Dark Avenger
[ Shadowed | Cunning | Killers ]

[ Shadowed | Cunning | Killers ]

"They are heard of in frightening rumors and under the breath of wicked men. Tales of a man escaping justice to live in luxury only to be found hacked to pieces, and of people vanishing into thin air. They are also known as Dark Stalkers, and The Executioners to many, but the truth surrounding their kind is shrouded in mystery... something you'd expect from vigilantes and murderers that thrive in the Shadow World." -Quote from Albin Uquarian, author of Powers of The Night
Dark Avengers are an ancient breed of vengeful killers -creatures who have pledged their lives to darker things in the name of Justice. Their numbers are scarce, but that's no surprise. Throughout History, Dark Avengers have often been mistaken as agents of The Shadows of Mau, but they could not be more different.
In truth, they are rogue entities who have willfully undergone dark and terrible rituals to further their own ends. Very rarely are any two Dark Avengers alike except in two particular traits. At some point in their life, every Dark Avenger swore an Oath of Binding to The World of Shadow, also known as The Dark Plane. This Oath binds their soul to The Dark Plane, promising an eternity of never-ending darkness and solitude after death. The second is that Dark Avengers are not human beings, and never have been their entire lives. Full blooded Nightmares, Anima, Legacy Werebeasts, Vestitors and Black Bloods are prime candidates to become Dark Avengers, as are any bloodline whose origin lies in the dark and supernatural.
The true history of Dark Avengers is enigmatic and unwritten. All that is certain about them is that while they make irreversible sacrifices, the powers they gain are as frightening and formidable as their incessant pursuit of justice or revenge. That, and once a Dark Avenger has marked a Soul for judgment, few are lucky enough to escape.
They are ruthless and cunning, leaving little to no room for mercy once they have marked a Soul for consumption. They are highly disciplined, be it by their own force of will or another Dark Avenger's tutelage, and their cunning is reflected in their tactics and training. While a Dark Avenger is not inherently evil, many turn to total darkness and begin to view Humans and the other ignorant oppressors as no more than cattle whose only worth is to die in an exemplary fashion.
No matter their bloodline of origin, a Dark Avenger spends great effort and time to attune their paranormal senses to all aspects of the soul. They use their new found powers and innate skills at hunting to track their prey with ease, and then crush them with the powers of darkness or their ferocity and mercilessness in melee combat. They are brutally effective offensive support characters, but face to face with a powerful adversary they can be overpowered, and tend to linger in the dark so they might withdraw and wear down their opponent. Dark Avengers are also less skilled at group combat than they are in one on one engagements.
Rules for Dark Avengers:
SPEED +2/ STRENGTH +1 (Only When Using Chosen Weapon)
Dark Avenger Techniques:
Additional Comments:
To Be Added
"They are heard of in frightening rumors and under the breath of wicked men. Tales of a man escaping justice to live in luxury only to be found hacked to pieces, and of people vanishing into thin air. They are also known as Dark Stalkers, and The Executioners to many, but the truth surrounding their kind is shrouded in mystery... something you'd expect from vigilantes and murderers that thrive in the Shadow World." -Quote from Albin Uquarian, author of Powers of The Night
Dark Avengers are an ancient breed of vengeful killers -creatures who have pledged their lives to darker things in the name of Justice. Their numbers are scarce, but that's no surprise. Throughout History, Dark Avengers have often been mistaken as agents of The Shadows of Mau, but they could not be more different.
In truth, they are rogue entities who have willfully undergone dark and terrible rituals to further their own ends. Very rarely are any two Dark Avengers alike except in two particular traits. At some point in their life, every Dark Avenger swore an Oath of Binding to The World of Shadow, also known as The Dark Plane. This Oath binds their soul to The Dark Plane, promising an eternity of never-ending darkness and solitude after death. The second is that Dark Avengers are not human beings, and never have been their entire lives. Full blooded Nightmares, Anima, Legacy Werebeasts, Vestitors and Black Bloods are prime candidates to become Dark Avengers, as are any bloodline whose origin lies in the dark and supernatural.
The true history of Dark Avengers is enigmatic and unwritten. All that is certain about them is that while they make irreversible sacrifices, the powers they gain are as frightening and formidable as their incessant pursuit of justice or revenge. That, and once a Dark Avenger has marked a Soul for judgment, few are lucky enough to escape.
They are ruthless and cunning, leaving little to no room for mercy once they have marked a Soul for consumption. They are highly disciplined, be it by their own force of will or another Dark Avenger's tutelage, and their cunning is reflected in their tactics and training. While a Dark Avenger is not inherently evil, many turn to total darkness and begin to view Humans and the other ignorant oppressors as no more than cattle whose only worth is to die in an exemplary fashion.
