Age: He is the eldest living Lycan, and his age is not precisely known. His age, based on rumor, ranges from three hundred years to the Birth of his Race.
Birth: Rasmus was born during the Renaissance, in Florence, Italy. He was bitten almost immediately after his birth.
Personality: He is the Godfather of the last remaining Lycan packs, who bow to him out of both custom and respect. As such he regards all things, even vampires, as his equals. He is respectful, honest, and virtuous to the point of being saintly. While he harbors what is arguably the greatest enmity of the Vampire race, he does not act upon it. He allows the packs to fight in the name of their kin, and offers them his blessings as well as his ancient strength.
Looks: He is ancient. With his age also came the inability to control his form, and as such he is forever trapped in his werewolf state. His fur is a slick, gleaming gray-white that is speckled with streaks of both black and blue hairs on his back and forehead. He is a massive being, weighing near two hundred pounds and standing over 7 feet tall. However, the weight that he has is little more than flacid muscle. His bones have slowly weakened with time to the point that he, himself, is the equivalent of an old human. He bears hundreds of scars and imperfections in his coat from the wounds of countless battles. The most notable are two long jagged gashes that run across his eye sockets. His eyes are opaque and gray, betraying the fact that he is blind to the physical world.
Other/Weapons/Race: He has no weapons beyond his claws, which he was once able to use with perfect grace on the battlefield. Now, his only weapon is his wisdom which he does not regard as a weapon but a shield for his kin.
Name: Llars 'Lion' Ericson
Age: 20
Birth: Los Angeles, California
Personality: Arrogant and Metrosexual, Lawrence is the pupil of Rasmus in regards to his training. He feels that Lycans are without argument the most superior species on Earth, and finds that anyone who believes otherwise is a fool in denial. Extremely debonair and smug, he is more driven by his sexual urges than anything at this stage in his life (This is a trait Rasmus strives to wean Llars of) He is almost entirely in his Lycan form, as he finds it not only more attractive but more intimidating.

Once a prodigal athlete and gymnast, his Lycanthropy developed in a way which made him more physiologically feline than canine. His body is extremely lean, lithe, and flexible and his muscles have developed to perfectly compliment those traits. He is only 5' 9" tall, but he is built to be agile and fast, as opposed to resilient and strong. His physique could be perfectly described as "Track Runner/ Gymnast" He has a dark and lustrous black coat in his Lycan form (And black hair as a human), and emerald green eyes.
Other/Weapons/Race: Llars uses two semi-automatic Skorpion machine pistols in combination with an antique bolt-action Mannlicher Carcano hunting rifle. For melee combat, he has a switchblade.
Name: Rage (Later known as Red)
Age: Nearing 70 years old
Birth: Born in Poland, and lived most of his young life in Auschwitz, a Nazi Concentration Camp.
Bio: Born into a Jewish family in Poland already suffering in Auschwitz, the unnamed child who would later be come to be known as Rage was confiscated as "Lab Material" for experiments regarding disease and germ warfare. He was subjected to tests of pain and "re-educationing" torture throughout his childhood, but was not killed because of his blond hair and blue eyes. At the age of six, he was exposed to Lycanthropia during an experiment in which he was injected with several unknown diseases to document their affects. He became immune to the other virii through his sudden transformation, and was sent to the "showers" at the age of ten. He tore through the metal door of the chamber, and escaped the camp shortly before Allied forces overwhelmed the German occupying force. He was found by Rasmus, butchering the families of Aryan bred men and women without discrimination or remorse. Rasmus was barely able to contain Rage, and over time bred in the hateful soul a small semblance of mercy and humanity.
Personality: Rage is two people. The first is Rage, the product of a decade of torture and pain brought upon the life of an innocent child. Rage is nothing but hatred, purely concentrated into a being who wished to eradicate the cruelty of humanity from the Earth. He operates in a pure state of bloodlust, but because of his early exposure to this feeling he is able to process logical thoughts and strategies which makes him a terrifying opponent to face. The second is Red, the troubled beast who strives to be kind to all things living. He is in many ways Rasmus' brain child- respectful, honorable and dutiful. He has great pride of his lineage, despite his terrible birth into it.
Looks: Because he was exposed to Lycanthropia before he experienced puberty, the disease completely affected his physiology in both his human and Lycan form. He stands 6' 7" and over 230 pounds, all of which are either muscle, bone, or his organs. As a human, he is blond haired and blue eyed. Both of these qualities have been exaggerated to the point that his hair is nearly white, and his eyes look like sapphires. In his Lycan form, he is almost completely hunched over and built more as a Wolf than a man. His hair in this state is the color of dried blood.
Others/Weapons/Race: He uses his environment as a weapon. Beyond that, he needs nothing.
Name: Caniis 'Fenrir' Alpha
Age: As old as the eldest of animals. Caniis roamed the world at the dawn of all life.
Sex: Male
Personality: He is the voice of the Wild, calling to his half bretheren to save their kin and land. He beckons all things that value life to bond together in harmony and defend one another. He is the primal desire to live, and to grow strong in each of us. He is the all knowing collective being of the Wolves.
Weapon of Choice: Caniis has no weapons. He is physically harmless.
Rank: Caniis has no rank. He is all that he is. To the Lycans of "The Union" he is God.
Special Skills: He is ethereal, having no corporeal form and no "weakness". An indomitable spirit, the only thing that might harm Caniis is another spirit.
Bio: He was the first true Wolf, a being larger than a car. He wandered the frozen wastes of the earth with the Mammoths and Saber-Tooth tigers, before the time of man. Countless offspring were conceived by his seed, heralding the first true Canine race. He lived for many centuries with his mate, until he was slain in his packs defense by a horde of migrating Arctic Bears. So great was his spirits strength and so indomitable was his will that it defied the call of Death, choosing to roam the world and watch over his growing pack. Then came the Age of the Lycan, and this great spirit fathered among them a select few -Lycans of great ideologies and justice who sought to unite the creatures of nature. Without a physical form Caniis was without a voice. This changed in the Age of Darkness, when a rogue sect of Magii attempted to summon a great and terrible spirit of nature to depose their Kingdom's ruler. Finding each of these humans unfit to guide him out of their selfish want he broke free of their chains and used his brief moments of tangible form to bound through the forest, tethering his spirit to the life force of a lonely boy. In this way, he found his voice.
Appearence: A massive, incomprehensible pulsing form of light shimmering from its core the essence of Caniis in his power and his strength. Between pulses, the figure of a giant wolf is barely visible with a coat of pure white fur and eyes bluer than the purest ocean water. When it breaths, plumes of smoky intangible vapor escape from its mouth as thought the might creature is still travelling the frozen world unto which it was born.

