Chapter 5: To the city -part1-
The night's air was cold, reaching down below zero by 10:00. The Tree's were slowly clearing out as the two walked slowly. Kudo lead her on, His body heat rising to keep him at his comfort zone, unfortunately Elvera didn't have such Leisure. She glared at him, wondering now about who that women was and what His connection to her was. Kudo stopped at the cliff ahead of them, Looking out to Vast plains and mountains in the distance. "The next city is beyond there... We'll have to leave in the morning though.. walking there now isn't a good idea." Kudo said turning back to the tree's. He Took his time taking down 3 trees and making a small hut with it. he used what was left to start a fire for her. "Why do all of that?" She asked with a grin. He pointed up at the sky, Dark clouds were slowly creeping in above them. "Yeah, it'll probably rain soon." He said sitting by the open flame. She sat across from him and stared him down. Kudo slowly getting annoyed by this smirked and asked, "What is it..." She pointed to him just as he spoke. "Who was that Women back there... and what is her connection to you..." She asked with haste. "Why should i explain myself to yo-" She jumped over the flame and pressed his head into the ground. "I saved your life! Now tell me!" Kudo sighed and waited for her to let go of him. She sat up slowly with her arms crossed.
"Long time ago... When i was a kid... In order for me to learn how to control my power, My master sent me out into an almost endless forest to train my self. After weeks of intense practice i was starting to learn more about my power, and had a basic understanding of it. In the middle of this training, I met a girl named Lisa, who was about my age... She seemed nice and she was kind as well. She was lost in the forest and had been searching for away out for days. I stopped my training to help her find away out. We fought against some of the larger animals, but defeated them with ease. Days passed by and we made little progress....That's when suddenly she fell to the ground hugging her self and crying. She was hungry... I offered her food and fruit but she didn't want it. I realized then that she was a vampire, and need blood. Although she tried not to resist, she gave in and bite me, sucking as much as she could get out of me. I was shocked to find that It didn't effect me, which was another ability in my arsenal. But after she took her fill....." Kudo looked away, Never wanting to get to this point in his past. Elvera pushed him, unaware of what he was thinking. "Well?" He spoke softly now. "She literally destroyed me... She tore in to my skin with her claws, attacked me until i couldn't move, and It felt like it would never end." Elvera seemed saddened by his story, apologizing for it as if she had some part in it. "I woke up sometime later back in my master home, and I wouldn't be able to do anything for the next few weeks...." Kudo sighed staring up at the star filled sky. "I never really like to think about it much.... But it seems like when ever a vampire gets a taste of my blood they lose control of them selves and try to kill me....But afterward them seem to have a taste for my blood alone..." Elvera looked down at him and lowered her eyes. "I-I know what it feels like... to be Hurt so much...." She whispered to him.
Another hour into the night it began to rain, Kudo and Elvera were sitting back to back, Kudo now listening to her past story. " It all started when i was 7...My childhood wasn't that bad... Until One day while me and my mother were out in the lake...My mother picked up the scent of my fathers blood in the air.. I was still young and didn't really understand much of what was going on but i could tell it wasn't good. She quickly got me out of there, but then.... She....." Elvera shuddered abit. "Forget it... I don't to say any more.." Kudo looked back. "I never asked you to-" He pushed him forward, making his head hit the top of the shelter. "Gahhh!!!" He shouted rubbing his head now. a single drop of blood rolled down his forehead. The scent from that one drop set her off, the shelter quickly breaking down as she grabbed for him and he dodged. The next morning, Kudo was sitting up on a ledge just big enough to support him on the side of the cliff. He was asleep in his curled up position, though it seemed impossible. Elvera was up on the edge, looking down at him. "He'll be up soon....." She stood up and looked around, walking back to the forest and searching for a lake."He'll need food.....Fish should due..." She said as she sniffed around for water.
Kudo woke up awhile after she left, aware of his situation, he remained still. "Okay... The flame Kick... its like a double jump if your skilled enough to use it...Although Master Flame could actually fly around..." Kudo shook of his head wildly. "Concentrate!" He said jumping forward and then turning in mid air. He kicked his legs back, fire shooting from them and pushing him back and up toward the cliffs edge. He barely caught it, this being his first try at the technique. "Woo...I did it..."Kudo said trying to scamper up the edge. After getting up there, His stomach growled madly, since he hadn't eaten anything for about a day now. "And on to the next challenge..." he sighed heavily looking up to the sky. The scent of fish began to approach him slowly, Forcing him to sit up and look to it source. " Hungry?" Elvera asked holding the bundle of fish. She tossed it at Kudo who was a bit dazed. He snapped out of, as well as snapping his fingers toward the fish and burned them to his liking as they reached him. He snatched one from the air and chewed like a savage. Elvera seemed abit annoyed by the way he eat. "To think... you fought on par with me.."She said sitting down across from him.
Later on Kudo was walking with a full stomach, glad to have gotten a good meal. "I owe ya one...Thanks alot." he said smiling to Elvera who walked by his side. She blushed abit, not used to being thanked, or even smiled at. "yeah.... Well If i'm going to get any more of your blood i have to keep you alive, right?" She said with a grin now. Kudo was running up ahead by the time she looked back to him, the mountains were now in full view. "H-Hey! get back here!" She shouted running off after him.
Far off in the mountains they were headed towards were two figures wrapped in cloaks. one of them looked to them through a pair of binoculars, the other smirking from where they stood. "And there the ones were after?" The one with the smirk asked. "Yes...There the ones we need to worry about..." He replied, his voice deep and dark. They vanished from where they stood in the mountains, Kudo and Elvera unknowingly walking right where they want them. The vampire and her flame walk into a great darkness, shall there light reveal to them there path?
To be continued~
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