Krayth Valdiir Tal'Deraz

╫Main Information╫
Full Name: Krayth Valdiir Tal'Deraz
Nicknames: Black Knife, Val, The Shadow Stalker
Age: 26
Birthdate: The Ides (15th) of November
Gender: Male
Nation: The Devil's Eye Desert
Rank: Master
Title: Lord Valdiir of The Devil's Eye
Bloodline: Anima
Class: Custom Class - Soul Shadow
Faction: None, yet.
Speed: 6
Strength: 6
╫Major Information╫
Energy Color: Marbled Gray and Purple
Energy Meter: 2400 (-20% Racial Modifier)
Element: Fire
Battle Strength: Highly adaptive, skilled at feint attacks, surprise attacks, and capable of shaping his Exodus Beyruun into a number of versatile medium and short range weapons.
Battle Weakness: He becomes very single minded once he has engaged in melee combat, and on a d20 roll of 1 to 5 once he enters the fray Krayth gets tunnel vision and cannot break from combat unless his target escapes, is killed, or he himself is critically wounded.
Non-Combat Talent: A Master of DisguiseKrayth has survived as an Anima for many years largely because of his ability to adapt and alter his appearance. After 2 posts focused on the action, Krayth can disguise himself to look like any humanoid creature of the male gender. 3 posts, and he can take on an ambiguous female appearance. Krayth can duck into crowds and blend while his pursuers cannot see him in on a successful d20 roll of 11 to 20.
Combat Talent: Finding the Gap Krayth has become skilled at deceptive attacks and can use a person's peripheral awareness to his advantage. Through small sounds, feints and the pressed attack of an ally [or unwitting enemy], Krayth makes his enemies open to his attacks. Krayth's melee attacks deals damage as though they were 2 ranks higher when he is indirectly (from their sides or back) attacking someone who is already under attack.
╫Equipment Information:╫
Beyruun - In its natural form, Beyruun is a 20" long knife of pure glistening black, with its grip fit uniformly into the weapon. It fits perfectly in his hand. Upon Krayth's command, Beyruun can transform into a pistol, a dagger, a length of chain with a large barbed hook, a sickle, a spear, a serrated gauntlet, a b*****d sword, long sword, or short sword. Beyruun may only transform once per post.
Armor: The Dark Regalia [Light]: Boots, Gloves, Greaves, Chest Piece and Jacket included.
Personal Items:
- A ring made of black and red metals twisted together. It is a gift from his lover, Azur Bascule, and one he treasures dearly.
- A pendant fashioned of crow bones and jade. He made it for Besrim Halgar, a former friend whose racism and paranoia warped him into a serial killer. When Krayth finally slew Besrim, he took the talisman back.
- The belt he wears belonged to one of Krayth's few close friends, a rogue by the name of Calidan Greeves. He wears it almost everywhere he goes, and never enters battle without it.
╫Skill List╫
Soul Mark
By focusing on a creature that he/she can sense in the area for 2 posts, a Dark Avenger can mark their soul, enabling the Dark Avenger to track them with ease. Once a soul is marked, a Dark Avenger can see it through walls and sense its location over great distances. By the rank of Master, a Dark Avenger needs only focus on their Mark for one post to see it anywhere on Rykros. This skill requires no energy. Only one Soul Mark is permitted at any given time, and Marking another soul while a Mark is currently active replaces the old mark with the new.
Soul Mark
By focusing on a creature that he/she can sense in the area for 2 posts, a Dark Avenger can mark their soul, enabling the Dark Avenger to track them with ease. Once a soul is marked, a Dark Avenger can see it through walls and sense its location over great distances. By the rank of Master, a Dark Avenger needs only focus on their Mark for one post to see it anywhere on Rykros. This skill requires no energy. Only one Soul Mark is permitted at any given time, and Marking another soul while a Mark is currently active replaces the old mark with the new.
Precision Strike
SKILL TYPE: Single Attack
Using their agility and dexterity, a Dark Avenger makes a single surgical attack against their target. If the target is currently the Dark Avenger's Marked Soul, it does damage as if it were one rank higher.
Like all skilled hunters, a Dark Avenger learns to track their prey based on sight, scent, smell, touch, and taste. A Dark Avenger must take one post to focus on their targets trail before they can effectively track them, and cannot do so while running until they've reached the rank of Master. If a Dark Avenger is attacked while they are tracking a target, the trial is lost and they must take another post to get back on their quarry's trail. Tracking a Marked Soul is easy for a Dark Avenger, and requires no post to pick up their trail (if they have traveled nearby).If a Dark Avenger is attacked while tracking, they must spend two posts after the encounter to get back on the trail.
Feral Leap
SKILL TYPE: Single Attack
A Dark Avenger is most lethal their instincts thrust them at their enemies. When behind his enemy, a Dark Avenger can make a running leap to strike with their weapon and knock their pray off their feet. If the Dark Avenger's strike hits, their foe is knocked prone. A prone foe requires one post to stand upright through non-magical means. This skill has a three post cooldown.
Skill Name: Feint
Skill Rank: D
Description: A Dark Avenger begins a seemingly direct attack towards their target, but feints at the last moment leaving their target vulnerable and open to attack. A feint begins as a normal attack. If the target of the feint attempts to block, counter or otherwise interact with the Dark Avenger's attack, the Dark Avenger's following post initiates the feint and strike. Targets that are effectively deceived by a feint attack receive a circumstantial -3 penalty to their Speed for all attempts to Dodge or Block any incoming attacks during their next post. This skill has a three post cooldown.
Glimpse into Darkness
While a Dark Avenger cannot manipulate darkness until he is an Adept, the divorce of his soul from Light makes his true home the Shadow World. A Dark Avenger can see into the Material plane's dark parallel through any shadow at any time. While he gazes upon the Dark Plane, he cannot attack nor can he be attacked as his body becomes intangible. While using Glimpse into Darkness, a Dark Avenger can see any creatures hiding in shadows through normal or magical means. He can also see creatures that exist on The Dark Plane and their position in regards to the Material Plane. Glimpse into Darkness can be sustained for up to 3 posts, and has no cool down. Using this skill out of cowardice (to avoid battle, escape a target etc.) is seen as treachery by the Shadow Plane, and results in the Dark Avenger being temporarily blinded for 10 posts. Glimpse into Darkness has a two post cooldown.
