall. Moderate.
Melee weapon: The Earth about him. His hands. He carries with him a sword. Whether or not it is ornamental is uncertain. It's name is Luciendar, and it looks like this.
Ranged weapon: He carries with him a firearm of his own design. A six shot magnum revolver with a 9 inch barrel. The gun is made of pure platinum, and it does not fire bullets. Across the barrel is engraved the name Lucifer in gold. The grip is made of ivory and studded with diamonds.
Magical weapon: Guilt. Greed. Envy. Sloth. Gluttony. Lust. Wrath. He has the power to evoke each of The Deadly Seven, manifesting them into the human world as beasts and poisons to the human mind.
Likes: Watching Humanity corrupt and destroy itself. Squishing puppies. Red Wine. Cigarettes. Murder. Pornography. All things that are capable of turning a brother against another.
Dislikes: Humanity.
Relations: Reficul, Rashiel, Cedric Delacroiux
Other: Lucifer is unable to be bound or banished by Humanity. There is no spell or cantrip that has been discovered with the might to do such a thing. It would take nothing short of dropping The Vatican on his head to immobilize him.
Theme Song: Sympathy for The Devil, by The Rolling Stones.
Username: Bayne Tarrok