Marimo was still afraid of Berry. He did not fear for his life this time, but still, he was concerned for his integrity. Berry made a very serious face, pulled the staff forward and hit Marimo's forehead with it. An image parade started to run all over his brain. Berry was, somehow, making the images go into Marimo's mind. The amusement he felt was quickly replaced by sadness and disapointment. He saw how the last ten governors of Hung Town inflated local peasants' fame, how a butcher was made into a legendary beast slayer with mere words. Ilitterate jerks were turned into exquisite bards, vulgar thugs into honorable knights, and dirty wenches into mystical mages. Even their statues were a lie. They were made out of chewed cardboard and paited golden.
Marimo made a huge effort not to cry. Yes, Hung Town was a failure. His heros were a failure. He wondered if his family, and himself were also failures. Then he watched Berry's ever so bored face. And he felt angry. Irrationally, stupidly angry. He drew his wand out and without a second thought, threw a fireball straight to her forehead. She dodged it almost by miracle.
Marimo just yelled a weird battlecry and ran forward. Berry jumped aside and crawled up a tree. Marimo started hitting a tree. He got his hads wounded by doing that, but he kept on doing it. Berry grabbed a thick tree branch, jumped down exaclty behind Marimo and smacked him senseless. Then she turned the branch into a rope, yelling EKANSAOTNINRUT and tied him down.
To be continued...
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