Shadow Step
SKILL TYPE: Useable Ability
The first true power a Dark Avenger attains from its pact with the Dark Plane is also one of their most versatile. Having shunned Light from their lives, a Dark Avenger may pass freely between the Material Plane and the Shadow World by simply stepping into a shadow or dark area. While using Shadow Step, a Dark Avenger travels great distances, and has the ability to take others, willing or otherwise, along for the ride by maintaining physical contact with them. Past a single passenger, every additional traveler costs an additional 50 energy, as does taking a creature against their will. Beings of higher rank than the Dark Avenger cannot be taken against their will via Shadow Step.
Frightful Decree
SKILL TYPE: Active against Marked Soul - Spoken Ability
A Dark Avenger is a being of often dark and terrible convictions, and when their Mark Soul can see them a Dark Avenger can cast judgement upon the Soul, and offer them as a sacrifice to the Dark Plane as punishment. They speak in the baleful language of the Dark Plane, and unless the Marked Soul succeeds on a d20 roll (15 or higher if below Dark Avenger's Rank, 10 or higher if equal to or greater rank) fear begins to grow inside of them. Every time a Dark Avenger succeeds in a post, the Marked Soul gains a Fear counter. Upon reaching 4 Fear counters, the Marked Soul is terrified of the Dark Avenger and cannot attack them. Blessings and other inspirational abilities remove fear counters one at a time. If a Marked Soul succeeds on their d20 roll, the Dark Avenger cannot make another Frightful Decree against them for 2 posts. If the target makes two successful dice rolls in a row against the Avenger's Decree, it is effectively ended and requires a 10 post cooldown before it's next use.
Skill Name: Shadow Manipulation
Skill Rank: C
Skill Type: Active
Public Use: This ability is restricted to Dark Avengers.
Description: Upon being blessed with Hands of Darkness at the rank of Adept, a Dark Avenger can manipulate shadows and darkness freely. Standard Shadow manipulation allows control over one shadow or 10 foot area of darkness, but additional shadows and areas of darkness increase the cost of Shadow Manipulation by 40 EACH, the cost of which persists for every post the skill is sustained. The scope of control is limited by the rank of the Dark Avenger (3 Shadows/30 feet of Darkness at Adept, 4/40ft at Journeyman and upwards.). Shadows and darkness manipulated using this ability remain intangible unless transmuted using Transmute Darkness, during which the Dark Avenger pays the Energy cost for both skills every post they are sustained.
Skill Name: Transmute Darkness
Skill Rank: C
Description: Drawing on their powers and the knowledge granted to them, a Dark Avenger is capable of giving form and mass to all manner of darkness and shadow. Transmute Darkness can be used on any shadow or dark area, limited to the range of the Dark avenger's Shadow Manipulation abilities. A Dark Avenger pays the cost of this skill every time they transmute another shadow, and may only transmute up to two shadows in a single post. The hardness and attributes of the transmuted darkness varies by rank, as listed below:
Adept - Transmuted darkness gains the properties of rubber
Journeyman - Transmuted darkness gains the properties stone
Expert - Transmuted darkness gains the properties of steel
Master - Transmuted darkness can only be broken by S ranked attacks or higher, or with a Strength of 10
Sage - Transmuted darkness can only be broken by SS ranked attacks or higher, or with a strength of 12
Hero - Transmuted darkness can only be broken by Holy light-based spells by a Hero ranked Caster, SSS ranked attacks, or with a strength of 15
Attempts to break free of transmuted Darkness using either brute strength or melee attacks requires a full post dedicated solely to breaking free. A Holy/Divine Light-based ability equal to or greater in rank than the Dark Avenger will render Transmuted Darkness back into an intangible state. Light-based abilities of lower rank than the Dark Avenger will drop the properties of the transmuted darkness down by one rank. This effect does not stack. Transmuted darkness may still shaped using Shadow Manipulation, as the material is still the stuff of darkness.The effects of this skill may be dismissed by the Dark Avenger, which can be done the post after Transmute Darkness is used at no cost to the Dark Avenger (except that the shadow cannot be manipulated until the post after the darkness reverts to its natural state) After 5 posts, transmuted darkness reverts to an intangible natural form. There is a 6 post cooldown that triggers after 4 Shadows are transmuted.
Skill Name: Vicious Wound
Skill Rank: C
Description: A Dark Avenger shows no mercy in combat, and moves to mutilate and cripple their foes whenever necessary. In any post where a Dark Avenger is making a melee attack, they may activate Vicious Wound, paying its energy cost immediately. If the attack connects, the Dark Avenger twists and rips their weapon in their target's wound. The victim of a vicious wound sustains C ranked Bleed damage for 5 posts, or until the wound is healed. If the wound is not healed by the end of Vicious Wound, the target becomes sickened by loss of blood, and incurs a -2 penalty to their strength for the next 10 posts, or until they are healed. Vicious Wound has a 7 post cooldown, and cannot be used on the same target as a prior Vicious Wound for 15 posts.
Skill Name: Black Out
Skill Rank: B
Description: By speaking to the darkness around them in the Black Tongue, a Dark Avenger can deepens the darkness of all shadows within a 50 foot radius of the Dark Avenger. For 5 posts, all darkness in the area becomes impenetrable to all manner of non-magical vision. Shadows affected by Black Out remain intangible and stationary unless specifically targeted by another Dark Avenger skill. Shadows not already under the Dark Avenger's control can not be manipulated until the post after Black Out comes into affect. When Black Out ends, all shadows, even those under the Dark Avenger's control, revert to their normal depth of darkness. This skill has a 10 post cooldown.
Skill Name: Shadow Glyph
Skill Rank: B
Description: Dark Avengers can craft pieces of darkness into Shadow Glyphs. Shadow Glyphs have a wide variety of uses, and while they are plainly visible in an illuminated area they are completely invisible in the dark. A Shadow Glyph may be triggered by proximity, remotely by the Dark Avenger, or after a number of posts determined at the time of its creation. A Shadow Glyph's affects can be a combination of any of the Dark Avenger's currently known shadow based skills, and its affects are declared on the post of its creation. The energy cost for a Shadow Glyph varies based upon how complicated the glyph is; the total energy cost is the combined energy of the skills whose affects are applied to a Shadow Glyph (Shadow Manipulation and Transmutation in the same glyph would make its total energy cost 80). The duration of a Shadow Glyph's effects is 3 posts, but may be extended to 6 posts for double the TOTAL energy cost of the Glyph. Casting blinding or holy light over a Shadow Glyph erases it without triggering the Glyph. A Dark Avenger may only have 5 Shadow Glyphs active at any one time.