No matter their bloodline of origin, a Dark Avenger spends great effort and time to attune their paranormal senses to all aspects of the soul. They use their new found powers and innate skills at hunting to track their prey with ease, and then crush them with the powers of darkness or their ferocity and mercilessness in melee combat. They are brutally effective offensive support characters, but face to face with a powerful adversary they can be overpowered, and tend to linger in the dark so they might withdraw and wear down their opponent. Dark Avengers are also less skilled at group combat than they are in one on one engagements.
Rules for Dark Avengers:
If a Dark Avenger attempts to use any shadow/darkness related ability outside of the shadows in a well-lit environment, it costs twice as much energy.
If a Dark Avenger attempts to use any shadow/darkness related ability in a shadowless environment, it requires three times the energy and a d20 must be rolled. On a roll of 1-7, the ability fails as it is too bright to manifest.
Any Paranormal Bloodline may develop the strength to become a Dark Avenger. Humans do not have the strength or supernatural senses required to become a Dark Avenger, and Rykros' more celestine or artificial bloodlines such as Highborne or Anima Machinae are unable to walk the path of a Dark Avenger.
Dark Avengers' personal obsessions are observed in their strength with a Chosen Weapon. Upon becoming a Dark Avenger, a character selects ONE weapon and trains incessantly with it to develop uncanny skill with the weapon. Whenever they are using this weapon actively in combat, a Dark Avenger gets a +1 bonus to their strength. Dark Avengers DO NOT get this bonus unless they are using their Chosen Weapon. Should their Chosen Weapon be broken or rendered unusable, it takes TWO RL MONTHS and 10 paragraphs of training with the weapon for them to regain their Chosen Weapon bonus.
SPEED +2/ STRENGTH +1 (Only When Using Chosen Weapon)
Dark Avengers cannot use Medium or Heavy armor
Dark Avengers' shadow manipulation abilities are limited to 50 feet in range
Dark Avengers rely heavily on their Chosen weapons, and this dependency can be exploited
While Dark Avengers are not inherently evil, the Oaths they have sworn and the rituals they've undertaken make them particularly vulnerable to spells of bright or divine light. Any Dark Avenger caught in the wake of such a spell, regardless of its rank, is blinded and disoriented for one round. Any darkness or shadow related skills in use are dispelled. Any Dark Avenger affected by such a spell that is higher than their rank is disoriented and blinded for 2 posts PLUS the difference between their rank and their opponent's
Dark Avengers lack the constitution of many melee classes
Dark Avengers' shadow and darkness related abilities are more difficult to use in well lit environments
When a Dark Avenger is killed, their Soul is immediately seized by The Shadow World and sucked into its dark abyss. A dead Dark Avenger CANNOT BE RESURRECTED, REVIVED OR OTHERWISE REINCARNATED, EVEN THROUGH DIVINE MEANS, UNLESS THEIR SOUL IS RECLAIMED.
Dark Avengers are arguably the finest trackers in the world, capable of smelling, seeing and marking a creature's very soul.
Dark Avengers gain abilities to confuse, trap and incapacitate their quarry
Dark Avengers are masters of deception and stealth
Dark Avengers gain abilities to manipulate shadows and darkness, making their stealth abilities all the more formidable. They also develop the ability to cast shadow glyphs - traps that have different affects based on the glyph.
Dark Avenger Techniques:
- Hands of Darkness - Upon reaching the rank of Adept, The Dark Plane deigns the Dark Avenger worthy of its blessing, and they are given the ability to manipulate darkness and shadows. Doing so requires energy, but the potential these techniques hold for Dark Avengers is immense.
Dark Avenger Skills:
Soul Sense
A trademark skill of all Dark Avengers, Soul Sense grants them the ability to sense all souls in their visible vicinity. Soul Sense shows a Dark Avenger each soul's distinctive characteristics -it's color, aura, size and power. Soul Sense reveals a character's Primary Element, and their Rank to the Dark Avenger. At the rank of Master, Soul Sense extends to a Dark Avenger's sense of smell and spans the breadth of a nation, and by Hero a Dark Avenger's every sense can be used to identify a soul throughout Rykros.
Soul Mark
By focusing on a creature that he/she can sense in the area for 2 posts, a Dark Avenger can mark their soul, enabling the Dark Avenger to track them with ease. Once a soul is marked, a Dark Avenger can see it through walls and sense its location over great distances. By the rank of Master, a Dark Avenger needs only focus on their Mark for one post to see it anywhere on Rykros. This skill requires no energy. Only one Soul Mark is permitted at any given time, and Marking another soul while a Mark is currently active replaces the old mark with the new.
Precision Strike
SKILL TYPE: Single Attack
Using their agility and dexterity, a Dark Avenger makes a single surgical attack against their target. If the target is currently the Dark Avenger's Marked Soul, it does damage as if it were one rank higher.
Like all skilled hunters, a Dark Avenger learns to track their prey based on sight, scent, smell, touch, and taste. A Dark Avenger must take one post to focus on their targets trail before they can effectively track them, and cannot do so while running until they've reached the rank of Master. If a Dark Avenger is attacked while they are tracking a target, the trial is lost and they must take another post to get back on their quarry's trail. Tracking a Marked Soul is easy for a Dark Avenger, and requires no post to pick up their trail (if they have traveled nearby).If a Dark Avenger is attacked while tracking, they must spend two posts after the encounter to get back on the trail.
