Chapter 2: The Meeting...
The thud of a broken man crashed into the wall, somewhere in the dark mansion, People in homes nearby could hear his screams but only locked there doors and windows. "PLEASE!!!! DON'T!!!! I-I-I-I HAVE A FAMILY-GAHHHHH!......." The silence was to perfect, but if you were there you could hear it...The swallowing of his blood in large massive gulps, his body twiching before falling into a pale state and going dry. She snatched her fangs from his neck, hissing with disappointment. Her silver hair covered her face slightly, but her glowing topaz eyes flared through the strands. She drank so much, but felt empty, as if she drunk no blood at all. He clothing was torn, barly keeping her parts covered, but did good enough as a sensor. "Nothing..... Nothing at all..." She growled walking out of the back room and toward the front where the moonlight filled the empty room. It was a midnight blue color, and the room seemed untouched, except for one corner, Which she walked to and sat in, pressing her face into her knees. She sat there and and seemed to just freeze, slowly blending into the room, waiting for the next one to come for her.
Two days passed by when suddenly, deep into the midnight hour she rose up, sniffing wildly into the air. Her eyes flared up in shock. "Th-That smell.... So.... strong......." She walked toward the door almost in a daze. "So... this is the mansion?" Kudo whispered the mayor of the town, who was by now trembling at the sight of the mansion. "Y-Yes... please, be careful and take care of the job.... Your money will be here waiting for you......" He quickly ran off, feeling as if he would have died if he stood there any longer. Kudo watched, unaware of how serious things were here. He could hear the doors being locked and window shutters slamming shut. He shrugged and walked to the door of the old mansion, pushing it open and looking into the blackness.
"Hello....." He called out as he walked the dark halls of the mansion. Her eyes glowed as she scanned his body, she could tell he had much blood in him, and her eyes could see it flowing in his veins. it looked just as amazing as it smelled, it almost shined red in his veins. She blushed, her body wanting to taste it badly. But she knew that it was too soon to attack. She moved about swiftly, going up ahead of him through some passageways she made in her spare time. "I know your in here vampire.... Aren't you hungry?......Are you a chick? I hope so..." He said in a perverted sense, walking on without a care. She was annoyed by his attitude, Hoping for a more serious victim. "Easy prey..." She growled quietly. Kudo stopped suddenly, his face and aura now what she was wanting. She was hidden so that she could see him, but he could see her. She grew abit nervous now. "He...heard me?" She whispered to her self. He looked up directly at her, though she herself was not in his view. She shook her head in denial, But his stance shifting and his fist pulling back convinced her. She barley dodged his uppercut as it rose up through the ceiling. Kudo caught the edge and climbed up, both of them now face to face. the air was still, there glares equal as if they were both one in the same. her topaz glow to his violet glow. "My name is Kudo.... Pleased to meet you.." he said in a gentle voice. She said nothing in response and remained still. "And your name?" He asked getting ready to attack. She whispered. "Elvera......" He smiled suddenly. I'm glad to have finally gotten a name out of someone... I look forward to our-" She cut him off, literally, her claw launching him into the wall. She quickly darted for him, trying desperately trying to reach his neck. Her haste was her downfall, Kudo knocking her back across the room. the towns people were slowly stepping out into there doorways to listen to the wild fight the raged on down the road. They fought into the hours of the morning, stopping to take breaths finally.
Kudo was badly bruised, as was Elvera at this point to. She was done fighting him, her hunger for his blood now reaching its limits. "RAHAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The shock wave of her roar shattered the windows of the mansion, and some in the town, the people holding onto anything nearby. Kudo was slowly losing consciousness from the power of her roar, his ears bleeding now. His eyes flared up violet, as his fist lite up on fire as he jabbed it toward her. The fire put a silence to her roar, an explosion followed that broke the the wall and left a large hole in the room to the outside. "Take that...." he was still un focused due to her attack, but she walked toward him, his body slightly burned. He watched her, his body ignoring his commands to move. She quickly bite harshly into his neck, , the scar left on the other side of his neck glowed abit before stopping. Elvera was Lost in bliss, his blood everything she imagined it would be. "Amazing..... So... good...... More....More...." She thought to her self, drinking at an alarming rate. A few moments passed and silence filled the room. She pulled away, full to burst and looked at him in shocked. He was still alive and not the least be pale, showing no signs of blood loss. "I-I-I-I-I-IMPOSSIBLE!!!!" She cryed out crawling away from him. Kudo's eyes slowly opened, and he began to stand up. "Had your fill.....Your a pure blooded vampire if you find such pleasure in my blood..." He said rubbing his neck. Her bite mark was still in his neck, not fading from his neck. "Your just like her....." he whispered walking toward her. Elvera stepped back, afraid of what someone like this would do next. He leaned down to her, looking her in the eyes. "I feel like..." She finshed his sentence. "This isn't going to end soon....." They slowly moved in, there lips touching now. This would be the true start of the star crossed pair.... The Vampire has found her flame.
To be continued~
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It is fantastically writen though! I love it so much and look forward to reading more!