Skill Name: Shadow Weapon
Skill Rank: A
Description: Drawing the darkness up onto their chosen weapon and then giving it solid form, a Dark Avenger is able to alter the properties of their weapon. For three posts, the Dark Avenger's weapon acts as though it is made of transmuted darkness, allowing the Dark Avenger to change its shape and length through Shadow Manipulation (for the skill's cost), or to adjust the weapon's dimensions at this skill's initial use. For the three posts that Shadow Weapon is active, the Dark avenger's Chosen Weapon deals damage equal to the rank of the Dark Avenger, and the weapon is considered "Shade-Touched," allowing the weapon to both ignore enemy armor and inflict shadow damage, which enfeebles living creatures and causes the target to suffer a temporary -1 penalty to both their Speed and Strength, a condition that lasts for five posts after the blow is dealt. A Shadow Weapon cannot be disarmed from its Dark Avenger until the skill ends. Light-based abilities equal to or greater than the Dark Avenger's rank dispel this skill, reverting the Avenger's weapon back to its natural state. Shadow Weapon can ONLY be used on the Dark Avenger's Chosen Weapon, and if the Dark Avenger has no Chosen Weapon this skill has no affect. This skill has a 6 post cooldown.
Skill Name: Meet Your Darker Half
Skill Rank: S
Skill Description: A Dark Avenger may turn their foes' own shadows against them, breathing the life it has on the Dark Plane into its Material form. As the reflection of the target in the Dark Plane, an animated shadow retains the stats of its target for the purpose of grapples and combat. In the first round of its animation, the shadow may take a surprise attack or lock its target in a grapple. If the shadow's caster is currently engaged in melee combat, the shadow's grapple automatically succeeds due to its element of surprise. For every post that the opponent is grappled, they are given the ability to roll a d20 against the shadow to break free. The shadow is given a +4 bonus to its sustained grapple check, but the presence of bright light negates this bonus. A shadow cannot attempt to re-grapple its target once the grapple is brokent. The shadow may make physical attacks against its caster, the damage of which is equal to their target's rank, and it cannot separate from its target as it remains attached (at the feet, hands, etc.) Blinding light returns the shadow to an intangible state, and divine light destroys its bond to the Dark Avenger. The shadow remains animate for 5 posts, adheres to silent commands by the Dark Avenger, and reverts to a normal shadow at the end of the skill. This skill can be multiplied for a proportionate energy cost to animate separate shadows at once, and all above rules still apply. This skill has a standard 15 post cooldown, and a 30 post cooldown if multiplied.
Hand-to-Hand/Weapon Style(s)
-As an extension of his own being, Beyruun's weapon style is unique to itself, focusing primarilly on melee weapons but also offering skill in its pistol form..
-In hand to hand combat, Krayth strives to incapacitate his prey before killing them. It insures that he has control over the battle.
Summon: None
╫Character Description╫
Personality: Outwardly, Krayth is amicable and polite, but often very reserved. Due to his bloodline, he is highly suspicious of all individuals he does not know intimately -particularly humans for their blind hatred of Anima- or that he has not known for some time. His wit is often apparent when he speaks, and he will occasionally surprise others by making a joke. Usually, however, he uses his words sparingly. He is quick to anger and violence when those he cares for are threatened, and his sense of vengeance and retribution are both twisted and alarming.
Quote: "You are not fit to bear the soul you were given. I shall take it from you..."
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 187 lbs
Eye Color: Red and violet
Where do you come from? I do not know where I was born, but I have traveled around the world. For most of my life, I called the Wormwood Swamp my home. Now, it is The Devil's Eye.
Theme Song:
Battle Theme:
╫Background Information╫
Krayth was born to a household in the throes of chaos. Goaded into a frenzy by an evangelical doomsayer, the townsfolk of Riverwall had raised torches and blades against the Tal'Deraz homestead. Even as Pheena Tal'Deraz gave birth, Krayth's father Valdiir cut back zealot after zealot as they battered down the doors and tore through the windows to purify their lands of the Anima blight upon them. Valdiir's valor saw that they failed, but not completely. By sunrise the following morning, Pheena held her newborn son in her arms and wept over the body of her departed husband, buried by a mountain of the dead. The following day, Pheena burned their home and all the bodies within to ashes, and fled the land of Ernya forever.
For years, Krayth's life was uncomplicated. He enjoyed peace and love beside his doting mother in the seclusion of the Wormwood Marsh while she taught him to wield his companion, Beyruun. The creatures around them paid them little mind, and travelers either didn't care of didn't realize the manner of monsters that dwelt next to the road. From time to time, Pheena would invite a weary merchant or hunter into the comforts of her home. It was these moments when Krayth knew how different he was from other children. He took his first soul at the age of five while his mother pinned his hapless victim; Krayth was innocent to the idea that he was committing murder and violating his prey's very aspect of being.
Life proceeded in this uncomplicated way until a handful of other families moved into the region and began a settlement - one that included Pheena and her lovely son. Among their numbers were children of similar age, and one particular boy named Besrim Halgar. This Besrim would quickly become Krayth's best friend outside of Beyruun, and they often ran out into the marshes to play Hunter and Prey, or Find the Relic. It was one evening when they were 13 that Krayth first saw Besrim's true nature. The settlement had grown, and there were rumors of a were-beast lurking among them. Signs pointed to a woman named Hyli Redcraw, and when the fingers were finally pointed, she vanished. For some days, so did Besrim. Many in the settlement feared the worst, but Krayth suspected his friend was still alive. Determined to find Besrim, Krayth set out into the woods alone. Two days later, he found the Halgar boy dragging Hyli's fetid, mutilated corpse throughout the wilds. As Krayth observed his friend, he watched Besrim stoop to stab Hyli's corpse over and over, snarling the same words repeatedly.
Filthy, vicious, flesh eating beast-whore. Filthy, vicious, flesh eating beast-whore.
Besrim did this multiple times before Krayth finally mustered the courage to approach his "friend." He said he had feared for Besrim's safety, and followed him to his current camp. The human grinned, caked in blood, and said that he was safe but that they should hurry home -was his mother worried about him? From this point forward, Krayth never whispered a word to Besrim of his true blood. As fate would have it, he wouldn't have to. As Krayth grew, so did his supernatural hunger. At the age of 16, while Krayth and Besrim were trading goods to a neighboring settlement, The Anima no longer had the willpower to restrain his appetite. Under the cover of night, Krayth slipped away from camp and claimed the soul of a fair village girl. Unknown to him, this girl was fancied by Besrim, and also unknown to him was that Besrim had followed him that very night and witnessed the very act.
