Marimo woke up sore and hungry. It took him a while to remember what he was doing before loosing his senses. When he remembered Berry he nearly threw a baby brand tantrum there. Alone. In the middle of the forest. Dressed in girly clothing. He assumed Berry did that. He also found a letter besides him. Here it is:
"You are a werid fool, Dollie. Anyway, I will thank you a lot if you just go to the place you are told, go back to town and say I got there safe and sound and stuff.
See you... not, if I can help it.
Farewell, fool!
Marimo alone. In the forest. With only his clothes as earthly possesion. And they were girly clothes. He sighted. Well, help was not going to fall from the sky, so it was better to just go ahead and start his journey. It was the first time he was alone outside town. In fact, it was the first time he was outside his town.
To be continued...
BONUS: Here is a tektek of Berry and Marimo! I didn't do it before because of the lack of hair for Berry, but the new piggy tails are just what I needed for her as well as the tennis skirts:

And Berry when she smiles (her sincere smile, not the sarcastic one):

And ofcourse, I wouldn't have made just one for Marimo and let Berry without it, so now that Berry's is ready, here is Marimo's:

The leaf in his head is a memento of his mother. It is actually knitted. Is the single memento he could rescue from Berry's reverse spell frenzy, so he is now attached to it, even thought he didn't really like it in the first place.