Move Silently
A Dark Avenger is a skilled fighter, but most effective when he utilizes the element of surprise. By moving carefully and distributing their weight from the heel to the ball of their feet, a Dark Avenger can move without making any noise. While Moving Silently, a Dark Avenger cannot run, jump or perform any similar acrobatic feats, and when they make an attack the skill's benefits end. If a Dark Avenger has been detected, Move Silently has no effect
Feral Leap
SKILL TYPE: Single Attack
A Dark Avenger is most lethal their instincts thrust them at their enemies. When behind his enemy, a Dark Avenger can make a running leap to strike with their weapon and knock their pray off their feet. If the Dark Avenger's strike hits, their foe is knocked prone. A prone foe requires one post to stand upright through non-magical means. This skill has a three post cooldown.
Glimpse into Darkness
While a Dark Avenger cannot manipulate darkness until he is an Adept, the divorce of his soul from Light makes his true home the Shadow World. A Dark Avenger can see into the Material plane's dark parallel through any shadow at any time. While he gazes upon the Dark Plane, he cannot attack nor can he be attacked as his body becomes intangible. While using Glimpse into Darkness, a Dark Avenger can see any creatures hiding in shadows through normal or magical means. He can also see creatures that exist on The Dark Plane and their position in regards to the Material Plane. Glimpse into Darkness can be sustained for up to 3 posts, and has no cool down. Using this skill out of cowardice (to avoid battle, escape a target etc.) is seen as treachery by the Shadow Plane, and results in the Dark Avenger being temporarily blinded for 10 posts. Glimpse into Darkness has a two post cooldown.
Shadow Step
SKILL TYPE: Useable Ability
The first true power a Dark Avenger attains from its pact with the Dark Plane is also one of their most versatile. Having shunned Light from their lives, a Dark Avenger may pass freely between the Material Plane and the Shadow World by simply stepping into a shadow or dark area. While using Shadow Step, a Dark Avenger travels great distances, and has the ability to take others, willing or otherwise, along for the ride by maintaining physical contact with them. Past a single passenger, every additional traveler costs an additional 50 energy, as does taking a creature against their will. Beings of higher rank than the Dark Avenger cannot be taken against their will via Shadow Step.
Frightful Decree
SKILL TYPE: Active against Marked Soul - Spoken Ability
A Dark Avenger is a being of often dark and terrible convictions, and when their Mark Soul can see them a Dark Avenger can cast judgement upon the Soul, and offer them as a sacrifice to the Dark Plane as punishment. They speak in the baleful language of the Dark Plane, and unless the Marked Soul succeeds on a d20 roll (15 or higher if below Dark Avenger's Rank, 10 or higher if equal to or greater rank) fear begins to grow inside of them. Every time a Dark Avenger succeeds in a post, the Marked Soul gains a Fear counter. Upon reaching 4 Fear counters, the Marked Soul is terrified of the Dark Avenger and cannot attack them. Blessings and other inspirational abilities remove fear counters one at a time. If a Marked Soul succeeds on their d20 roll, the Dark Avenger cannot make another Frightful Decree against them for 2 posts. If the target makes two successful dice rolls in a row against the Avenger's Decree, it is effectively ended and requires a 10 post cooldown before it's next use.
Merciful Blow
SKILL TYPE: Single Attack
When lethal force isn't an option, Dark Avengers strike to incapacitate. Using a weapon, or their bare hands, a Dark Avenger attacks a specific part of their target with the intent of dealing non-lethal force. If they strike, a Cripple Counter is marked on that limb. Once an opponent's limb has received three Cripple Counters it is considered crippled until it is healed. If an opponent's head received three Cripple Counters, they are rendered unconscious.
Dark Convictions
A Dark Avenger's focus on their target can be ferocious and relentless. After two rounds engaged in combat with a target, the Dark Avenger may activate Dark Convictions, making each of their attacks deal an additional rank of damage, as well as reducing their target's attacks' damage by one rank. While under Dark Convictions, all enemies beside their target deal damage as though one rank higher. If the target of Dark Convictions is the Dark Avenger's Marked Soul, it only takes one round of focus to activate. While focusing, the Dark Avenger may move and defend himself, but not attack. Dark Convictions has a 5 post cooldown, and can last a maximum of 10 posts.
Additional Comments:
To Be Added
- Dark Avengers are restricted to Kakurenbo, Seers, Legacy Were-Beasts (Were-Beasts BORN as Were-Beasts), Anima, Fallen, Full-Blooded Nightmares, Vestitors, and Black Bloods. Additional BLs may be permitted upon creation, per Crew's discretion.
Dark Avengers may be of any alignment, but cannot use any form of light based ability even if it is from their BL or a custom ability.