When Krayth returned to their camp, Besrim was gone. When he returned to their settlement, so was his mother. In her stead was a village thirsty with bloodlust, and they chased Krayth deep into the Marsh. There, as he scavenged for food and water, he stumbled upon his mother. Pheena was strung up to a tree, cut and burned into a spectacle that was beyond recognition except to her son. Krayth will remember the words carved into the tree beneath her, curving up from its roots and all the way to her flesh.
The mothers of monsters deserve naught to live. The whores of devils will die before more seeds can be sown. Behold, Pheena Tal'Deraz, whore b***h of Krayth Tal'Deraz, bearing the visage she has earned...The mothers of monsters deserve naught to live.
Four years passed. Krayth lived a lifetime of rage, anguish and hatred. He embraced the hunger inside him, and trained to the point of collapse everyday. His lust for revenge became his obsession, and the love he once held for life was extinguished. He lived only to end Besrim, and even his ultimate goal eluded him. The Anima slowly became the monster all humans assumed him to be.
It would have continued that way, had fate not intervened. One an eve of his 21st year, Krayth met a blue scaled woman in a distant Wormwood glade. She looked out over the water, and when he spoke to her she turned. Everything he saw in her eyes he felt inside himself. She was enraged; craved blood and destruction... revenge. Her mother had been brutally murdered, and left for all to see. In her, Krayth found a kindred spirit, and for the first time in many years he sat down and consoled her. If revenge was what she sought, he said, then she should not rest until she had it. Not for a moment. At that moment, her fury evolved into determination, and gratitude. It took great effort to part company from her, but he did. Before he left, they exchanged names. Azur Bascule... and he admired those words for many weeks of travel.
Then, the time came With the aid of his only friend and confidant, Calidan Greeves, Krayth discovered the location of Besrim Halgar. He had taken up residence in a derelict fortress in the mountains of the Kishu Tundra. Without sleep or delay, the duo traveled onward. When they reached the snowy lands of Rykros, they rested. Finally, a lifetime of of obsession and violence was coming to a head. Justice was at hand..
The ruins of Fort Adelarde, framed in snow and the light of a full moon, were more than a nightmare. Rotted bodies lined the weathered corridors -none of which were human, all of which were female. Some of the cadavers bore children. All were maimed, cut and dismembered. Their putrid odor filled every corner. Calidan was filled with fear, but Krayth did not hesitate. The death around him fueled his steps. Then, they saw him.
What had once been a man of youth and beauty was now a monster of madness and hatred. In Besrim's eyes was only fire and dementia. He took one look at Krayth, and with his ghastly tools in hand the human laughed aloud. "How long I have waited for this day! See my holy works! See how many of your poison kind have fallen! How many seeds I have crushed to dust! Now you will join them. Now--"
The door on the opposite side of Besrim's makeshift meat locker burst off of its hinges. From it stalked Azur Bascule, her body transformed into its true frame. The glistening were-serpent struck first, but it did not connect. Pandemonium ensued, and in the confusion, Besrim fled into the snow. Krayth could not find the words to express himself. Suddenly, the puzzle of his life made sense. Azur's mother had died by Besrim's hands. Their mothers suffered the same fate. Now, they would share in their revenge. Invigorated by this revelation, the trio charged out into the whirling twilight.
The battle was not easy. Besrim knew no pain, and his madness drove him to feats of terrible power. Necromancy rose the frozen dead from the Earth. Azur and Krayth's fire returned them to the soil, and filled the sky with steam. Amidst the chaos, Calidan Greeves met his end - Besrim's barbed spear glistened as it tore through the cutpurse's throat. Bleeding, wounded but fueled by newfound strength, Azur and Krayth made their final stand and triumphed... but as Besrim lay dying in the snow and Krayth rose his Exodus high above to tear through his heart and swallow his soul, the serial killer laughed.
"Yes... Take my soul. Witness my works. You will see... see everything."
Krayth claimed Besrim's soul, and it is a decision that will haunt him forever. All of the man's memories -witnessing Krayth slay his consort, the torture of his mother, Azur's mother, countless others... it raged within his mind beyond control. Most terrible of all was that those memories had a familiar feeling. One Krayth has felt for so many years, and as he lost conscious he realized with dread that he was not far from Besrim's own madness... he was on the verge of becoming the same monster.
He awoke to warmth, food and care. Azur had taken Krayth and the body of his friend back to the fort, and for many days while they tended each others wounds, the two kindred spirits buried the dead. Calidan came last, and from his body Krayth took a token of his friendship -Calidan's belt. Besrim's corpse would know no last rites, and Krayth took from it another token. Besrim still wore the necklace Krayth had fashioned for him so many years ago... The Anima's mind and very being were at war. His inner conflicts raged into a terrible climax, but all the while Azur remained. In the end, from so much death grew something new that neither creature had ever known. Love. Finally, when all the dead were at rest and Krayth found his inner peace, they parted from the ruins of their fateful battle.
They traveled together to many places. Their feet knew the ground of every nation, and everywhere they went they sought to right the wrongs of others. Their love grew, and grew with every villain slain, until they finally arrived in The Devil's Eye Desert. There, the many tribes of the desert knew the weight of oppression. A coven of Witch Doctors had enslaved the peoples, and forced them to die in their mines to harvest the desert's precious gems and minerals while they lounged in their lavish underground sanctum - a city large enough for hundreds but only shared by the tyrannical few. The tribesmen were proud, fierce and cultured, but they could not fight the powers that bound them. Compelled by their plight, Azur and Krayth rose up. The Revolution began slowly... fear turned to anger, and anger turned to violence. A witch doctor was slain in the open, and. suddenly there was blood in the desert. Tribes united against their oppressors, and following Azur Bascule's charge, they stormed the underground city and killed the Witch Doctors down to the last man.
Now, Krayth serves the Devil's Eye Desert as Lord Valdiir Tal'Deraz. For the first time in his life, he has found the acceptance of the people. Azur leads beside him -neither in front nor behind- as the Lady of The Devil's Eye. Finally, there is peace. Finally, there love had found a place to nest and call home. All seems well, despite the hardships ahead.
Until the nightmare came...