Name: Gregor 'The Wanderer' Vasilieiv
Age: Nearing 900 years old. He appears to be 90, shrunken and ancient.
Sex: Male
Personality: Enigmatic. He is a mystery in himself. Being the body of Fenrir has granted him the wisdom of Nature and the Wild, intuning him with all manner of wild dogs and beasts. He is kind beyond kind, and understanding beyond understanding. He has few enemies, and loves all things in life that work towards peace and harmony. The only hatred he holds in his heart is for the Undead, the Vampires who seek to enslave humanity and to exterminate, through genocide, Fenrir's children.
Weapon of Choice: He carries with him a cane with which to help him walk. It is a massive pole of marble, adorned with the carved head of a great wolf. He does not use it to fight. He is too weak to do so.
Rank: He is the 'Father' of The Union, leader of their order.
Special Skills: The voice of Fenrir speaks through him, and while Gregor has never truly been a Lycan, the spirit of Fenrir within him has granted him the power to transform into the Wolf incarnate. It has never been done before, because manifesting the power of Fenrir outside of his spirit would result in Gregor's death. He does not have the strength to survive the return from such a form.
Bio: Born to a poor Siberian family, Gregor knew the hardship of the cold and the hungry. He lost his mother to Typhus when he was a young boy and worked their family's frozen fields when he was only five. Despite the terrible suffering he and his father faced, he knew no greater love than that of the world. He was a vigilant Christian and a devout Husband when the time came to marry. One week before the fateful night of his possession by Fenrir, his father and his son were taken as cattle by a Vampire. Unable to forgive himself for allowing his dearest child and father to fall into the hands of despair, he fell into great darkness. He was stumbling through the forest, barely coherent and entirely drunk when Fenrir came to him and saw the love and duty that still lived on in him, hidden by his shadow of grief. From that day forward, Gregor regained hope. He returned to his wife, and conceived both a son and daughter. Unfortunately, given the great strength that now lived within him he did not age as they did, and he watched as his wife withered in her old age and died. He was shunned from the village in which he lived, declared a warlock and chased during the Crusades. It was only after three hundred years that he met his first Lycan and after meeting his pack came to tell them, and show them, the great spirit of Fenrir. They took him in as one of their own, regarding the spirit inside him as their great father.
Appearence: A wild mane of wispy white hair flows from the crown of his head and from his chin, swallowing his face in a sea of snow. He is a tiny man, his age having shrunken and dwindled his body to little more than Five feet in height. He walks with a hobble, centuries of traveling having worn down his feet and knees. His leathery, tanned skin is wrinkled beyond belief. In many ways, he could be considered a mummy.

