Well, another chapter of my boring life. I call it "Boromina." It is the little world of boredom that I have become a dictator over. BUHAHAHA!
Well, I am sitting here, eating sunflower seeds. Yum.
Well, for you fools who were wondering, I named my pet Chocobo Chokie. He loves his name, I knoes it!
I gives him a cracker.
:.Ranting Time.:
I am a basketball player and my sister decided to go into my room to get something. I don't mind her going into my room to get something AS LONG AS she leaves my stuff alone, and doesn't throw everything everywhere. I think I just about...lost my cool last night when I got home. She threw my books all over the place, I had to pick up all my clothes that she threw everywhere. She is 13, you would expect her to know better, but no.
I got home at 11 'o clock last night, and then when I wanted to go to bed I had to play scavenge hunt for my school work. It was not fun. >.<
::.Rant Over.::
Hm. I had to watch a video about the human body today. It was interesting. I just wish people in my class would be more mature about the video showing human body parts that didn't even show the whole thing. One mention of the word of the body part and the class laughs and giggles. I mean it IS the human body.
Get over it people. Well, I guess I will have to get over the fact that they are all ninth graders anyway. Oh well.
I think I will put up a small friends list.
Best Friends:
and...Dakota. -Sighs.-
Katie...[Darling, you better not be getting into trouble. Or else, I will hurt you.]
I heard in health class that if you write down your feelings you will be healthier because your body produces more of some type of hormone or something along those lines that boost your immune system. She made us keep a ten day journal. It was interesting, I shall tell you that. It made me less stressed though. I used that journal of Wellness to my full advantage.
One thing though, since when did health class involve community service?
Oh well, I still haven't turned in my approval sheet anyway. Oh well. I am surprised I don't care though, I mean usually I am a 'get homework done' freak. /)_-;
Once again oh well...
Talk to you all laters!