╫Main Information╫
Full Name: Krayth Valdiir Tal'Deraz
Nicknames: Black Knife, Val, The Shadow Stalker
Age: 26
Birthdate: The Ides (15th) of November
Gender: Male
Nation: The Devil's Eye Desert
Rank: Master
Title: Lord Valdiir of The Devil's Eye
Bloodline: Anima
Class: Custom Class - Soul Shadow
Faction: None, yet.
Speed: 6
Strength: 6
╫Major Information╫
Energy Color: Marbled Gray and Purple
Energy Meter: 2400 (-20% Racial Modifier)
Element: Fire
Battle Strength: Highly adaptive, skilled at feint attacks, surprise attacks, and capable of shaping his Exodus Beyruun into a number of versatile medium and short range weapons.
Battle Weakness: He becomes very single minded once he has engaged in melee combat, and on a d20 roll of 1 to 5 once he enters the fray Krayth gets tunnel vision and cannot break from combat unless his target escapes, is killed, or he himself is critically wounded.
Non-Combat Talent: A Master of DisguiseKrayth has survived as an Anima for many years largely because of his ability to adapt and alter his appearance. After 2 posts focused on the action, Krayth can disguise himself to look like any humanoid creature of the male gender. 3 posts, and he can take on an ambiguous female appearance. Krayth can duck into crowds and blend while his pursuers cannot see him in on a successful d20 roll of 11 to 20.
Combat Talent: Finding the Gap Krayth has become skilled at deceptive attacks and can use a person's peripheral awareness to his advantage. Through small sounds, feints and the pressed attack of an ally [or unwitting enemy], Krayth makes his enemies open to his attacks. Krayth's melee attacks deals damage as though they were 2 ranks higher when he is indirectly (from their sides or back) attacking someone who is already under attack.
╫Equipment Information:╫
Beyruun - In its natural form, Beyruun is a 20" long knife of pure glistening black, with its grip fit uniformly into the weapon. It fits perfectly in his hand. Upon Krayth's command, Beyruun can transform into a pistol, a dagger, a length of chain with a large barbed hook, a sickle, a spear, a serrated gauntlet, a b*****d sword, long sword, or short sword. Beyruun may only transform once per post.
Armor: The Dark Regalia [Light]: Boots, Gloves, Greaves, Chest Piece and Jacket included.
Personal Items:
- A ring made of black and red metals twisted together. It is a gift from his lover, Azur Bascule, and one he treasures dearly.
- A pendant fashioned of crow bones and jade. He made it for Besrim Halgar, a former friend whose racism and paranoia warped him into a serial killer. When Krayth finally slew Besrim, he took the talisman back.
- The belt he wears belonged to one of Krayth's few close friends, a rogue by the name of Calidan Greeves. He wears it almost everywhere he goes, and never enters battle without it.
╫Skill List╫
Soul Mark
By focusing on a creature that he/she can sense in the area for 2 posts, a Dark Avenger can mark their soul, enabling the Dark Avenger to track them with ease. Once a soul is marked, a Dark Avenger can see it through walls and sense its location over great distances. By the rank of Master, a Dark Avenger needs only focus on their Mark for one post to see it anywhere on Rykros. This skill requires no energy. Only one Soul Mark is permitted at any given time, and Marking another soul while a Mark is currently active replaces the old mark with the new.
Soul Mark
By focusing on a creature that he/she can sense in the area for 2 posts, a Dark Avenger can mark their soul, enabling the Dark Avenger to track them with ease. Once a soul is marked, a Dark Avenger can see it through walls and sense its location over great distances. By the rank of Master, a Dark Avenger needs only focus on their Mark for one post to see it anywhere on Rykros. This skill requires no energy. Only one Soul Mark is permitted at any given time, and Marking another soul while a Mark is currently active replaces the old mark with the new.
Precision Strike
SKILL TYPE: Single Attack
Using their agility and dexterity, a Dark Avenger makes a single surgical attack against their target. If the target is currently the Dark Avenger's Marked Soul, it does damage as if it were one rank higher.
Like all skilled hunters, a Dark Avenger learns to track their prey based on sight, scent, smell, touch, and taste. A Dark Avenger must take one post to focus on their targets trail before they can effectively track them, and cannot do so while running until they've reached the rank of Master. If a Dark Avenger is attacked while they are tracking a target, the trial is lost and they must take another post to get back on their quarry's trail. Tracking a Marked Soul is easy for a Dark Avenger, and requires no post to pick up their trail (if they have traveled nearby).If a Dark Avenger is attacked while tracking, they must spend two posts after the encounter to get back on the trail.
Feral Leap
SKILL TYPE: Single Attack
A Dark Avenger is most lethal their instincts thrust them at their enemies. When behind his enemy, a Dark Avenger can make a running leap to strike with their weapon and knock their pray off their feet. If the Dark Avenger's strike hits, their foe is knocked prone. A prone foe requires one post to stand upright through non-magical means. This skill has a three post cooldown.
Skill Name: Feint
Skill Rank: D
Description: A Dark Avenger begins a seemingly direct attack towards their target, but feints at the last moment leaving their target vulnerable and open to attack. A feint begins as a normal attack. If the target of the feint attempts to block, counter or otherwise interact with the Dark Avenger's attack, the Dark Avenger's following post initiates the feint and strike. Targets that are effectively deceived by a feint attack receive a circumstantial -3 penalty to their Speed for all attempts to Dodge or Block any incoming attacks during their next post. This skill has a three post cooldown.
Glimpse into Darkness
While a Dark Avenger cannot manipulate darkness until he is an Adept, the divorce of his soul from Light makes his true home the Shadow World. A Dark Avenger can see into the Material plane's dark parallel through any shadow at any time. While he gazes upon the Dark Plane, he cannot attack nor can he be attacked as his body becomes intangible. While using Glimpse into Darkness, a Dark Avenger can see any creatures hiding in shadows through normal or magical means. He can also see creatures that exist on The Dark Plane and their position in regards to the Material Plane. Glimpse into Darkness can be sustained for up to 3 posts, and has no cool down. Using this skill out of cowardice (to avoid battle, escape a target etc.) is seen as treachery by the Shadow Plane, and results in the Dark Avenger being temporarily blinded for 10 posts. Glimpse into Darkness has a two post cooldown.
Shadow Step
SKILL TYPE: Useable Ability
The first true power a Dark Avenger attains from its pact with the Dark Plane is also one of their most versatile. Having shunned Light from their lives, a Dark Avenger may pass freely between the Material Plane and the Shadow World by simply stepping into a shadow or dark area. While using Shadow Step, a Dark Avenger travels great distances, and has the ability to take others, willing or otherwise, along for the ride by maintaining physical contact with them. Past a single passenger, every additional traveler costs an additional 50 energy, as does taking a creature against their will. Beings of higher rank than the Dark Avenger cannot be taken against their will via Shadow Step.
