Age: ????
Race: Altered Human. (Due to some testing done on him since birth, he's been considered more then human.... also showing sign of transformation when pushed far enough.)
Abiltys/Weapons: He's 20x that of normal human stats, in intelgence, power, speed, and healing factor. he has high jump capabiltys and great sight. He has aslight transformation (In-closed info). His armor has a long blade attched to the left arm. He is ablly to retract it into the suit, as if to say it was a part of him.

Info: Masa, is the name of the ultimate soilder project, started the second he began developing in the womb of his mother. throughout time, he has only been used as a last resort in wars, or important battles. He's used to the pain of torture, hardly anytihng affects him, but he can be slowed down and defeated. Constintly thrown into life or death situations, and never being shown true kindness. he knows all that he would need to know about the world and he's almost perfect. Though theres a catch, Only with his suit and mask is he the super soilder that he is now. These things made to give him full control of his power and intelgence. Without them, he is merly a confused human being with uncontrolable power in his hands.He has just recently escaped from his holding, and continues to hide from his creators, wishing for rest from his purpose.