Marimo could barely believe it. His eyes were wide open, his breath was heavy and accelerated. Blood was rushing all through his body. His temples were palpitating heavily. Scattered around the floor he saw ripped up plush toys that once were animated. The stuffing everywhere seemed grotesque. The few toys that were spared were hugging each other, too terrified to run away. Nileno was laying on the floor, unconscious and drooling. The scene was too surrealistic for Marimo's brain.
Elito came out of the tent. His face was pure angst. He went straight to where Nileno was. Elito quickly examined his partner, sighted and fell on his buttocks. Relieved, he informed Marimo that Nileno was alive, and just knocked off by a Marionette Spell.
A female voice came out of nowhere:
Then another female voice came from where the first one did:
-Is Nileno alive!?
Both voices were pleasant, but the worried tone of them ruined their musicality. Elito nodded like a child. A pale red haired woman came from behind some bushes. After her, a brunette woman came out. They both surrounded Nileno. Then the red haired one ran to Marimo, examined him and concluded:
-Marionette too! Why is he even awake?
Then she turned around and used some sort of hand language to communicate with the brunette. She turned around again and told Marimo:
-Come with us kid, our base is nearby, there we can all rest and talk about what happened.
Marimo spoke for the first time since he wished Elito and Nileno a good night:
-Who are you?
-Mikana, co-commander in chief of the Army of Cute. That girl over there is Kanami, the other co-commander in chief.
Marimo stood silent. Nileno and Elito said they were the enemy just some hours before. And now they were all caring for each other?
To be continued...
BONUS TEKTEKS (here's where you yell "yay!"
wink Mikana:

It looks a lot like my avi. XD I know, it's done on purpose.

She looks a lot like a person in my friendslist XD This characters are the reminiscence of my first days in Gaia O 3O and some chats I had with my first true gaian friend (who is not online anymore ; 3; ) Puzzles, wee hours, the marketplace, and plans of world conquest. I miss you, Moki.

Army of Cute Co-Commanders in Chief