Frightful Decree
SKILL TYPE: Active against Marked Soul - Spoken Ability
A Dark Avenger is a being of often dark and terrible convictions, and when their Mark Soul can see them a Dark Avenger can cast judgement upon the Soul, and offer them as a sacrifice to the Dark Plane as punishment. They speak in the baleful language of the Dark Plane, and unless the Marked Soul succeeds on a d20 roll (15 or higher if below Dark Avenger's Rank, 10 or higher if equal to or greater rank) fear begins to grow inside of them. Every time a Dark Avenger succeeds in a post, the Marked Soul gains a Fear counter. Upon reaching 4 Fear counters, the Marked Soul is terrified of the Dark Avenger and cannot attack them. Blessings and other inspirational abilities remove fear counters one at a time. If a Marked Soul succeeds on their d20 roll, the Dark Avenger cannot make another Frightful Decree against them for 2 posts. If the target makes two successful dice rolls in a row against the Avenger's Decree, it is effectively ended and requires a 10 post cooldown before it's next use.
Skill Name: Shadow Manipulation
Skill Rank: C
Skill Type: Active
Public Use: This ability is restricted to Dark Avengers.
Description: Upon being blessed with Hands of Darkness at the rank of Adept, a Dark Avenger can manipulate shadows and darkness freely. Standard Shadow manipulation allows control over one shadow or 10 foot area of darkness, but additional shadows and areas of darkness increase the cost of Shadow Manipulation by 40 EACH, the cost of which persists for every post the skill is sustained. The scope of control is limited by the rank of the Dark Avenger (3 Shadows/30 feet of Darkness at Adept, 4/40ft at Journeyman and upwards.). Shadows and darkness manipulated using this ability remain intangible unless transmuted using Transmute Darkness, during which the Dark Avenger pays the Energy cost for both skills every post they are sustained.
Skill Name: Transmute Darkness
Skill Rank: C
Description: Drawing on their powers and the knowledge granted to them, a Dark Avenger is capable of giving form and mass to all manner of darkness and shadow. Transmute Darkness can be used on any shadow or dark area, limited to the range of the Dark avenger's Shadow Manipulation abilities. A Dark Avenger pays the cost of this skill every time they transmute another shadow, and may only transmute up to two shadows in a single post. The hardness and attributes of the transmuted darkness varies by rank, as listed below:
Adept - Transmuted darkness gains the properties of rubber
Journeyman - Transmuted darkness gains the properties stone
Expert - Transmuted darkness gains the properties of steel
Master - Transmuted darkness can only be broken by S ranked attacks or higher, or with a Strength of 10
Sage - Transmuted darkness can only be broken by SS ranked attacks or higher, or with a strength of 12
Hero - Transmuted darkness can only be broken by Holy light-based spells by a Hero ranked Caster, SSS ranked attacks, or with a strength of 15
Attempts to break free of transmuted Darkness using either brute strength or melee attacks requires a full post dedicated solely to breaking free. A Holy/Divine Light-based ability equal to or greater in rank than the Dark Avenger will render Transmuted Darkness back into an intangible state. Light-based abilities of lower rank than the Dark Avenger will drop the properties of the transmuted darkness down by one rank. This effect does not stack. Transmuted darkness may still shaped using Shadow Manipulation, as the material is still the stuff of darkness.The effects of this skill may be dismissed by the Dark Avenger, which can be done the post after Transmute Darkness is used at no cost to the Dark Avenger (except that the shadow cannot be manipulated until the post after the darkness reverts to its natural state) After 5 posts, transmuted darkness reverts to an intangible natural form. There is a 6 post cooldown that triggers after 4 Shadows are transmuted.
Skill Name: Vicious Wound
Skill Rank: C
Description: A Dark Avenger shows no mercy in combat, and moves to mutilate and cripple their foes whenever necessary. In any post where a Dark Avenger is making a melee attack, they may activate Vicious Wound, paying its energy cost immediately. If the attack connects, the Dark Avenger twists and rips their weapon in their target's wound. The victim of a vicious wound sustains C ranked Bleed damage for 5 posts, or until the wound is healed. If the wound is not healed by the end of Vicious Wound, the target becomes sickened by loss of blood, and incurs a -2 penalty to their strength for the next 10 posts, or until they are healed. Vicious Wound has a 7 post cooldown, and cannot be used on the same target as a prior Vicious Wound for 15 posts.
Skill Name: Black Out
Skill Rank: B
Description: By speaking to the darkness around them in the Black Tongue, a Dark Avenger can deepens the darkness of all shadows within a 50 foot radius of the Dark Avenger. For 5 posts, all darkness in the area becomes impenetrable to all manner of non-magical vision. Shadows affected by Black Out remain intangible and stationary unless specifically targeted by another Dark Avenger skill. Shadows not already under the Dark Avenger's control can not be manipulated until the post after Black Out comes into affect. When Black Out ends, all shadows, even those under the Dark Avenger's control, revert to their normal depth of darkness. This skill has a 10 post cooldown.
Skill Name: Shadow Glyph
Skill Rank: B
Description: Dark Avengers can craft pieces of darkness into Shadow Glyphs. Shadow Glyphs have a wide variety of uses, and while they are plainly visible in an illuminated area they are completely invisible in the dark. A Shadow Glyph may be triggered by proximity, remotely by the Dark Avenger, or after a number of posts determined at the time of its creation. A Shadow Glyph's affects can be a combination of any of the Dark Avenger's currently known shadow based skills, and its affects are declared on the post of its creation. The energy cost for a Shadow Glyph varies based upon how complicated the glyph is; the total energy cost is the combined energy of the skills whose affects are applied to a Shadow Glyph (Shadow Manipulation and Transmutation in the same glyph would make its total energy cost 80). The duration of a Shadow Glyph's effects is 3 posts, but may be extended to 6 posts for double the TOTAL energy cost of the Glyph. Casting blinding or holy light over a Shadow Glyph erases it without triggering the Glyph. A Dark Avenger may only have 5 Shadow Glyphs active at any one time.