Lycan Appearence: It is impossible to tell what Fenrir manifest would look like, as such an event has yet to come to pass.
Name: Richard Hart
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Personality: On the surface he is open, inquisitive and trusting. Internally he is as trusting as he is honest. He cannot confide in other humans because of his cursed Lycanthropy, and will not fraternize with Lycans because they are monsters in his eyes. He has an addictive personality and is both an alcoholic and a diagnosed schizophrenic. His diagnoses was arguable, and many doctors question his results. Richard does not, but also is not completely sure he is sane. There are days when he finds himself catatonic, having no desire (or possibly ability) to speak to others.
Weapon of Choice: A six round Colt Python revolver. Its barrel has been extended one inch for increased accuracy, and he carries a detachable scope in his jacket pocket. The weapon is very accurate but obviously slow to reload. Most recently, he has begun to carry around an additional firearm, a Glock 18 with semi automatic and automatic firing modes. He uses extended magazines which allow for 31 rounds instead of the customary 17. The Colt is holstered under his left arm. The Glock is holstered at his left hip. A switchblade can also be found in his jacket. It has an ivory handle and a finely tempered blade. On it are the initials "W.Hart" It was his father's, and Richard considers it to be an extremely lucky item.
Rank: Richard works alone, and is not a part of The Union.
Special Skills: He is one of the best shooters in Satchima city, having won numerous awards and cash prizes at shooting galleries as well as exhibiting his effectiveness while on the field. He is also an incredibly observant individual, able to pick up on things that no one else can see. This, in conjunction with his new Lycan instincts, makes him one of the sharpest sleuths in the world.
Bio: Satchima City has been Richard's home since his birth. His father was a well known and decorated Police Officer and had been awarded the key to the city for his vigilance in upholding justice. Inspired by his father but also wanting to make his own name, Richard became a detective. He was the best of Satchima's best until he received a call regarding a series of grizzly murders. He followed clue after clue until finally cornering the murderer in his den... literally. The man was a Lycan, and until that day Richard never believed in Lycans or Vampires. The Lycan charged at Richard and he was barely able to draw his firearm. However, it was only after he had been bitten that he managed to incapacitate his attacker. From that day forward, the better part of his life has been a hallucination and a nightmare. He wakes up in alleys, his clothing ripped apart and his face and fingers smeared with blood. He hears distant howling every night, and his ears have become increasingly sensitive to sound. Unable to make sense of his descent into Lycanthropy Richard has taken up booze, and still continues his work as a Detective. Recently, business has been bad. It seems like the murdered are quickly outnumbering the murderers... and he has begun hearing voices. Voices calling him to become what he is, and save himself from the coming storm.

5'11", weighing 160 pounds.
Lycan Appearence: Rage
Name: Elwood 'Eyes' Sondheim
Age: Appears 27
Sex: Male
Personality: Confident, brave and loyal to a fault. Elwood has been a long standing member of Iron Heart. He believes that the virtues of Fenrir are to be practiced above all else, and that Vampires are the very antithesis to the peace which the Great Spirit preaches. He does not drink, nor does he smoke. He has tuned his body to be a perfect instrument, and has spent countless days confining himself to dark rooms, and solitary meditation. He thrives off the presence and personality of others, but alone he is at his strongest.
Weapon of Choice: Elwood owns two firearms, both rifles. One is his Mannlicker Gewehr, the rifle he used to hunt and his weapon of choice. He is perfectly in tune with this weapon, knows exactly how it fires, is affected by wind, kick and can reload it as if it were a pistol. The second is a Barrett M-82, a rifle which he rarely brings beyond the Den of The Union except for 'special occasions' as it is much heavier and harder to conceal. Additional weapons he carries is an ancient longsword given to him by Gregor itself. The blade is inlaid with gold melted down from holy relics of The Vatican. Its blade is extremely lethal against vampires, having an even more severe affect on them than Holy Water. He carries two additional hunting knives, each blade tempered and doused with holy water at their creation.
Rank: Elwood is the Alpha Male of The Union. He is Gregor's most prized pupil and confidante.
Special Skills: Having been a hunter all his life, Elwood knows how to vanish without a trace. He can conceal his scent, his footprints and finger prints. In the city, he has mastered the ability of blending into a crowd and disappearing. In the wild he is little more than a ghost. He is a skilled swordsman, but his skill in melee combat is dwarfed by his abilities as a sharp shooter. He can gage a perfect hit through wind, rain, sleet and snow. He also fully grasps the Coreolis Effect, and how it affects a bullet.
Bio: Elwood was born into a long line of hunters. Raised to appreciate each life he took and to treat his firearm as his child, he was educated in the ways of hunting and surviving the wilds. One numerous occasions he had brushes with death, including having to fight off a charging bear. He survived each, and grew stronger from every encounter. His first encounter with a Lycan was in the forest after being sent to track and hunt an animal that had been butchering sheep in the fields. What he saw did not phase him, but at the same time he was unable to overpower the creature. He was grievously injured by the Lycan, who escaped after the conflict. After weeks of slow recover, Elwood felt the call of the wild. He stood, to his doctor's amazement, and walked out of the cabin. He never returned to his family. Now, he is the Iron Heart's sharpshooter. A prodigy with rifles.