Skill Name: Shadow Weapon
Skill Rank: A
Description: Drawing the darkness up onto their chosen weapon and then giving it solid form, a Dark Avenger is able to alter the properties of their weapon. For three posts, the Dark Avenger's weapon acts as though it is made of transmuted darkness, allowing the Dark Avenger to change its shape and length through Shadow Manipulation (for the skill's cost), or to adjust the weapon's dimensions at this skill's initial use. For the three posts that Shadow Weapon is active, the Dark avenger's Chosen Weapon deals damage equal to the rank of the Dark Avenger, and the weapon is considered "Shade-Touched," allowing the weapon to both ignore enemy armor and inflict shadow damage, which enfeebles living creatures and causes the target to suffer a temporary -1 penalty to both their Speed and Strength, a condition that lasts for five posts after the blow is dealt. A Shadow Weapon cannot be disarmed from its Dark Avenger until the skill ends. Light-based abilities equal to or greater than the Dark Avenger's rank dispel this skill, reverting the Avenger's weapon back to its natural state. Shadow Weapon can ONLY be used on the Dark Avenger's Chosen Weapon, and if the Dark Avenger has no Chosen Weapon this skill has no affect. This skill has a 6 post cooldown.
Skill Name: Meet Your Darker Half
Skill Rank: S
Skill Description: A Dark Avenger may turn their foes' own shadows against them, breathing the life it has on the Dark Plane into its Material form. As the reflection of the target in the Dark Plane, an animated shadow retains the stats of its target for the purpose of grapples and combat. In the first round of its animation, the shadow may take a surprise attack or lock its target in a grapple. If the shadow's caster is currently engaged in melee combat, the shadow's grapple automatically succeeds due to its element of surprise. For every post that the opponent is grappled, they are given the ability to roll a d20 against the shadow to break free. The shadow is given a +4 bonus to its sustained grapple check, but the presence of bright light negates this bonus. A shadow cannot attempt to re-grapple its target once the grapple is brokent. The shadow may make physical attacks against its caster, the damage of which is equal to their target's rank, and it cannot separate from its target as it remains attached (at the feet, hands, etc.) Blinding light returns the shadow to an intangible state, and divine light destroys its bond to the Dark Avenger. The shadow remains animate for 5 posts, adheres to silent commands by the Dark Avenger, and reverts to a normal shadow at the end of the skill. This skill can be multiplied for a proportionate energy cost to animate separate shadows at once, and all above rules still apply. This skill has a standard 15 post cooldown, and a 30 post cooldown if multiplied.
Hand-to-Hand/Weapon Style(s)
-As an extension of his own being, Beyruun's weapon style is unique to itself, focusing primarilly on melee weapons but also offering skill in its pistol form..
-In hand to hand combat, Krayth strives to incapacitate his prey before killing them. It insures that he has control over the battle.
Summon: None
╫Character Description╫
Personality: Outwardly, Krayth is amicable and polite, but often very reserved. Due to his bloodline, he is highly suspicious of all individuals he does not know intimately -particularly humans for their blind hatred of Anima- or that he has not known for some time. His wit is often apparent when he speaks, and he will occasionally surprise others by making a joke. Usually, however, he uses his words sparingly. He is quick to anger and violence when those he cares for are threatened, and his sense of vengeance and retribution are both twisted and alarming.
Quote: "You are not fit to bear the soul you were given. I shall take it from you..."
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 187 lbs
Eye Color: Red and violet
Where do you come from? I do not know where I was born, but I have traveled around the world. For most of my life, I called the Wormwood Swamp my home. Now, it is The Devil's Eye.
Theme Song:
Battle Theme:
╫Background Information╫
Krayth was born to a household in the throes of chaos. Goaded into a frenzy by an evangelical doomsayer, the townsfolk of Riverwall had raised torches and blades against the Tal'Deraz homestead. Even as Pheena Tal'Deraz gave birth, Krayth's father Valdiir cut back zealot after zealot as they battered down the doors and tore through the windows to purify their lands of the Anima blight upon them. Valdiir's valor saw that they failed, but not completely. By sunrise the following morning, Pheena held her newborn son in her arms and wept over the body of her departed husband, buried by a mountain of the dead. The following day, Pheena burned their home and all the bodies within to ashes, and fled the land of Ernya forever.
For years, Krayth's life was uncomplicated. He enjoyed peace and love beside his doting mother in the seclusion of the Wormwood Marsh while she taught him to wield his companion, Beyruun. The creatures around them paid them little mind, and travelers either didn't care of didn't realize the manner of monsters that dwelt next to the road. From time to time, Pheena would invite a weary merchant or hunter into the comforts of her home. It was these moments when Krayth knew how different he was from other children. He took his first soul at the age of five while his mother pinned his hapless victim; Krayth was innocent to the idea that he was committing murder and violating his prey's very aspect of being.
Life proceeded in this uncomplicated way until a handful of other families moved into the region and began a settlement - one that included Pheena and her lovely son. Among their numbers were children of similar age, and one particular boy named Besrim Halgar. This Besrim would quickly become Krayth's best friend outside of Beyruun, and they often ran out into the marshes to play Hunter and Prey, or Find the Relic. It was one evening when they were 13 that Krayth first saw Besrim's true nature. The settlement had grown, and there were rumors of a were-beast lurking among them. Signs pointed to a woman named Hyli Redcraw, and when the fingers were finally pointed, she vanished. For some days, so did Besrim. Many in the settlement feared the worst, but Krayth suspected his friend was still alive. Determined to find Besrim, Krayth set out into the woods alone. Two days later, he found the Halgar boy dragging Hyli's fetid, mutilated corpse throughout the wilds. As Krayth observed his friend, he watched Besrim stoop to stab Hyli's corpse over and over, snarling the same words repeatedly.
Filthy, vicious, flesh eating beast-whore. Filthy, vicious, flesh eating beast-whore.
Besrim did this multiple times before Krayth finally mustered the courage to approach his "friend." He said he had feared for Besrim's safety, and followed him to his current camp. The human grinned, caked in blood, and said that he was safe but that they should hurry home -was his mother worried about him? From this point forward, Krayth never whispered a word to Besrim of his true blood. As fate would have it, he wouldn't have to. As Krayth grew, so did his supernatural hunger. At the age of 16, while Krayth and Besrim were trading goods to a neighboring settlement, The Anima no longer had the willpower to restrain his appetite. Under the cover of night, Krayth slipped away from camp and claimed the soul of a fair village girl. Unknown to him, this girl was fancied by Besrim, and also unknown to him was that Besrim had followed him that very night and witnessed the very act.
When Krayth returned to their camp, Besrim was gone. When he returned to their settlement, so was his mother. In her stead was a village thirsty with bloodlust, and they chased Krayth deep into the Marsh. There, as he scavenged for food and water, he stumbled upon his mother. Pheena was strung up to a tree, cut and burned into a spectacle that was beyond recognition except to her son. Krayth will remember the words carved into the tree beneath her, curving up from its roots and all the way to her flesh.
The mothers of monsters deserve naught to live. The whores of devils will die before more seeds can be sown. Behold, Pheena Tal'Deraz, whore b***h of Krayth Tal'Deraz, bearing the visage she has earned...The mothers of monsters deserve naught to live.
Four years passed. Krayth lived a lifetime of rage, anguish and hatred. He embraced the hunger inside him, and trained to the point of collapse everyday. His lust for revenge became his obsession, and the love he once held for life was extinguished. He lived only to end Besrim, and even his ultimate goal eluded him. The Anima slowly became the monster all humans assumed him to be.
It would have continued that way, had fate not intervened. One an eve of his 21st year, Krayth met a blue scaled woman in a distant Wormwood glade. She looked out over the water, and when he spoke to her she turned. Everything he saw in her eyes he felt inside himself. She was enraged; craved blood and destruction... revenge. Her mother had been brutally murdered, and left for all to see. In her, Krayth found a kindred spirit, and for the first time in many years he sat down and consoled her. If revenge was what she sought, he said, then she should not rest until she had it. Not for a moment. At that moment, her fury evolved into determination, and gratitude. It took great effort to part company from her, but he did. Before he left, they exchanged names. Azur Bascule... and he admired those words for many weeks of travel.
Then, the time came With the aid of his only friend and confidant, Calidan Greeves, Krayth discovered the location of Besrim Halgar. He had taken up residence in a derelict fortress in the mountains of the Kishu Tundra. Without sleep or delay, the duo traveled onward. When they reached the snowy lands of Rykros, they rested. Finally, a lifetime of of obsession and violence was coming to a head. Justice was at hand..
The ruins of Fort Adelarde, framed in snow and the light of a full moon, were more than a nightmare. Rotted bodies lined the weathered corridors -none of which were human, all of which were female. Some of the cadavers bore children. All were maimed, cut and dismembered. Their putrid odor filled every corner. Calidan was filled with fear, but Krayth did not hesitate. The death around him fueled his steps. Then, they saw him.
What had once been a man of youth and beauty was now a monster of madness and hatred. In Besrim's eyes was only fire and dementia. He took one look at Krayth, and with his ghastly tools in hand the human laughed aloud. "How long I have waited for this day! See my holy works! See how many of your poison kind have fallen! How many seeds I have crushed to dust! Now you will join them. Now--"
The door on the opposite side of Besrim's makeshift meat locker burst off of its hinges. From it stalked Azur Bascule, her body transformed into its true frame. The glistening were-serpent struck first, but it did not connect. Pandemonium ensued, and in the confusion, Besrim fled into the snow. Krayth could not find the words to express himself. Suddenly, the puzzle of his life made sense. Azur's mother had died by Besrim's hands. Their mothers suffered the same fate. Now, they would share in their revenge. Invigorated by this revelation, the trio charged out into the whirling twilight.
The battle was not easy. Besrim knew no pain, and his madness drove him to feats of terrible power. Necromancy rose the frozen dead from the Earth. Azur and Krayth's fire returned them to the soil, and filled the sky with steam. Amidst the chaos, Calidan Greeves met his end - Besrim's barbed spear glistened as it tore through the cutpurse's throat. Bleeding, wounded but fueled by newfound strength, Azur and Krayth made their final stand and triumphed... but as Besrim lay dying in the snow and Krayth rose his Exodus high above to tear through his heart and swallow his soul, the serial killer laughed.
"Yes... Take my soul. Witness my works. You will see... see everything."
Krayth claimed Besrim's soul, and it is a decision that will haunt him forever. All of the man's memories -witnessing Krayth slay his consort, the torture of his mother, Azur's mother, countless others... it raged within his mind beyond control. Most terrible of all was that those memories had a familiar feeling. One Krayth has felt for so many years, and as he lost conscious he realized with dread that he was not far from Besrim's own madness... he was on the verge of becoming the same monster.
He awoke to warmth, food and care. Azur had taken Krayth and the body of his friend back to the fort, and for many days while they tended each others wounds, the two kindred spirits buried the dead. Calidan came last, and from his body Krayth took a token of his friendship -Calidan's belt. Besrim's corpse would know no last rites, and Krayth took from it another token. Besrim still wore the necklace Krayth had fashioned for him so many years ago... The Anima's mind and very being were at war. His inner conflicts raged into a terrible climax, but all the while Azur remained. In the end, from so much death grew something new that neither creature had ever known. Love. Finally, when all the dead were at rest and Krayth found his inner peace, they parted from the ruins of their fateful battle.
They traveled together to many places. Their feet knew the ground of every nation, and everywhere they went they sought to right the wrongs of others. Their love grew, and grew with every villain slain, until they finally arrived in The Devil's Eye Desert. There, the many tribes of the desert knew the weight of oppression. A coven of Witch Doctors had enslaved the peoples, and forced them to die in their mines to harvest the desert's precious gems and minerals while they lounged in their lavish underground sanctum - a city large enough for hundreds but only shared by the tyrannical few. The tribesmen were proud, fierce and cultured, but they could not fight the powers that bound them. Compelled by their plight, Azur and Krayth rose up. The Revolution began slowly... fear turned to anger, and anger turned to violence. A witch doctor was slain in the open, and. suddenly there was blood in the desert. Tribes united against their oppressors, and following Azur Bascule's charge, they stormed the underground city and killed the Witch Doctors down to the last man.
Now, Krayth serves the Devil's Eye Desert as Lord Valdiir Tal'Deraz. For the first time in his life, he has found the acceptance of the people. Azur leads beside him -neither in front nor behind- as the Lady of The Devil's Eye. Finally, there is peace. Finally, there love had found a place to nest and call home. All seems well, despite the hardships ahead.
Until the nightmare came...
"You are not fit to wear the soul you bear..."
⇥|Krayth Tal'Deraz|⇤
The Black Knife | Master | Lord of The Devil's Eye Desert | Anima | Soul Shadow Stalker
Strength= 6 | Speed= 6
The Black Knife | Master | Lord of The Devil's Eye Desert | Anima | Soul Shadow Stalker
Strength= 6 | Speed= 6

-Skills Used-