Lycan Appearence: The Hunter
Name: Susanna Cross
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Personality: Unstable. Possibly bipolar but not clinically tested.
Weapon of Choice: Two 1911 .45 caliber Colt pistols. They belonged to her lover, and she carries them with her wherever she goes. She uses lead bullets soaked in mashed garlic, lethal to both humans and vampires if they ******** with her. Beind so young and supple she is also the fastest and most agile of the Iron Heart, able to out sprint and out climb any of the other Lycans. She can also fit into tiny spaces which makes her ideal for hiding, ambushing and spying. She has a butterfly knife as well, also soaked in garlic.
Rank: Gamma by nature, but respected as a Delta in The Union.
Special Skills: Due to her height and weight, Susanna is the most nimble Lycan in The Union. She is considered their 'Runner.' The role of a runner is to carry messages to a respective party and doge all obstacles in between. She is extremely agile and flexible, and is capable of hiding in the smallest of spaces. She is fights dirty, and is one of the craftier members of The Union.
Bio: Sexually abused by her father and then disowned by her mother after attempting to escape her father, she has lived on the streets of Satchima city since she was twelve. Forced to be both a child prostitute and a thief, her life was a literal hell until she was the age of sixteen. She met a man who offered to rescue her, and treated her well. Despite being at least twenty years older than her, Susanna fell madly in love with the man because of his desire to help her. Acting on a plan to lure her pimp to the police, Susanna managed to seduce her drunk procurer out into the forest. There, she watched her hero turn into a werewolf and tear him apart. She was not fazed. In fact, she for him to bite her and transmit his disease into her so she could follow him. He did so, and for one year they were lovers. This man, Lawrence, was disemboweled by a vampire using a silver knife. She returned to their apartment to find him strung up to the fan with his own intestines. She joined the Iron Heart to try and find peace of mind. However, she has her own vendetta...

5'0" 100 pounds.
Lycan Appearence: Cross
Weapon of Choice:
Special Skills:
Lycan Appearence:
Weapon of Choice:
Special Skills:
Lycan Appearence:
Weapon of Choice:
Special Skills:

Lycan Appearence:
Weapon of Choice:
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Lycan Appearence:
((From an old Pirate RP :] Another of my favorite characters))
Gaia Name: Bayne Tarrok
Character Name: Rodrick "The Gnasher" Wolfbane
Age: 43
Pirate Band: Black Depths Freebooters
Crew Name: The Dog's Spite
Favored Weapons: His own claws, and his Cutlass. His Cutlass is a bit of a legend. It was said that it was once the weapon of Lord Nicholas Briar, a Pirate hunter of legendary repute until Rodrick (he claims) ripped his throat from his neck in the heat of a fierce raid on his ship, and pried the blade from his twitching fingers. The blade is made of an incredibly strong metal, and is an astounding 40 inches in length, which makes it long enough to be considered a two handed blade. However, Rodrick wields it with a single hand. There is a large ruby in the pommel of the handle, and tied across the cross guard of the blade is a gold medallion that has seen alot of wear. It was a gift from his late mother, who was also a priate.
Appearance: Rodrick is a Wulf man, considered in England to be a "Lycan." He stands at 6 feet and 3 inches tall when upright, and weighs in at 220 pounds of corded and feral muscle. His fur coat is a rich chestnut brown, but has recently begun to show the gray of his age. His eyes are emerald green in color, and his left eye bears a large scar running close by it.
Short Bio: Rodrick was the child of a tavern wench and a small time pirate captain. When his father was captured and hung for Piracy, his mother took the flag for him, leading her crew on a rage fueled rampage that lasted only two weeks before she was gunned down at a port near Scotland. Rodrick was fifteen at the time, and since then has worked his way up the Pirating chain until he came into the Captain's position of The Dog's Spite. His crew is nearly all Lycan, save for the few others who have made their way into his crew through ferocity and cunning alone. He is renowned for his faith in his crew, loyalty to his men, and seething hatred for Englishmen.